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Hello. I feel a bit awkward introducing myself(doing so always to formal) so bear with me. My name is sophius. I am a dedicated fire emblem fan and an alledged dune fanatic :D . I did a little poking around and was told that this is the best forum for people who enjoy talking about fire emblem as well as other interests. Though I do doubt anyone here shares my love of the Dune series (no one has ever really heard of it :( ) I do hope that this will be a pleasent experience.

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Greetings, Sophius! I've heard of Dune, but unfortunately never read it. It's on my backlog of 'books I want to read'.

I have, however, heard the Iron Maiden song To Tame a Land if that counts. :huh:

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there is around 15 books in the series. I am quite glad that I'm not the only one who enjoys Dune. I've never seen the children of Dune movie, how is it?

I SO FUCKING NEED TO BUY THEM ALL. I hope I can still get them. :/

Edited by The Eye of the Tigrex
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Welcome Sophius.

I did a little poking around and was told that this is the best forum for people who enjoy talking about fire emblem as well as other interests.

code language for "we still talk about if to some extent"

Though I do doubt anyone here shares my love of the Dune series (no one has ever really heard of it :( )

You have fantastic timing.

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Sorry, my dad decided to take a surprise camping trip on Friday so I have not been able to post since then. My dad tells me that its a rfamily curse that causes us to have wretched timing. Which leads me into my next question based off what fireman said,

You have fantastic timing.

It is rather funny that you would say this so I musrt ask, how is it so in this case?

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