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FE9/10 and FE7 relations

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This may have been brought up before but I am going to ask anyway. Does anyone here believe there is a possibility that Tellius and Elibe exist in the same universe? (Meaning of course FE9/10 takes place hundreds or thousands of years after FE6). THe reason for this is that there are multiple weapon corrolations between the two continents( wo dao, regal sword, the katti swords, ect.) (that than the usual(that being the wind tome ®excalibur, and the brave/killer weapons). Whats your opinion on this.

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No, the Regal Sword only has the same name, but the blade isn't the same, the Vague Katti is just coincidence.

And Excalibur is also in FE8, yet, it doesn't take place in Elibe OR Tellius.

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Well, it is possible they ALL take place in the same universe. I'm pretty sure that there's evidence that FE4/5 take place in the same universe as 1-3, but much earlier. I'd guess that Tellius is either much earlier (so the flood dies down) or much later than the others, though.

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I don't think so. The Tellius games really give no hint to it and Tellius has exclusive Gods (who really exist and they literally tell you how they created the land and its people) so I really don't see how it's possible.

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It's not unimpossible that the great flood destroyed Elibe, but there's no proof that it did either.

No, the Regal Sword only has the same name, but the blade isn't the same, the Vague Katti is just coincidence.

Pretty much everything about the vague katti changes from FE9 to FE10, that doesn't mean it isn't the same blade.

Edited by The Syobon
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Since I knew Jugdral and Akaneia are on the same planet, everything just seems possible right now. The great flood could've been the first major event on the planet and after the waters receded, more continents imerged.

Even though Tellius has its own deity system, Yune seems to imply that there are other types of gods when she says that she's pretty sure she's not one the dark gods to Ike. Those gods could assume the form of the dragons of Jugdral for all I know.

However, all of this is very unlikely until some other game hints it or someone at IS says it, kinda like how FFVII took place 1000 years after FFX/X-2 was revealed.

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It's not unimpossible that the great flood destroyed Elibe, but there's no proof that it did either.

Pretty much everything about the vague katti changes from FE9 to FE10, that doesn't mean it isn't the same blade.

I didn't mean the stats, I meant the sword itself, by it's appearance.

And FE6 should take place after 648, that is without doubt...looking at the technology.

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Surely the existance of the various Laguz tribes in FE9/10 and their non-existance in any other FE game, means that Tellius is in a seperate universe?

Or they merged and everyone carries laguz and beorc blood. And over time they stopped getting brands. Of course, there is the whole "laguz blood makes people live longer" thing but if everyone lives that long then there isn't a "longer" anymore anyway.

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Or they merged and everyone carries laguz and beorc blood. And over time they stopped getting brands. Of course, there is the whole "laguz blood makes people live longer" thing but if everyone lives that long then there isn't a "longer" anymore anyway.

That's the suckiest theory I've ever seen written down...

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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All it would take would be Letheish and Ranulfesque leaping on a boat and travelling to Lycia for a year to cause a sudden emergence of (inbred) laguz.

Hells, even a mass Raven/Hawk migration.

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That sounds like a poor excuse, the branded blood is very powerful and not easy to delude.

That's the suckiest theory I've ever seen written down...

It worked for Battlestar Gallactica. Besides, Yune was quite interested in the offspring of Laguz + Beorc.

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Tellius being in the same world as the rest of the FE titles really seems to me as highly unlikely

i could see all the other continents in the same world, but something from Tellius just strikes me as being different from the other continents.

but who knows? only the scriptwriters

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It worked for Battlestar Gallactica. Besides, Yune was quite interested in the offspring of Laguz + Beorc.

That is exactly why I prefer the original series of BSG.

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That is exactly why I prefer the original series of BSG.

You know they didn't do that until the end, right? If that's the only reason, wouldn't that mean you liked it all the way until the final episode?

Anyway, they probably aren't the same world. I'm just saying that after a thousand or so years you might be able to make it happen. I doubt it, though. Also, it seems Lehran should still be alive when all the others are gone but I guess he's hiding in the other games?

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I don't think so. The Tellius games really give no hint to it and Tellius has exclusive Gods (who really exist and they literally tell you how they created the land and its people) so I really don't see how it's possible.

The gods leave after FE10, so it could just be way before hand.

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I've been a big supporter of the "Dragon's Gate leads to Akaneia" theory ever since Vincent has brought it up years ago.

So all there is left is to connect Magvel and Tellius, which I believe are in the same world as Elibe.

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The continents are all conveniently surrounded by water, so it's possible they could all be linked, I just chalk it up to lazy world creation though...

Lazy but effective. Open ended > Closed

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The continents are all conveniently surrounded by water, so it's possible they could all be linked, I just chalk it up to lazy world creation though...

Lazy but effective. Open ended > Closed

I actually find this reasoning pretty shallow. They aren't caveman, their technology is good enough as to travel through sees without problems.

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It might be possible, but someone would need to go sailing off in a random direction for miles to find the other continents.

I don't think it fits. The history of Tellius doesn't really have room for the events of FE6 and FE7. Yune admits that all the other continents are flooded, and I don't think she'd lie. Although maybe Elibe wasn't flooded and just badly messed up, and the Scouring is just their name for Yune's flood, and Yune just assumes none of the other continents survived.

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Kinda funny that, in real life, just about every culture has a flood story. Then, in FE, when there finally could be a real supermassive flood, there's no story about it. Well, outside of what Yune says.

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