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Mini Mafia Round 3

General Spoon

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Huh, I sort of expected the tracker was going to watch me last night, but whatever, this is actually better for the town if I interpret things correctly. Core having a TV set means he stayed home last night, thus couldn't have killed anyone?

I suppose now is the best time to come out with the fact that I'm the doctor. Until last night I stayed at home every night, so you can all rest assured that we're only dealing with one vanilla at this point.

[spoiler=List of Orders]

Night 1: Sit on thumbs. (Do not protect anyone.)
Night 2: Staying indoors. (Protecting no-one.)
Since I don't want my Hippocratic oath to force me into saving a muscled, tattooed, Japanese gangster, I'll be at home watching television tonight. (no save)

Edit: Adding Night 3 somewhere in here, just for clarity.

I probably should WIFOM, but instead, I'll go with the sure thing.

Night 4: Protect BK-201

Since Ulki is a cleared bulletproof, BK is a cleared Tracker, Core is a cleared stay-indoors, and I'm the doctor, that means I'm going to have to vote for Bizz, at this point. The only way this will go poorly is if either Ulki or BK were yakked and faking their clears, but considering combined they took down a Yakuza instead of a Vanilla, I think that unlikely.

Also, Ulki, since CATS has been clamoring for my neck for awhile now, do you really think I would make myself an obvious target by killing him at night? Not my style.

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Well, I'm the hunter, and I think it's rather funny that the doctor role seems to really like Bal... it's kind of like me with the tracker role.

I'm thinking someone's faking their claim, though, because I'm not mafia. If you want to lynch me and find out, however, don't worry about it. I can actually take someone with me this time!

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I dunno about Bizz being mafia. I tracked her on Night 1, meaning she can't be mafia. Correct me if I'm wrong, there starts with 2 yaks, one went off on that night and it wasn't Bizz. Fayt was the other. So I doubt Bizz is scum.

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I think that's a risky move. Bizz is a confirmed townie. So lets say that she does go and shoot Balc. There is no evidence to suggest Balc is scum, so there's a chance we kill two townies. If you really want Balc killed, everyone could just vote him rather than removing a townie to do it.

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1 Townie- Ether (dead)

1 Doctor- Balc

1 Tracker- Bk 201

2 Bulletproofs- Ulki (hit) Core (unhit)

1 Hunter- Bizz

1 Shrink- CATS (dead)

2 Yakuza- Light and Fayt (dead, How unfrtunate fayt wasn't the first one lynched)

Just felt like putting it up there.

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It's between Balc and Bizz as there is no concrete evidence to prove they are townies, I'll go with Balcerzak. Balcerzak has already been stated to be good at these things, thus a logical choice for being yak'd. If not, the next day phase we should call out Bizz unless new evidence arises.

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I did some pondering last night actually. Before I lay out what I'm currently thinking, I need to know something, Bizz. If you're lynched, and not lying, who will you shoot?

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I did some pondering last night actually. Before I lay out what I'm currently thinking, I need to know something, Bizz. If you're lynched, and not lying, who will you shoot?

Depends. I was thinking Core, but if he isn't lying, it'd be a waste. And then there's you~

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Hint: I was cleared by BK. If BK was mafia, he wouldn't want to be clearing anyone, he would make stuff up. Here are our options

1) Lynch Balcerzak on grounds that he is a good, yet obvious choice to be yakked.

2)Lynch Bizz because she is a much less obvious yak choice, If she is hunter, then she should shoot Balcerzak.

I think the priority list is:





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Okay. The only way we can lose today, is if Bizz isn't lying, and she shoots a townie (me). That would take us from 5, down to 3, mafia kills one, then it's 2 people, 1 and 1 and the mafia wins.

In that case, just vote for me straight up. I die. The mafia will kill someone, then it's a 3 man game. If Bizz is still alive, you can shoot her, and she has at worst a 50% chance to take out the other scum.

Unvote Bizz. Vote Balcerzak.

We can do this you guys. I believe in you.

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