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What school assignments do you most fondly remember?


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Last year we had to do a human body project, making the torso and systems in it. The first thing my teacher says is, no frontal nudity... :facepalm:

He always talked about how bad Pr0n was and always worse long sleeve shirts...so it was impossible to see his right arm :blink:

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Hmm, I remember two at the moment.

A kind of research I did in pre high school about Marvel and the comics it released, as well as the path they took and all that stuff. Pretty cool, but I lost my draft.

A math research project that involved probability and I tried to link consoles and videogames genres or series to popularity. This one really took me a while, because I had to use math formulas, concepts, explain a little bit the procedure and analyze the result and at that moment I did not liked math (truth be told, I don't like them). It was as cool as the marvel one.

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