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Addition to the Far from the Forest subforums


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Everyone has problems that they want to rant about. A game, an ex, a problem with their job, school, family... The like. And sometimes, I want to rant about my own problems but I don't have anyone to rant to. I mean, we all need a way to remove stress, correct?

Enter the Rant subforum which can get a cool name. Basically, if you've got anything that you want to rant about (big or small, important or plain stupid), just create a topic and rant in it. People can read this topic and agree, post their own similar experiences (if they have), try to give constructive criticism... You name it, you can do it.

Obviously there would be some rules. Here's some that I would consider:

1. This is a section to allow people to complain and rant. Do not complain about the threadstarter's complaint.

2. Try not to mention anyone's name in a rant in order to avoid flaming. If you have a problem with another person on this site, do not call them out on it here.

3. Do not flame others. There is a difference between criticism and flaming. Be aware of the difference.

And other stuff like that. I can help try to flesh out other rules if you want.

What do you think?

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It sounds like a good idea, though I hardly ever complain unless it's a reoccurring issue in life or on the forum. It doesn't seem like an overall meaningful thing to do though. Sure it would save space for the funnier topics in FFtF, but another section for rants alone seem slightly negative and counterproductive at first blush :unsure:

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I dunno...it sounds a bit...too melancholic? You could normally rant about it there or in the General forums (Where they'll take you more seriously but will be less active)

I also agree that there shouldn't be flaming, but I find that hard to look when FftF is still FftF.

Edited by Soul
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I for one wholeheartedly support this motion. I mean, as long as people take it seriously and it's quarantined, this really shouldn't hurt other members, right? And not to sound like a dick, but no one would force another to listen to their complaints.

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My main concern is whether or not it would be used often enough to be worthwhile. I suppose a trial period wouldn't hurt too much, but...I'll wait for additional feedback first.

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Also, um...this topic should have been posted in the ticket system. I can't move topics to the ticket system, so I'll just have to close this and you'll have to make a new ticket about it in the ticket system.

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