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Bizz's Choral Mafia


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Me thinks secret voter is trying to hinder the town.

"No lynch huh. Well guess we better go to sleep" Brittany said while yawning as she went towrd her room.

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Vig, whoever you are, shoot either DAGRON or Core. I would prefer that you shoot DAGRON, just so you know. If worst comes to worst, DAGRON will have been town, and we can lynch Core tomorrow.

So Mr. Vig. Please shoot DAGRON tonight.

And doctor. Please do me a favor and either be on me, or somebody else. But not on DAGRON or Core.

Also Doctor and Vig. If you find that you trust me, please feel free to contact me.

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I wonder,can the secret voter send in their vote without posting one?If not,then the secret voter is Mordecai,as General Spoon is clearly the friendly,and I have given my evidence for Core being mafia.If not,then the secret voter is someone who didn't vote,but either way,neither me nor BK are the secret voter.

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Then the secret voter is almost assuredly one of the following:

Lux Aeterna



Isaac 55

Those who voted for DAGRON are unlikely candidates,Myself and BK cannot be the secret voter,DAGRON would have no reason to save himself in secret,and Messy Mike has not been around recently.

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Night actiooonss

Come on inactive people, get in here

By the way, would anyone be interested in me hosting a second game sometime?

Edited by Bizz
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Night actiooonss

Come on inactive people, get in here

By the way, would anyone be interested in me hosting a second game sometime?

I would, however i would be less active depending on how much i like the gme i'm going to get in roughly 2 weeks.

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Flavor text!~


It was the very heart of dusk, and no one was truly in slumber at this point. Amanda kept watch behind a securely locked door. Lorena read by dim candlelight, perusing through every word carefully as if it might be her last chance to ever be able to be immersed in such engrossing literature ever again. Sophie lie in bed weeping with a fatigued Blas fruitlessly attempting to comfort the girl that could have already been lost to hopelessness.

A lone girl stepped out of her room in a vigilant, resolved manner, shoulders high and with boldness abound. Her eyes scanned the blackness that was the hallway, and her acute sense of hearing picked up the strangest whisper in the air, a zephyr of wind that delivered an ominous message to her ear. She twirled around- the moonlight emanating from one of the windows helped her to make the most obscure outline of someone in the distance; though it was vague, she knew right away that she wasn’t alone. She held her crossbow steady, an alternate weapon after her sword was previously used to end the terror that ruled the night before.

The shadow came closer, revealing the outline to be a bulkier man that moved through the darkness stealthily without falter. Jessica stepped back, raising her weapon higher in an attempt to keep her aim firm. She heard a sadistic chuckle. “Out pretty late, aren’t we?” His voice was instantly recognized, and the Bronze sash around his waist shimmered.

“Morgan- you’re Morgan. The one they call Vivace.”

“Yes, yes- my liveliness and vivacity were always the main subjects of my concerts,” the man answered, “You know more about me than I thought you would… my dear Jessica.”

“I knew you were a part in all of this,” The vigilante hissed, “You never showed your face at any of our meetings.”

“Of course. Didn’t feel you truly needed my presence there; I’m not much help, after all.” He smirked, which was barely visible in the faint light. “I feel that I should fulfill vengeance for our voice of music.” There was the metallic sound of a large blade being drawn; Jessica held her ground.

“So, you know it was me.”

“I watch all of you in the night, but I only do what I am ordered to do. I felt no particular attachment to the Grand Master herself- the only concept I am dedicated to is music. Whatever the Voice told me, I obeyed with no hesitations. I feel no regrets, no remorse for what I do or whose lives I end.” He continued to laugh in a low tone and slowly advanced forward. Jessica froze then as the shocking realization emerged into the light. Finally, it was clear.

“… You did it. You’re Silvia’s murderer,” Jessica muttered, the pieces finally coming together, “You were the one.”

Morgan’s endless amusement with this situation did not cease. “Yes, yes- you’ve got me! I promise you, her voice was so marvelous that it was a shame to waste such a precious gift that she had. She had the music in her- just like Lillian; she was a beautiful, prodigal angel that regretfully fell to corruption. Alas, it had to be done.”

Jessica seethed inside. “You’re a monster! Your acts of sin end tonight, Morgan Vivace of the Bronze Singers!” There was a click of the crossbow, and a merciless strike of the heavy blade…


Hearing the commotion out in the hallway, the ever-alert Amanda daringly left the safe haven of her dorm, knowing already that her last remaining friend Jessica put herself in grave danger. Her own frenzied footsteps echoed through the night, and her own fragile health was put in jeopardy from the panicked running- her heavy breathing already signaled her limits, and she slowed her pace.

When she reached the carnage, she had to pause to catch her breath. Her body shook with tremors that threatened to demolish her frame itself, but she eventually managed to gather her strength.

“… Amanda…”

The voice was barely audible, though the frantic girl heard it clearly. “Jessica… it’s me.”

“I’m so… glad…”

As the dawn began its gradual approach, Amanda knelt down beside her friend in her final moments. “Jessica—“

“Look… to your left.”

The shaken girl heeded the command, and Jessica’s triumph met her eyes: Morgan’s corpse lie face up, a single arrow embedded in his chest. The cruel, self-satisfied grin he always wore forever remained in his expression. Amanda turned quickly back to her friend, and saw a smile flicker across her face.

“I… did it, Amanda. I killed… Silvia’s killer. Hannah… wait for me…”

Her life slipped away then, and Amanda stood. As the sun rose and brought with it sounds of doors unlocking and sleepless singers yawning, the girl began her trek in the opposite direction, knowing now that she was alone.

DAGRON was killed! He was Bronze Singer Morgan, MAFIA assassin!

Pride was killed! He was Silver Singer Jessica, TOWN vigilante!

Day five begin.

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Actually...screw it. From what I know, there are two likely candidates for being the last mafia, as I believe that the last bronze will be a passive role. And we should definitely be able to afford a mislynch. And the worst case scenario is that I pick the unlynchable to be lynched.

Vote to Hang BK-201.

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Oh yeah. Could the unlynchable do me a favor and claim to me?

There is an unlychable

anyways Vote BK-201

I erased the above part before i posted :facepalm:

And forgot to bold :facepalm:

Edited by Mordecai
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"I-I told you...Lillian told me that Chris/Core was mafia before she died..." Lorena said,in reaction to all of the votes for [bK]

"Shouldn't we finish with this before moving to other leads?...I still think that it would be best to lynch Chris/Core."

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Newly revealed roles:


If you are voted to be killed, then you will survive and the town will be told you cannot be lynched.


Every night, you are given the option whether or not to kill one person, but you may only make two kills over the game. As a Silver singer, you are aiming for the Bronze singers.

(I didn't forget, I just had to leave early last night)

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Hi Draco. You've been pretty inactive this game.

Hi. :)

"I-I told you...Lillian told me that Chris/Core was mafia before she died..." Lorena said,in reaction to all of the votes for [bK]

"Shouldn't we finish with this before moving to other leads?...I still think that it would be best to lynch Chris/Core."

Well, we do have to remember that Lillian was a bronze, so we can't necessarily trust this info.

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