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I Eat Tables' FE9 Mafia


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So, the lovely Bizz was ordered to end the night phase today, and she's an hour late because she was busy having a duel to the death with a Spanish quiz! Stay tuned for more on this shocking broadcast.

A Raven was seen fighting with a member of the town early this morning. The Raven was fast, but the townsperson parried every attack with their iron sword. As the sun came up, the Raven fled.

Finally, a Merchant in the town opened a new store last night. No Senator was there to watch the proceedings, though.

It is now Day 5.

Edited by Bizz
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Info post! These are the roles in the town:

Master Raven




Wyvern Rider




Thanks Bizz for closing for me, I was out. As she said, it's Day phase, so start being active or something.

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Me too, actually. He's a really tricky person to go against as a mafia and not very supportive as a townie, so Ninji: seems like the way to go for now.

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Vote: Ninji. While we don't have solid proof that you're mafia, You don't have solid proof that you're innocent or anyone else is guilty. With you riding along with us, you'd be a very dangerous raven. Also guys, remember that a 4-1 vote can be 3-3 in reality.

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Sorry, I've been essentially away from the computer for two days. Ninji...you'd be a deadly raven, and when we have no solid proof of anyone's alignment, we need a lynch.

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As much as I would like to point out that lynching me in the past has been very nonproductive, that's not a good rebuttal, and there's nothing I can do to reverse your 5 votes.

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Day phase end

A wild NINJI appeared!


NINJI used Hyper Beam!

It's super effective!

At this point, the pokemon fans lynched Ninji for cheating.

It is now Night 6. Please send me your orders.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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I even highlighted that point :awesome:. Also, I almost put you down on page 1 as your cause of death being "Cheating". I figured that would be misinterpreted though :facepalm:.

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End Night Phase.

A member of the town was taken to a dark room, with two glasses of wine in front of him. A note in front of him read "One contains poison. Drink this one, or drink the other?". He chose the third option, getting his Iron Sword out and smashing both glasses, before walking out of the unlocked door and back to his house.

It is now Day 6. The Ravens are apparently quietly fuming.

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