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Most annoying monster?

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Gorgons. Out of the entire game, Gorgons have been the luckiest in hit percentage (with stone) out of all my Fire Emblem experiences put together. :(

5% is a lie. It's actually 80% :P

Edited by MGS: Metal Gear Solid
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  • 3 weeks later...

Any monster having Shadowshot as well as Gorgons having stone. Mauthe Dogs suck as they're worth little EXP and are troublesome to handle in groups as their high speed makes it hard for most your army not to get double attacked by them.

Edited by Ayanami
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  • 3 weeks later...

HM Shadowshot Gorgons are the worst.

Combined with Stone Gorgons and GAAAAAH.

I swear, those things have Stoned FKING MAX-SPD/LUK/RES BISHOP NATASHA before. FFFFFFFFFF----

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Gorgons are the most annoying, definitely. But it is possible to get their Stone down to 0% Hit if you have avoid boosting supports. Getting WTA through Light magic helps too.

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Makes me wonder if status effects use a different RN system than regular hits, because I have got hit with a LOT of status effects at very low Hit chances. Or maybe I'm just unlucky.

I don't consider Arch Mogalls more annoying than Gorgons because Arch Mogalls are simply Gorgons without Stone. And one particularly annoying monster is named.....


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Me too. Nobody ever gets hit with a 6% in any normal attacks, but getting stoned... it makes me want to make a giant support circle and just have all my units walk around within three squares of each other.

Fomortiis isn't as bad as dealing with a swarm of Gorgons, I swear. At least he targets DEF and can be killed in two turns by max level Seth and Eirika. one if one of them crits.

Running past those Dracozombies before killing Lyon was annoying as hell, however. Thank god for Elixirs.

I also hate it when Seth gets hit by 2 consecutive Shadowshots at 28% displayed on FE8 HM. Thank god he dodged the two following Demon Surges at ~40%, or he'd be dead and I'd have to cue restart.

In conclusions, I hate Gorgons.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Gorgons by far. LOL stone my ass. I swear, my mages are the only ones who get hit too. Never my regular dudes. dry.gif

Followed by... Gargoyles, if only for the ship chapter. Otherwise all the other monsters are cake.

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Gorgons by far. Especially if they have Shadowshot and Stone. Gwyllgis are also annoying for being hard to double. I would mention Dracozombies, but you don't really see them often.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I usually don't mind Gorgons. It's pretty funny when they stone Myrrh.

But the revenants are just so annoying for mentioned reasons. Not strong enough. The fact there is SO MANY is annoying.

Case and point.

Edited by Joerachi
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Gorgons, they're the only thing that can possibly kill me in the lagdou ruins. the dracozombies are annoying but they can still be dealt with easily, just give Knoll a Nosferatu, thats what I did, and a chest key so he could get the treasure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gorgons with Stone are a bitch. However Draco Zombies are the worst. It takes a lot to bring those bastards down and you may have to resort to Legendary weapons just to kill them in one shot. I have to pick them off with Purge in the ruins. Screw those guys! Also Mauthdoogs and their Gwilgi forms. UGH! Those guys nearly double everybody and few can double them! Plus they have mad move!

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