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TOUHOU THREAD(Letty Whiterock thread part 2)

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Yes you were, read your own post.

Regarding Sakuya and Marisa being lolis....

They're all lolis, some are more loli than others, but they all fall under the general category. Maybe except for Genji.

Loli is DEFINED by being prepubescent. Most of the definions on here being Urban Dictionary shit isn't helping.

And yes, Loli's can have tits. Yes, it's typically disturbing. Except on Maria Renard- *Shot*

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I wasn't, but I'll humour you.

:facepalm: You realize the subject of your sentence is "every male" right? No matter how many times you quote yourself... and "every male who plays Touhou" is describing demographic of Touhou.

Even by some astronomical chance that it was actually "Touhou" you are talking about, your entire post would make no sense.

Touhou itself is sexually hyperactive? Lolicon? Emerald?

This is honestly the dumbest argument I've ever had on the internet. :mellow:

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I THINK it was on a hentai website. >_>

Ah, that's not entirely unlikely, given the subject matter, but I had expected to hear vndb.org, which has a similar picture in its entry on the game.

Anyway, I think I'm going to have to weigh in that an over-broad definition of loli is being applied here. I really don't see Aya, or Yuugi, or Yukari ever fitting any definition of loli. You really have to stretch the definition of loli to shoehorn in the playable characters, and the only really clear-cut lolis would be characters like Suika, Suwako, and probably Cirno.

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Yes, demographic of Touhou, not demographic of SHMUPs or fighters in general.

Geeze, I don't even get what's so hard to understand here.

but Touhou consist of SHMUPs and fighters. In fact, that's all it consist of, if you don't consider the fan produced stuff. They are not one-to-one, but there is a great overlap, to refer to the demographic of Touhou, you are implying also the dempographic of those type of games, even if you didn't state them directly.

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but Touhou consist of SHMUPs and fighters. In fact, that's all it consist of, if you don't consider the fan produced stuff. They are not one-to-one, but there is a great overlap, to refer to the demographic of Touhou, you are implying also the dempographic of those type of games, even if you didn't state them directly.

No, it's not the same thing. Touhou consists of overpowered lolis while most fighters are about burly/stylish martial artists and most SHMUPs are about spaceships shooting other spaceships. And that is why I said that about the demographic of Touhou. Jesus Christ, how anyone can ever think that I'm talking about those two genres and not just Touhou itself is beyond me.

Just to make sure, fighters and SHMUPs are two of my favourite genres. King of Fighters, Mortal Kombat, Gradius, DoDonPachi. Hell, I'm even in the process of creating a SHMUP.

EDIT: A bit more food for the mind:

There are people out there who consider Final Fantasy gay/emo but then love Dragon Quest. So suddenly these people are defiling the whole RPG genre while...they themselves like a RPG series? Seriously man.

Edited by Robin Mask
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No, it's not the same thing. Touhou consists of overpowered lolis while most fighters are about burly/stylish martial artists and most SHMUPs are about spaceships shooting other spaceships. And that is why I said that about the demographic of Touhou. Jesus Christ, how anyone can ever think that I'm talking about those two genres and not just Touhou itself is beyond me.

Just to make sure, fighters and SHMUPs are two of my favourite genres. King of Fighters, Mortal Kombat, Gradius, DoDonPachi. Hell, I'm even in the process of creating a SHMUP.

EDIT: A bit more food for the mind:

There are people out there who consider Final Fantasy gay/emo but then love Dragon Quest. So suddenly these people are defiling the whole RPG genre while...they themselves like a RPG series? Seriously man.

The themes for Touhou is indeed about lolis, but the gameplay is that of a shooter, fighter, which is the most important part. (I can argue that its one of the best shooters, though not the fighting games because I have not played them as much) My argument is that if you like the respective genres, you should at least be intrigued with the gameplay of Touhou. I think I stated earlier that if its the fandom that might turn people off, people who pay no mind to anything but to the loli themes, etc. Nevertheless, there are fans of touhou who like touhou as games, and the same time, like other fighters/shooters. And to label all Touhou fans, which would include those people, as gay, etc. would be unfair.

About your analogy, I see what you are trying to convey, but no one here is trying to defile a genre here, but the demographic of a genre, in this case, you.

No need to get upset, I'm merely trying to defend Touhou fans, as I am one myself, and the one who started to demean such a group of people was you. I admit I was a little forward when I called you out on not understanding your own post, but that was only a mistake on your part by wording your posts in an ambiguous manner that made it seem like you were talking of Touhou itself, and not the demographic of Touhou.

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I'm not upset at all but holy hell all you have about my "insulting demographic" thing is a straw man argument. You can't really prove it otherwise, can you? Because I testified a billion times that I meant the demographic of Touhou and Touhou alone, yet you insist that saying that about the demographic of Touhou automatically means I also say it about the demographic of the whole genres that the Touhou games are in.

Are you actually serious with these arguments or are you just trolling me?

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I'm not upset at all but holy hell all you have about my "insulting demographic" thing is a straw man argument. You can't really prove it otherwise, can you? Because I testified a billion times that I meant the demographic of Touhou and Touhou alone, yet you insist that saying that about the demographic of Touhou automatically means I also say it about the demographic of the whole genres that the Touhou games are in.

Are you actually serious with these arguments or are you just trolling me?

Lol, your overusage of hyperbole is suggesting that you are upset, which is not my intention. The more upset like you are, the least likely you are able to argue in a civil manner, which you are lacking, for you obviously didn't comprehend my earlier post due to being upset. So I really don't want to upset you, therefore I'm not trolling you; it all comes down to me wanting to debate in a civil manner.

Let me break it down for you again... This is the argument...

You - The Touhou demographic consist of these people...

Me - False, for there are people who enjoy Touhou and other games of the same genre... By your logic, just by playing Touhou means that you are one of these people (gay, hyperactive) and that would emcompass those of us who play Touhou, and these other games as well. Which is completely unfair, as it is false.

You - You are trying to misrepresenting me by stating that I stated the demographic of an entire genre with my argument, even though I specifically said only the Touhou demographic.

Me - You indeed specifically said the Touhou demographic, though by doing so, you are addressing to more people than you originally intended. Because people can fall under multiple demographics. Including myself, who's a touhou fan, and a shooter/fighter fan. Now this alone doesn't disprove that the Touhou demographic has those "tendencies", but it implies that you might be referring people who hit too close to home(touhou/shooter/fighter fans), for you state that you are a shooter/fighter fan yourself. It is more of a persuasion for you to take back those insults, as oppose to a concrete "proof" that Touhou fans does not have a one-to-one relationship with being "hyperactive, etc."

You - Now I'm mad, because I do not comprehend what you are trying to say, therefore I will demean your argument itself as invalid, rather than try to counter the argument legitimately.

Me - I do not wish you to become upset, for if you were, you would try some tactics out of anger such as demeaning my argument itself rather than trying to counter it legitimately. I am merely stating your falsehood, which is the point of debates, which tends to have a side effect of making both oppositions upset, or threatened, but it is merely a side effect.

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Trying too hard, pal. I'm not mad at all, if you think I am, that's your problem. Anyway, your latest post is also full of straw man. I countered all your arguments legitimately and yet you insist on these terrible arguments, and now you blame me for not comprehending your posts (seriously if I can't comprehend posts like yours I shouldn't be existing) to make your own arguments seem right. Oh well. C'est la vie.

Edited by Robin Mask
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Eh, this isn't going anywhere. I'm tired and have other things to worry about, by the "C'est la vie" bit, I'm guessing you feel the same? Let's just agree that we disagree. Because neither of us is legitimately considering the argument of the other, and a debate will go no where if that's the case.

Back on topic, bout Touhou...

Anyone actually really good at them? I play EoSD mostly, but can't get past Sakuya on normal. I can beat Easy on most of them except 10, 11, 12. I'm pretty bad at them in general :awesome:

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Eh, this isn't going anywhere. I'm tired and have other things to worry about, by the "C'est la vie" bit, I'm guessing you feel the same? Let's just agree that we disagree. Because neither of us is legitimately considering the argument of the other, and a debate will go no where if that's the case.

Back on topic, bout Touhou...

Anyone actually really good at them? I play EoSD mostly, but can't get past Sakuya on normal. I can beat Easy on most of them except 10, 11, 12. I'm pretty bad at them in general :awesome:

Lunatic Mode player right here.


Pssh, Apollo 13 is easy.

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True... The game's difficulty was fine until I got Meiling and her rainbow danmaku.

THEN I started to fail.

Must get a new computer and not crappy computer!

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