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I Eat Tables' FE9 Mafia


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In a town in northern Crimea in the year 647, Mayor I Eat Tables and councillor Bizz have called a meeting. It seems there are a group of rogue Ravens within the town, causing grief through petty damage and theft. The townspeople have been called to find the Ravens and execute them, but will this call to arms spark these Ravens into more serious crime? (Hint: Yes, murder.)

Please read the rules below: Everything in spoiler tags is just extra information, but please read everything else.

[spoiler=Basic Rules]Mafia is a game between an informed mafia (in this game, Ravens) and an uninformed town. The game is also split into a voting day phase, and a secret action night phase.

Every day, players discuss who they think is mafia, leading ultimately to a vote for one player. Of course, the mafia will interfere with this and may try to lead players astray in their voting.

At night, the mafia and players with special abilities will send PMs telling me what they want to do. You will know what abilities you have, and the main part of this phase is who the mafia chooses to kill. Also, this is the time you will buy and use items in this game.

The Mafia win if they have more members left than town (and there's no way for the town to kill them). The town wins if they eliminate all of the mafia. It doesn't matter if you're dead, if your team wins, you win too but being alive is a better victory.

General rules

PMs and any kind of strategy at all (roleclaims, lying repeatedly etc.) is perfectly acceptable in this game. Heck, even lying about the rules is okay, but you'll probably be caught out on that.

Unlike Spoon's games, do not edit your post for any reason, including removing votes. Like in a real life situation, what has been said cannot be unsaid. If you want to change your vote, just bold the new vote, I'll read that as superseding your old vote. Breaking this rule is likely to get a public warning, followed by a modkill for a second offence. So, don't.

I won't give any hints as to player identities in death scenes. On the rare occasion a player is named, they have been chosen randomly, think nothing of their appearance.

Every night, two random people will be chosen to name a role, and I'll reveal if that role is/is not in the game. I won't reveal, however, if the person with that role has already been killed.

Once you've been killed, do not talk about the game. This includes talking by PM to tell someone your role or anything like that. Dead people don't talk.

I will reveal people's alignments (town or raven) on death, but not their roles.

Each day/night will last 24 hours, ending at 9pm in the UK. That's 4pm in East USA, 1pm in West USA. I think.


The very simple things you need to know are: You have some money (check the PM you have/will be sent) and a shopping list of items you can buy. Every day, you get 100G. Every night, you can buy and/or use as many items as your money allows. Please be explicit if you buy and item, or use an item. You can use as many items as you want, and with the exception of roleboosting items (available only to people with roles) it doesn't count as your night action. Simple, right?

[spoiler=The Extra details on items]Items available:

Town items: Each of these items is available to the town in varying degrees

Iron Sword (250G): Prevent anyone from killing you tonight.

Rescue Staff (300G): Protect one person of choice at night, including yourself, from any attacks/hindrances (e.g. kidnapping)

Killing Edge (600G): Assassinate one person during the night

Warp Staff (400G): Swap your place with one other person: any actions done to you will be done to them and vice versa

Spy kit (300G): Allows you to watch one person and find out if they're innocent/guilty

Role items: These items are only available to a specific role. using this item counts as your action for the night, but it always does what you could have done and more.

Magnifying Glass (250G, Spy only): Discover one person's role and alignment, including Daeiner (Miller) and Master Raven (Godfather)

Rexaura (300G, Priest only): After saving a person, allows you to counterattack and kill the attacker

Interrogation Kit (250G, Vigilante only): Find out if a person is innocent or guilty. If Guilty, they're killed. This counts as one of your attacks regardless of if they're innocent/guilty

Group Flight (300 G, Wyvern Rider only): Pick three people up instead of two. You choose whose actions are applied to whom.

Laguz Stone (300G, Gallian only): Choose one person to terrorise at night; they are unable to do any actions that night

Beer (150G, Paranoid only): Slows down your reactions enough to not kill someone if they aren't trying to kill you.

Steel Lance (300G, Soldier only): Kill one person who attacks you at night. This does not protect you from harm.

Crimean Flag (200G, Daeiner only): If investigated tonight, you appear innocent

Raven items: The Ravens can buy any and all of the items for each role they have at the start of the game (that's two different items). If the role is alive then only that player can use the item, but if that role has been killed anyone may use the item.

Lockpick (300G, Thief only): Steal all of someone's money

Bribe (450G, Backstabber only): Bribe the mayor, making your vote count twice. Can be used automatically during the day to save a Raven from death.

Duct Tape (400G, Kidnapper only): The kidnapped person is unable to speak or vote during the following day phase.

Magnifying Glass (250G, Master Raven only): See Magnifying Glass above.

Shopping Lists

Each player is assigned a shopping list for the game. This contains all the items that person can buy. There are 7 Citizen lists: Each Citizen has a different list. Other power roles have a predefined list, too.

Citizen: Iron Sword, Rescue Staff, Spy Kit

Citizen: Iron Sword, Rescue Staff, Warp Staff

Citizen: Iron Sword, Spy Kit, Warp Staff

Citizen: Rescue Staff, Spy Kit, Warp Staff

Citizen: Iron Sword, Rescue Staff, Killing Edge

Citizen: Iron Sword, Spy Kit, Killing Edge

Citizen: Iron Sword, Warp Staff, Killing Edge

Spy: Magnifying Glass, Iron Sword, Rescue Staff

Priest: Rexaura, Spy Kit, Warp Staff

Wyvern Rider: Group Flight, Iron Sword, Spy Kit

Vigilante: Interrogation Kit, Iron Sword, Spy Kit

Gallian: Laguz Stone, Iron Sword, Killing Edge

Paranoid: Beer, Warp Staff, Spy Kit

Soldier: Steel Lance, Iron Sword, Killing Edge

Daeiner: Crimean Flag, Rescue Staff, Warp Staff

Ravens: The Ravens have their two power roles items available. Their money is also combined, with +50G per day per person instead of +100G.

Raven Roles (Mafia)

Aah, it's the mafia!

Raven (Mafia Goon)

The Raven is the lackey of the Ravens. They have no special abilities, but they participate in choosing who to kill and helping the Ravens. If no more powerful roles exist, one Raven will be elected randomly as leader to ultimately make decisions, but all Ravens can discuss and sway their view.

Master Raven (Godfather) (Promoted into town)

The Master Raven, while alive, is the most senior Raven in choosing kills and how money is spent. In addition, he will appear to be an ordinary citizen if investigated and will be revealed as a citizen when killed.

Kidnapper (Hooker)

Every night, the Kidnapper will, er, kidnap someone. This player will be unable to perform actions that night. The Kidnapper is second in command to the Master Raven.

Backstabber (Secret Voter) (Confirmed in town)

The Backstabber can cast a vote secretly, and only that vote is counted. The Backstabber assumes command if both Master Raven and Kidnapper are dead/not in the game

Thief (Confirmed in town)

Every night, the thief can steal half of a player's money. That player may not know their money has been stolen until they go to spend it (this happens 50% of the time). The Thief is the 4th most senior raven.

Active Roles (Town)

These roles have to actively choose to do something at night. They are trying to help the town win.

Spy (Detective)

The Spy will follow a player and find out if they're innocent or a Raven.

Priest (Doctor) (Confirmed in town)

The Priest can choose one person to save every night, including themselves (once). If that person is attacked, the priest will save them from death.


Taking the law into his own hands, the Vigilante can kill up to two players he suspects of being Ravens (but only one per night).

Wyvern Rider (Carriage Driver) (Confirmed in town)

Offering free rides at night, the Wyvern Rider will switch two people around for a night. Any actions done to one person will instead be done to the other.

Passive Roles (Town)

These roles are trying to help the town, but have no/limited control over their abilities.

Gaillian (Unlynchable)

The Gallians are certainly here to help and certainly not Ravens, so if they're taken to the gallows, they'll be let off. The player next on the list will be lynched in their place.

Paranoid (Confirmed in town)

Anyone that visits this player at night, friend or foe, is in for a deadly surprise.

Soldier (Bulletproof)

Seasoned in battles, this player can survive being attacked at night once. A second attack will surely kill him though.

Daeiner (Miller) (Confirmed in town)

In Crimea, a Daeiner looks like a Raven, or close enough. If investigated, this player will appear to be a Raven, and after death they will be revealed as a raven too.

Money Roles (Town)

These roles affect the player's money.


Starting with 1K Gold in the bank and access to any standard items they want, this player has the means and motivation to do something about the Ravens.

Merchant (Confirmed in town)

A wealthy player, able to make 250G per day and have access to all of the standard items.

The town

There are 4 Ravens, 2 of which have different special roles. There are 2 different active roles, 2 different passive roles and 1 money role. The other 7 players are roleless citizens.


The Dragonslayer the Citizen

Trompe le Monde the Citizen

Core the Wyvern Rider

Fayt Zelpher the Merchant


Balcerzak the Priest (boring death) - Night 1

Ulki the Citizen (Rocked out) - Day 1

Lux Aeterna the Daeiner (Flag through the throat) - Night 2

King Russell the Citizen (Awful taste in music) - Day 2

General Spoon the Citizen (It's a trap!) - Night 3

WeaponsOfMassConstruction the Raven (Mercenaried) - Day 3

Hikarusa the Citizen (Beheaded & dropped in ocean) - Night 4

Ether the Theif (Buried Alive) - Day 4

Ninji the Citizen (Cheating at pokemon) - Day 5

BK-201 the Backstabber (Cat attack) - Day 6

Dracohon the Paranoid (Fell to death) - Night 7

Lightning the Master Raven (Paranoid'd) - Night 7

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Roles have been distributed. It is now Night 1. If I've forgotten to send someone's role, just PM me (but I'm fairly sure I've sent them all...). Feel free to talk during the night as well.

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If we request from you a count of our current money, will you tell us our exact amount of money, if if some was stolen and we wern't told of it? Because there is a difference between not telling a player money was stolen, and flat out lying to a player.

Edited by General Spoon
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Pretty much I'll flat out lie to you until you try and buy something :awesome:. I'll be posting your money at the start of each night anyway, and don't worry, there's a 50% chance there's no thief in the game and only a 50% chance that the money is gone without you knowing. Plus if I let you ask then I bet most players would do it every night, which would be annoying and ruin the point.

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I bet I can make some headway on it during play practice, since I'll bring my laptop with me. AND I won't have Internet access, so I couldn't possibly be distracted. AND I'm on stage crew, and it basically the speaking parts that are going to practice today.

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Rules Question:

When exactly does the thief steal your money? As in, if I have 250G and I want to buy an iron sword, can I buy it even if the thief targets me that night? Or does the money get stolen before I go to the shop?

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Oh yeah, I was going to mention that...

Most roles act simultaneously. If the mafia kills the Vig/Killing Edge user and they target the mafia, both kills go through. With the thief, the buying occurs first. So if you had 300G, bought an Iron Sword (250G) and was targetted by the thief, you'd lose 25G.

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Anyways, time to provoke reactions. :D

I suspect Lightning.

React away now. That means all of you guys, not just Lightning.

I would love to react faster but I was at school. And Serenes is blocked at my school and a computer wasn't available anyways atm.

The only way I can prove that I'm innocent right now is my own word, and since nothing's even happened yet I can't back it up at all. At the same time, there's no evidence against me, so just accusing people right now is kinda pointless, unless you were a mafia and you wanted to kill as many people as you can.

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I'm trying to provoke a reaction from the town as a whole. Obviously.

So, here's how I'll do it. As I see it right now, the scum team is:


React now. Everyone reacts.

HE MUST BE MAFIA! Everyone target Spoon!

Umm, no clue. I'm just going to toss out a random vote for Bal. Nothing personal, matey.

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Okay, I'm throwing all those past suspisions out the window in favor of a new method. I will list everyone ingame, and then come up with a corresponding percentage to reflect their chance of being mafia.

Ether 30%

Hikarusa 25%

Lux Aeterna 100%, -5% for every post he makes

Balcerzak 50% at start, +25% for every night phase he doesn't die in

King Russell 99%

BK-201 25%

General Spoon 0% (Duh)

Ninji 25%

Cheezperson 25%

Ulki 25%

WeaponsOfMassConstruction 25%

Lightning 26%

Furetchen 25%

Core 25%

Dracohon 25%

Fayt Zelpher 0% (But will be lynched anyways)

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So, according to this list, our best course of action is to first lynch Lux (assuming he doesn't post), then King Russell, then Balcerzak (if he's still alive at this point), then Ether, then Lightning, and then some other people who aren't me. We should also throw a Fayt lynch in there somewhere.

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