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Favorite song per stage


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Well what is your favorite song on a particular stage, you can say as many stages as you like so

Battlefield: Battlefield

FD: Giga Bowser (Melee)

Delfino Plazza: Delfino Plazza

Luigi's Mansion: Tetrs Type B

Mushroomy Kingdom: Water theme

Mario Kart: Rainbow Road

Rumblem Falls: Map, and bonus level

Nofair: Golden Sun

Frigate Orphion: Metroid 2 Multiplayer

Lylat Cruise: Star Wolf (Starfox: Assult)

Port Town: Distant Color's

Wario Ware: Ashely's song

Green Hill: Sonic Boom

Shadow Mosses: Calling into the Night

Pictochat: Wii Shop channel

PKMN Stadium2: PKMN theme

Spear Piller: Dialgia/Palkia battle

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I have very few preferences for songs, buuuuut...

Castle Siege - With Mila's Divine Protection

Summit - Shin Onigashima

Norfair - Golden Sun Theme Thing of Win

Yeah. That's it. xP

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castle seige - ike's theme

frigate orpheon - vs. parasite queen

pirate ship - dragon roost island

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Battlefield - Menu (Super Smash Bros. Melee)

Final Destination - Final Destination

Delfino Plaza - Delfino Plaza

Luigi's Mansion - Castle/Boss Fortress

Mushroomy Kingdom - Underground Theme (Super Mario Land)

Mario Circuit - Rainbow Road

Rumble Falls - King K. Rool / Ship Deck 2

Bridge of Eldin - Ocarina of Time Medley (Though I love a lot of this music)

Pirate Ship - Dragon Roost Island (Same)

Norfair - Ending (Metroid)

Frigate Orpheon - Vs. Ridley and Sector 1 (I can't choose)

Yoshi's Island - Obstacle Course

Halberd - Meta Knight's Revenge

Lylat Cruise - Star Wolf

Pokemon Stadium 2 - Pokemon Main Theme

Spear Pillar - Route 209

Castle Siege - Preparing to Advance

WarioWare, Inc. - WarioWare, Inc. Medley

Distant Planet - Forest of Hope

New Pork City - Porky's Theme

Summit - Ice Climber

Skyworld - Underworld

75 m - Opening (Donkey Kong)

Mario Bros. - Power-Up Music

Flat Zone 2 - Flat Zone (Melee)

Pictochat - Dr. Mario (Melee)

Shadow Moses Island - I actually like a lot, but...MGS4~Theme of Love~Smash Bros. Brawl version

Temple - Great Temple / Temple

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Port Town-Fire Field

Distant Planet-Stage Clear/World Map

Shadow Moses-Snake Eater Instrumental

Lylat Cruise-Corneria

Halberd-Dedede's Theme

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Battlefield - Menu (Super Smash Bros. Melee)

Final Destination - Giga Bowser

Delfino Plaza - Delfino Plaza

Luigi's Mansion - Luigi's Masion Theme

Mushroomy Kingdom - Underground Theme (Super Mario Bros)

Mario Circuit - Waluigi Pinball

Bridge of Eldin - Ocarina of Time Medley

Pirate Ship - Song of the Storms

Yoshi's Island - Obstacle Course

Halberd - Meta Knight's Revenge

Lylat Cruise - Star Wolf (Assault)

Pokemon Stadium 2 - Pokemon Main Theme

Spear Pillar - Dialga/Palkia Fight

Castle Siege - Fire Emblem (Melee)

WarioWare, Inc. - Mike's Song

Distant Planet - Pikmin Theme

New Pork City - Unfounded Revenge/Smashing Song of Praise

Summit - Icicle Mountain (Melee)

Skyworld - Underworld

Mario Bros. - Power-Up Music

Flat Zone 2 - Flat Zone (Melee)

Pictochat - Pictochat

Shadow Moses Island - Encounter

Smashville - Go K.K. Rider!

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Well since some places were hard choices here are a few honorable mentions

Pretty much every LoZ song they had

Fire Emblem theme

Shadow Dragon Meldy or whatever

Green Hill: Right there

And I messed up on Port town

It was Dream chaser not Distant colors

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Shadow Moses Island: Battle in the Base

New Pork City: Snowman

Castle Siege: Against the Dark Knight

Final Destination: Credits (Super Smash Bros.)

Rumble Falls: Bramble Blast

Halberd: Meta Knight's Revenge

Wario Ware Inc. : Mike's Song

Green Hill Zone: HIS WORLD (Instrumental)

Delfino Plaza: Main Theme (Super Mario 64)

Lylat Cruise: Space Battleground

Luigi's Mansion: Luigi's Mansion Theme

Pirate Ship: All songs

Bridge of Eldin: Ocarina of Time Medley

Port Town Aero Dive: Shotgun Kiss

Distant Planet: Main Theme (Pikmin)

Norfair: Battle Scene / Final Boss (Golden Sun)

75m : 25m BGM

Green Greens: Fountain of Dreams (Melee)

Brinstar: Brinstar Depths (Melee)

Corneria: Corneria (Melee)

Jungle Japes: All songs

Onett: All songs

Well, that's all.

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