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Hi I'm new here. I was wondering if there were any dune fans among the users of this forum. One of the reasons I joined was I was hoping to inally have a conversation for someone who shares my borderline obsession.(though maybe to that extent). If you do post, I am curioius as to what book is your favorite and why (If need be you can count one of Brian Herbert's mini trilogies as one book.)

I would have say my favorite so far is the Butlerian Jihad. In adition to possessing a very intricate plot, it provide un-mythisized view of the oh, so famous war and a personalized and detailed look upon the Jihads more famous characters. My favorite of these is Holzmman and Norma Cenva.

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I actually just completed God Emperor of Dune and going to start Heretics tonight. I will say none of the sequels are as good as the original, though Children was close. Fantastic series, and they really show Frank Herbert's literary genius. ^_^

Baron Harkonnen is my favorite character. He's the only character of any medium I've seen where being obese just adds to his fearsomeness. And Piter was rather interesting... for the fifty pages he was in.

EDIT: The avatar looks more like just a sandworm. Leto II didn't completely morph into a sandworm, and the avatar lacks Leto's remaining human features.

Edited by Swordsalmon
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EDIT: The avatar looks more like just a sandworm. Leto II didn't completely morph into a sandworm, and the avatar lacks Leto's remaining human features.

View the avatar full size, it has a face and everything.

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Yes, my avatar is Leto the 2nd. I do have to agree with swordsalmon about the baron harkkonen, however Piter De Vries has a much larger role in Brian herberts prequal trilogy.

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Yes, my avatar is Leto the 2nd. I do have to agree with swordsalmon about the baron harkkonen, however Piter De Vries has a much larger role in Brian herberts prequal trilogy.

Brian Herbet is dead to me. He sold his soul to Kevin J. Anderson.

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I partly have to agree with you there. Brian Herbert is uninspired when compared to his father.(I doudt his novels would be any good at all if he were not basing them off of Frank herbert's notes). But, can you tell me what you mean about Kevin Anderson?

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I partly have to agree with you there. Brian Herbert is uninspired when compared to his father.(I doudt his novels would be any good at all if he were not basing them off of Frank herbert's notes). But, can you tell me what you mean about Kevin Anderson?


Says it better than I could ever.

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Erasmus and Omnius are definitely lame characters. And it specifically states ate end of chapterhouse that they are face dancers, not machine overlords emulating face dancers. Tleilaxu made face dancers. However, there is a possibility that house vernius is not completely made up. At the beggining of Dune Messiah, there is a purported death cell interview with "Bronso of Ix" though who exactly this character is is not elaborated in the novel.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I've had Dune recommended to me for a long time so maybe I'll check it out this summer. How many books are there in the series? Also is the movie COMPLETELY terrible like I've heard? It's a David Lynch film so it's hard to imagine myself not liking it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Currently there are 17 books in the series (the ones really worth reading are those by Frank herbert though). And usually, people who have not read the book dislike the movie while those have like it. For me it was the exact opposite though.

EDIT 06/21/10(darn the no double posting rule)

I retract my comment about Norma Cenva. I just picked up The Battle of Corrin and low and behold, the authuors made her into a Mary Sue. errrr... make that Mary Stu.

Edited by Sophius
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