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I just got an earthquake


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6.9 according to that website, although I don't know if that's Richter or Moment Magnitude (Probably Moment Magnitude). Pretty strong and should make an interesting case study in Geography.

I guess you're okay since you've just jumped straight onto the computer :P?

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D: 6.9? thats nothing to sneeze at! I hope the highly populated areas have minimal damage. Earthquakes suck. Luckily, where i am now, we very rarely get them.

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The very idea of Earthquakes freak me out. Even moreso than tornadoes, blizzards, and hurricanes.

Where I live, we get tornadoes. We got a blizzard last year (12/24/09) though. We're too far inland for hurricanes, though a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico would give us a nice rainstorm.

No Earthquakes to speak of though...

But I do have relatives in San Diego. I hope they're okay.

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It was terrible. We had no lights, telephone, and the like for hours.

Of course, being in Mexico, it had to be worse... <_<

Though the bright side of it... no school... but who can care about it after such a quake!!

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