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Bizz's Choral Mafia


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^ There's only one L in Millen, just for the record.

"I-! don't think it's right we should just st-start making accusations without any r-real evidence yet! W-we'll probably just end up k-killing more innocents if we r-randomly choose to hang someone every day!" Milen paused, nearly in tears again already.

"Use your heads: the odds of actually killing off a Bronze are slim with so little evidence, and some people haven't even shown up to any of our meetings!"

EDIT: The reason for all the stuttering is Milen's personality, btw.

Edited by Reinfleche
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^ There's only one L in Millen, just for the record.

"I-! don't think it's right we should just st-start making accusations without any r-real evidence yet! W-we'll probably just end up k-killing more innocents if we r-randomly choose to hang someone every day!" Milen paused, nearly in tears again already.

"Use your heads: the odds of actually killing off a Bronze are slim with so little evidence, and some people haven't even shown up to any of our meetings!"

EDIT: The reason for all the stuttering is Milen's personality, btw.

So we should just wait until the Mafia kill enough of us so that we can tell who is Mafia?

-The answer is no.

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"(^)Thats right" Brittany said," If we kill someone we can see how people react, however if we just stand there doing nothing we won't get any clues aside from maybe a night phase but sometimes thats not enough."

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"(^)Thats right" Brittany said," If we kill someone we can see how people react, however if we just stand there doing nothing we won't get any clues aside from maybe a night phase but sometimes thats not enough."

"What's a night phase?"

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"I'm not sure how a lop-sided bandwagon provides us with much more information, but it seems inevitable at this point. At the very least, I hope that Milen will be able to make beautiful music when she joins the choir of angels."

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My reasoning is simple. Nobody had voted yet, and the first thing Reinfleche threw out was a No Lynch, something he has done in succession. We don't want a No Lynch. It's not good reasoning, but we have nothing else.

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I'm just going to toss a random vote in. I don't think Rein actually deserves to die because he doesn't feel like Mafia but I could easily be wrong.

Vote: WoMC. Once again, no reasoning but it's a pressure vote.

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"K-Killing someone now is the same as killing s-someone later, except right now, we can have n-no way of being sure who's innocent and who isn't!"

"But... I suppose I c-can't change anyone's minds... after all, like I s-said, there's no evidence for anyone. If you're going to k-kill me... at least t-tell Aril I siad g-goodbye..."

(I'm fairly certain that with no evidence nobody's going to believe me... that's your loss, I guess.)

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Killing someone now is a lot different than waiting for someone to die. If we kill somebody now, we have a chance to kill a Gold. If we wait, a Silver will certainly die.

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Killing someone now is a lot different than waiting for someone to die. If we kill somebody now, we have a chance to kill a Gold. If we wait, a Silver will certainly die.

It's Bronze. Not Gold.

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Aaand... day phase end!

I'll post the flavor in a minute: my cousin just came... an hour early... so I'll have to post it from her internet

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"No, no, no!" Aril protested, "I won't do it this time! G-get someone else to do it." The girl frantically scurried to the back of the crowd where she would not be seen; amidst the scattered members of the choir, another eventually stepped forward.

"I'll do it," Sara responded, approaching the bewildered Milen in the far corner of the convening place. "I'm sorry about this, Milen, but we just can't take any chances. You know that we have nothing against you."

"I-I know," she muttered, refusing to look into the other girl's eyes, "I know that. But..." she drifted up to the center of the crowd, now addressing them as a whole, "this doesn't have anything to do with my aspirations to become one of the Bronze, does it? I-I've always wanted to sing like them, you know, especially S- Silvia... I idled her so much... and now everything has gone so wrong. I don't... get it, you know?"

Aril looked down. Tears began to spot the floor below her. Lillian put a hand on her right shoulder, but did not say anything. Everyone else looked on solemnly as Sara this time escorted Milen to the gallows. When the crack was heard, Aril immediately sprinted off back to her dorm... and night had fallen on the choirside once again.

Reinfleche was lynched! He was Silver Singer Milen, TOWN Miller!

(Before you message me, Rein, we decided to alter the rule a bit to your original role)

You have 24 hours to send me your night actions. Flavor is a little eh today because I have three kids giving me a headache, haha~

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"I guess his death benefits us, that is if there is a detective. Now there is no chance the detective might get a guilty townie. Unless there is more than one miller." Brittany said as she headed to her room.(?)

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This is my one post after the death, so I suppose I'll use it how I can.

Firstly, the reason I was really kinda freaked out about getting lynched was that as the Miller (Milen is really similar to the role, and I kinda was hoping someone would notice) it would've originally going to say I was a Bronze upon dying, which I knew would be bad for the Silvers (they'd think they had only 3 Bronzes left to lynch, which would've been a problem).

Secondly, I'm still going to be updating the list on page 5 if nobody minds, for future reference.

The last thing I'd like to say was that this has been the Mafia game I've enjoyed the most (and the longest one I've lived since round 2), and the RPing part makes it much more enjoyable than just deciding "lol let's kill this person".

And as a last word for Milen, just for the RP purposes...

As Milen was being escorted to the noose, she stopped and turned back to say to everyone, "... Here is the end of my song. But I hope that all of yours can have a much better ending... Aril... stay strong".

So for at least this round... this is Reinfleche, signing off.

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