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overly technical and random FE question

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I don't think anything is stated. However, it's twin is Alondite, so they're probably made of the same metal - perhaps Silver swords that changed shape and form after being blessed?

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Someone took a Super forged blade, and pissed on it, giving it that nice golden sheen.

It's literally just a normal sword but some god/goddess took a leak on it and viola. Magic sword. Also, the sword's shape further emphasizes my 'facts'.

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Let's just be the creators of super smash bro's and decide it's now a sword forged with Fire

Dyed steel or something probably. Maybe Ashera/Altina thought it looked cooler when it was orange.

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According to Yune, the Disciples of Order had weakly blessed weapons. They are not special, but they are on average stronger than most generic second tier units. It is therefore logical that the weak blessing turned weak regular weapons into strong regular weapons. For example, the Double Bow was probably originally a silver longbow, which makes sense considering their weapon levels and the fact that both have unique ranges.

Alondite and Ragnell each received a stronger blessing. Since FE10 Alondite is an SS sword and is ranged, Alondite and Ragnell are both probably strongly blessed Tempest Blades. The stronger blessing resulted in their different colorings, umbreakability, and ability to bypass blessed armor.

In conclusion, they are likely made of the same windy material as Wind Edges, Storm Swords, and Tempest Blades.

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That is very good reasoning, actually.

Now, I would like to know how Ike defeats the Black Knight without necesarily klling him, I highly doubt he pierced his sword straight at him, that is not in Ike's fighting style. The only good way I could think of it stabbing him in the eyes, yeah I'm smart.

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That is very good reasoning, actually.

Now, I would like to know how Ike defeats the Black Knight without necesarily klling him, I highly doubt he pierced his sword straight at him, that is not in Ike's fighting style. The only good way I could think of it stabbing him in the eyes, yeah I'm smart.

You ever see that big scar his armor has in the torso? Thats probably how. A big slash at it.

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According to Yune, the Disciples of Order had weakly blessed weapons. They are not special, but they are on average stronger than most generic second tier units. It is therefore logical that the weak blessing turned weak regular weapons into strong regular weapons. For example, the Double Bow was probably originally a silver longbow, which makes sense considering their weapon levels and the fact that both have unique ranges.

Except the Double bow doesn't have 3 range. That;s just a normal Marksman bonus to be able to 3 range.

Alondite and Ragnell each received a stronger blessing. Since FE10 Alondite is an SS sword and is ranged, Alondite and Ragnell are both probably strongly blessed Tempest Blades. The stronger blessing resulted in their different colorings, umbreakability, and ability to bypass blessed armor.

Maybe not the wind weapons but maybe something like the Florete?

In conclusion, they are likely made of the same windy material as Wind Edges, Storm Swords, and Tempest Blades.

Again, perhaps the Florete?

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Except the Double bow doesn't have 3 range. That;s just a normal Marksman bonus to be able to 3 range.

I'm not sure if the person realized it, but he could have meant Longbows have 2-3 range (unique range) and Double Bow has 1-2 range (unique range). The blessing may have done something to it. And it's not like he actually said 3 range, you know. Just "unique". And the double bow certainly meets that standard.

Maybe not the wind weapons but maybe something like the Florete?

Except Tempest has the same mt as Alondite and Ragnell. Florete doesn't have anything in common. Tempest has 5 crit and 18 mt, just like Ragnell/Alondite. Granted it has less hit, but a blessing could boost the accuracy.

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I'm not sure if the person realized it, but he could have meant Longbows have 2-3 range (unique range) and Double Bow has 1-2 range (unique range). The blessing may have done something to it. And it's not like he actually said 3 range, you know. Just "unique". And the double bow certainly meets that standard.

Meh. I have a bad habit of assuming things are being implied. Sue me.

Except Tempest has the same mt as Alondite and Ragnell. Florete doesn't have anything in common. Tempest has 5 crit and 18 mt, just like Ragnell/Alondite. Granted it has less hit, but a blessing could boost the accuracy.

I see where you're going with this. Power wise, Tempest Blade's are alike to them bar the accuracy.But I was refering to the 'Florete uses Magic to attack' part.

I think its tow-may-tow --- tow-ma-tow with this

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