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Bizz's Choral Mafia


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Of course. I'd love to hear your evidence though. Since there is no evidence at this point, we're all just voting randomly. I for one would rather try to take out a potential threat and risk losing an ally than taking out someone who'd be a weak mafia and weaker ally. Of course, you're free to disagree with my assessment.

So I'm supposed to supply you evidence that doesn't exist yet? You don't have evidence for your vote either. Your original and changed vote can be viewed as evidence also, you voted to hang them for experience. It's highly likely that we don't hang a mafia on day one rather than a town and that's been shown through many games. I originally would have gone with no hanging but a town that votes like this can hurt the town much more.

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Of course. I'd love to hear your evidence though. Since there is no evidence at this point, we're all just voting randomly. I for one would rather try to take out a potential threat and risk losing an ally than taking out someone who'd be a weak mafia and weaker ally. Of course, you're free to disagree with my assessment.

I can give decent evidence (circumstantial) but I don't think you're mafia. I do think that you are a bit slow at this game as neither of your strategies (last game or this game) have made any sort of logical sense.

Honestly, claiming Godfather last game was really stupid. And publicly saying "I'm accusing people and trying to get them to admit to being mafia" is going to piss people off. And once again, we're probably going to end up wasting a valuable lynch on you (luckily Bizz was smart enough just to kill you off last game) and it'll be all for nothing.

I'm not changing my vote for you, I'm just saying that whatever you're doing is going to end up hurting the town more than helping. Take it for what you will, I'm just looking out for everyone's sake. And I doubt we're going to get lucky like last time with picking off the Mafia one by one.

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Well someone's gotta break this 4-way tie, so I'm just gonna assign each person with votes a number and use an random number generator.

EDIT vote changed

Edited by cheezperson
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I personally don't think voting spoon is a good idea right now.I see where Fayt is coming from,but i disagree with his idea and method,and since we have nothing else to go on, voting Fayt Zelpher

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Elira surveyed the gathered members of the choirside, patiently reflecting over the arguments each of the members has raised in turn. After a long pause between members taking the floor and voicing their opinions, and just the general murmur in the assembly hall is left, she clears her throat, and makes known her opinions.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Sopranos and Tenors, Altos and Basses, if I may? As we all know, Silvia's death has shaken our community to its very core, and the spreading rumors of an imminent and deadly reign of terror falling upon us have us all desperately searching for her killer, and a way to keep our society of Silver Singers safe, and free from the tarnish of Bronze."

Here Elira pauses for a bit, before continuing onward.

"So far, there seem to be two main camps of thought: the idealists, who feel that we need not take immediate action to secure ourselves, and the realists, who are further fractured and are currently arguing about who amongst ourselves currently possesses the highest likelihood for subversion, or who may prove to be the greatest threat. I must admit I fully find myself in the later camp, and believe preventative action is the wisest move we can make at this juncture. Yet, even doing so, it is unsure how likely we are to be successful, so careful thought should be applied before making such life or death decisions. Therefore I am unswayed by [Mordecai]'s nomination of [isaac]. [Admiral]'s vote for [Mordecai] in return was plainly admitted to be unfounded, but was also mentioned as being specifically to test [his] performance under pressure, which is a reasonable motive. [Mordecai]'s current silence is damning, but only slightly so, for I ask of the rest of you, what protestations could be raised at this juncture that would provide convincing testimony of innocence? As such I am, for the moment, unconvinced on this front as well."

"This leads us to perhaps the two most heated arguments currently underway. One the one hand we have [Fayt]'s accusation against [spoon], and on the other hand we have [bK]'s counter-accusation against [Fayt]. At the moment these are the most interesting sets of discussion for me personally. Let us firstly consider the following, [spoon] has provided, of [his] own accord, a detailed listing of a relative value of how nocturnal the various members of our choir appear to be. While I must admit to finding this slightly creepy, and finding myself wondering how exactly [he] chanced upon this information, it certainly seems to be a show of good faith, and an honest attempt to shed light upon the situation at hand. However, in the end, I must admit to finding myself not quite sure just what good we can make out with this. [spoon] [himself] admitted that members of the Bronze need not all be active after midnight to engage in their nefarious scheming, and even if that were so, the number of members who are night owls outnumber those who go to bed promptly at quite nearly a two-to-one ratio. Let us consider also what [Fayt] said:"

However, if you've got a passive role, then I see no reason not to execute/lynch you, since you can't help the town but you could help the Mafia.

"I fail to see how this is a logical consequence at all! I can easily imagine a hypothetical situation where someone with a so-called 'passive role' would definitely be of aid to our Silver Singers. Let us suppose for a moment that one of our early-to-bed members had their bedroom booby-trapped to explode upon intrusion by a nighttime assassin. Clearly they are not actively moving about at night, and quite clearly, if the Bronze were to target them, the Bronze would end up dead, as well as the noble sacrifice, bringing us one step closer to safety. And this was just one possible scenario! We have no way of knowing at all just what individual abilities or quirks each of us provide to our collective ensemble, and leaping to assumptions as [he] is doing is quite rash. Perhaps after more meditation [spoon] might be able to share further enlightenment with the rest of us, which adding on to what he's already revealed may slowly start to reveal just what key our current situation is scored in. If we hastily hang him now, we may never know!"

"Now let us step back a bit more, and return to [Fayt]'s own activities. [He] was without a doubt the first among us to actual level any accusation at all. (I am of course ignoring Weapons's tongue-in-cheek suggestion that our beloved goddess of music, Bizz, was behind the untimely death of Silvia.) [His] first vote was against [Admiral], though he quickly rescinded this to vote against [spoon]. The reasoning provided in each case? Their seniority and their demonstrations of aptitude in previous performance's of the Singers. I find this unsettling for a number of reasons, many of which have already been perhaps stated more eloquently than I would be able by [bK]:"

If General Spoon is hung and turns out not to be on the "mafia" side, then we've lost a valuable ally. I might be wrong, but I don't want to go killing people for being good at the game.

"I would also simply add onto that, that we have no way of knowing who comprises the Bronze, nor what their criteria are for membership. Do they prefer to scout the up and coming talent, do they prefer to induct the weak-willed who will be easily bound to obey the orders of their ringleader, do they take anyone who can hold a long fermata? Without insight that is impossible to gather without actually being a member, as far as any of us are concerned the make-up of the Bronze is as good as random. Even attempting to do a risk benefit analysis of expected performance based purely on random membership is likely a futile effort, as such things as beginners luck, or general incompetence thwarting our assumptions of actual ability could easily mislead our investigations as much as a finely tuned and smoothly organized enemy operation could. The pure and simple truth remains that the Bronze are quite simply dangerous to us all regardless of who exactly they are."

Elira takes a deep breath, and gazes around the room, letting her words sink in before concluding.

"As such, I view [Fayt]'s current actions to be ill-founded at best, and intentionally divisive and disruptive at best. I have to admit to being scared of a witch-hunt being led based solely on seniority and not a calm and rational discussion based upon the only things that are truly relevant, the actions and behaviours of the members following Silvia's unfortunate and untimely al fine. While it's certainly possible that reasonable discourse may also result in innocent collateral damage, I think the risk is less than it might be following a blind witch-hunt whipping the community to a fever-pitch. As such I find myself falling in behind [bK], and also voting for Fayt."

With that, she steps down from the podium, and returns to her place in the general assembly.


tl;dr, non-roleplay version.

Explanation of usage: I don't know anyone's in character name or gender, so for the moment I'm just surrounding unknown's with brackets. As the information becomes available (if it ever does), I will use the "acronym" post style to provide a Username<->Character Name reference the first time the character name appears in either dialogue or narrative, and then expect you to keep track of it for the rest of the post. Popular demand could have me use the acronym for each such occurrence if requested. Yes, this means my character is Elira, and she is female. Blame Bizz for the cross-play.

I think it's still in our best interest to try to hang someone, to perhaps get lucky and nip something in the bud, or at least to start to gather evidence based on voting habits.

I find it Fayt's assertions unfounded, as I demonstrate with a hypothetical example of a Bomb Townsmember ability (which may or may not be in play), and couple this with the fact that Spoon has at least given us something. Whether or not he's lying is another matter, but even if he is, that's more evidence than we had before.

I did find myself in agreement with BK, and feel that we should try to hang Fayt. It's possible this is the wrong call, but that's true of every vote we will ever make.

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Oh, and please to forgive the apparent numerous and minor grammar and spelling issues in the above post.

Also, if the majority of the rest of you strongly disapproved of in-character dialogue such as what I just engaged in, please let me know. It's really not my intention to purposefully obfuscate anything, I just couldn't help but find myself excited by the concept, and getting caught up in the general theme of choral mafia. Trying to find where to drop in the occasional musical references, wondering who will enjoy catching them, getting a chance to indulge myself in a little harmless RP. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but for the good of the town I will certainly stop if this gets in the way of our ability to continue the game.

That said, if you did enjoy the post, then that's awesome and mission accomplished. :)

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No Hang: Core, General Spoon, Reinfleche

General Spoon: Fayt Zelpher, cheezperson

Isaac55: Mordecai

Mordecai: Admiral

Fayt Zelpher: Ether, Balcerzak, BK-201

By the way, Balcerzak, I looove you. <3 Everybody could learn from him!

I actually rather prefer posts in character, because they are more fun. It, however, entirely your choice on whether or not you want to reveal your name. When I find it appropriate, I will post up a name list if it doesn't confuse you guys too much. That's all I can say.

Oh, and additional story information: the Bronze are the highest singers, the Silvers are the middle, and normally all a Silver wants is to be a Bronze before they graduate from the Academy, because it is such an honor! But lately, with all of the corruption and secret plotting and all of that, no one knows what is going on anymore.

Black Bomb and I are your musical deities. <3

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No Hang: Core, General Spoon, Reinfleche

General Spoon: Fayt Zelpher, cheezperson

Isaac55: Mordecai

Mordecai: Admiral

Fayt Zelpher: Ether, Balcerzak, BK-201

By the way, Balcerzak, I looove you. <3 Everybody could learn from him!

I actually rather prefer posts in character, because they are more fun. It, however, entirely your choice on whether or not you want to reveal your name. When I find it appropriate, I will post up a name list if it doesn't confuse you guys too much. That's all I can say.

Oh, and additional story information: the Bronze are the highest singers, the Silvers are the middle, and normally all a Silver wants is to be a Bronze before they graduate from the Academy, because it is such an honor! But lately, with all of the corruption and secret plotting and all of that, no one knows what is going on anymore.

Black Bomb and I are your musical deities. <3

My role isn't gender accurate.

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No hang is bad, so I'll Vote: Fayt.

By the way, Fayt's not on GS's list. Do you have info on this?

Fayt used to be Ratotask, and is known as Ratotask on the list.

ediited for gramatical error that changed the meaning of the sentence.

Edited by Core
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@Bizz: That clears up a lot. I was thinking how Silver was usually above Bronze and that the Bronzes wanted revenge on their higher-ups or something. I dunno a lot about chorus. But it seems hard to post in character this early in the game and I don't really get my character that well anyways.

I find it a bad idea that we should just randomly kill someone the first day. It'll probably just further the goals of the Bronzes this early. I think it would be better to wait a little and then hang whoever seems suspicious.

I'll probably end up revealing my character name only if it seems like a good idea.

Edited by Reinfleche
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I doubt anyone's role is. Mine isn't either.

A lot of you are female, so...

Anyway, it's more like a faction of the Bronze think they're really high up there and deserve everything, and a faction of the Silvers want to stop them before it's too late... and the Bronze don't want them getting in the way.

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Well, I suppose I should prepare for my execution then.

My last shot in the limelight. It appears as though now is the time for my grand finale, when all shall be revealed. My friend, I shall be joining you soon...

Alas, 'tis not my fayt (pardon the lame pun) to be able to exact my revenge...

I am no mafia, but neither will I attain the honor of being killed by them either. Indeed, only dishonor awaits me...

Farewell, my friends... Good night, sweet world. We shall yet meet again, sometime, somewhere...

The curtain has fallen...

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Posting in character,eh?Cool,I'll see what i can do.

EDIT:If no one minds,I'd like to repost my vote In Character,I'll edit out the bold on the last one,of course,so it isn't accidentaly doublecounted.

Edited by Ether
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Day phase has come to an end. Flavor text will be post in approximately five to ten minutes, and all night phase roles must be sent to Black Bomb tonight because I might be really busy with babysitting my cousin's three children. x: Please invite me to each conversation you have with Black Bomb so I know what all of the actions are tonight and I can write appropriate flavor. Thank you.

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Dear Journal,

I have to hurry and write this right now because I- they want to kill me today. I don’t know why this is so, why this has to be so, but I have to write this hastily before I die because I don’t want anyone else to have to die for such a pitiful reason. My rashness, it cost me today. I was so intent on finding her murderer that I… I suppose I forgot my place. I’m in hiding now, trying to buy time to write just one more entry before I have to die. But that’s the thing, I don’t want to die! Why couldn’t they just give me one more day? …

Silvia… I will see you soon, I suppose. I know you are probably sad for me, but please don’t be. My fate has been decided… the curtain has fallen. We will sing as a duet once again… and we will sing in the heavens for those who fight for the cause of the Silvers. Ah! Mio Cor, poor heart, I see how you weep, but all will be over soon. I, as a former alto and actress of the Bronze, draw this journal… to a close.



In the grand hall of the academy, Milen and Dani escorted Hannah to the makeshift gallows constructed by the concerned members of the entire choirside. Everyone else looked on with grim faces, obviously regretful of what the circumstances had to bring.

“Is there anything,” Milen muttered with a crack in her voice, “you’d like to say, maybe? Before, you know…”

Hannah sighed. Dani and Milen let go of her arms, and the girl turned around so as to face the rest of the onlookers that accompanied the day’s lynching. She breathed deeply, as if to prepare herself for a last solo.

“Well, everyone,” Hannah began, flames both of scorn and sadness in her eyes, “I am afraid to say that I never did get my revenge, nor did I even last too long in this game of wits and betrayal. Needless to say, I will admit that part of this was my fault; I understand that, being a former Bronze and all, your suspicions of me were probably augmented in the first place.” She paused, knowing that her time was running out. “Prepare the noose, then. My life is an aria coming to a graceful decrescendo- and another innocent aria may come to end tonight, which is something I… dare not think about.”

There was a nod from her, one from Milen, one from Dani, and one from Aril… and everyone else closed their eyes. It seemed as if, in an instant, it was all over. There was a crack, and Hannah was dead.

Fayt Zelpher/ Hannah the Silver Singer has been lynched! She was the TOWN Carriage Driver!

Night phase will be 24 hours or until all night phase actions are sent to Black Bomb~

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double post, sorryyyy

Our computer sucks

Edited by Bizz
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Bizz, you said no roles would be revealed <_<

Oh, unless you were referring to the character names... sorry

Character names are revealed, not roles (unless a person dies).

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Ah, fair enough. In that case (even though we all know what Carriage Drivers do...)

Carriage Driver

Each night, they may name two people to swap places - any actions done to the first person will instead be done to the second person, and vice versa. This person is a Silver singer.

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