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Lightning's Mafia


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Thank god! You're both inactive, so yeah, it's right. Here it is (the people in red are dead, and I've listed suspected roles next to Fayt, Bizz, and Mike):



Trompe Le Monde


General Spoon

Champion Cynthia - Volke

Fayt Zelpher – Detective?

Dracohon - Sephiran

Ninji - Micaiah


WeaponsOfMassConstruction - Stefan






Bizz - Oliver?

mikethfc - Gatrie?

Lux Aeterna - Mordecai

Crysta - Mist


I Eat Tables

EDIT: I'm obviously inactive

Edited by Ragnell
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Also, I should point out that I won't be able to post next phase, because I'm going to my Dad's for the weekend and they won't let me use the internet.

Same story here.

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So what are the active town roles?



Dragon Lord


Yeah, that makes it seem like the 3 Mafia should be in the active players list.

In that case anyway, I think going down the list might be effective. At night, Vig can choose the top person excluding himself and Ike can start from the bottom. That way, we ensure the most kills. In which case, Snike is, I believe, our first victim.

And, why are Mist and Lux in the inactive section :facepalm:?

I think this is a really cheap victory, though. It seems pretty unfair, actually.

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I agree that it is really cheap. When I first got the role, I thought up this plan and decided that it was way too unfair, so there must be something I wasn't seeing. I went with the idea that all mafia aren't active at night, which would totally ruin everything.

Lightning mentioned above that Lux being in the bottom was a mistake, and Mist doesn't become active until Micaiah dies, so that makes some sense.

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Ah, yeah. And that's the problem. In Bizz's game (Choral Mafia, if you want to look it up), someone had this role and was told that not all Mafia are active, it's based on their secondary abilities. Unfortunately, Bizz forgot and put them as active roles anyway. Still, the obfuscation helped stop the information from being used.

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Vote Snike.

I can also confirm that I have an active role,so in that respect,atleast,I agree with him.

Also,as we know that Fayt is the detective,I would like to ask him to confirm my innocence tonight,as it lets us save the town a lynch/nightkill trying to lynch me.

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Since I get one post-death post...

I lol'd.

Here I was thinking I would get at least one more night because I kept my mouth shut and maybe Fayt would have found me suspicious enough to investigate, but that seems to have epically backfired.

And I was active every night phase so...


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If there's a doctor still alive, I would ask for your protection tonight. I'm the closest person we have to a known innocent, and I can still do investigations and try to get a clear (or scum) read on an active member this phase.

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While you said not to on suspicion of being mafia,I am going to come out with this.

I am Ike,the hero.I have two actions left,as I used my first on Protecting Tables last night.

I am also the only current "doctor" alive,however,I believe that Fayt should be protected by the Dragonlord,whoever they are.

The reason i asked for Fayt's investigation on me was so that I could claim tommorow without opposition with the detective's word.if you are suspicious of my claim of Ike,feel free to investigate me tonight to confirm,I just ask that you leave me alive today so i can kill someone,any suggestions?

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If there's a doctor still alive, I would ask for your protection tonight. I'm the closest person we have to a known innocent, and I can still do investigations and try to get a clear (or scum) read on an active member this phase.

Not a doctor as sucuch but we still have the carriage driver to swap you and whittle down either the the active members or my armour

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I can't help but be suspicious about Ether. I'm not going to say you're lying, but I'd like Fayt to take a look, unless someone else has a better idea.

And if Haar, whoever you are, switches Fayt, switch him with another active member, NOT an inactive member. We want as many active deaths as possible, with as few inactive deaths as possible. I also am not sure if the mafia will go after townie actives or not. After all, if they target Ike, Rolf, or Bastion, they increase their chance of being lynched, while not killing those three also leaves the mafia at a disadvantage. Honestly, I have no idea what I would do if I was them.

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As i said,i very well want to be investigated.

The reason I roleclaimed was simple:

-With the town having direct contact with a nightkiller,we have a better sense of coordination.

-It also either A: Gets me killed right away by the mafia,which lowers our pool of actives or B: Keeps the mafia away from me,gaining a second night kill.

Also,once I'm clear,which I will be assuming Fayt investigates me tonight and we both survive,then it lowers our pool of potential lynchees.All in all,I think I made the right move.

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Okay, Ether - You need to go ahead and make a kill. The carriage driver should swap me with a random person. And I mean random - go to a random number generator and pull out a random person. Just not me and not Ether.

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I don't really suspect you, Ether, but I don't totally trust you either.

Oh, and scratch what I said before. We have two night killers going after actives, so I think it would be safer to switch Fayt with a inactive. That way there's only one chance that a mafia will attack an inactive and instead kill Fayt. If Haar switched Fayt for another active, then we'd have two vigilantes (Ike and Rolf) with a chance of killing Fayt.

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I'm going to be honest, this is the cheapest mafia takedown I've ever seen, but I guess it doesn't break any rules and the way I set the game up makes it partially my own fault. The game seems pretty darn imbalanced and I'm considering giving the Senate some extra powers, but for now I'll just sit back and watch.

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Ah, yeah. And that's the problem. In Bizz's game (Choral Mafia, if you want to look it up), someone had this role and was told that not all Mafia are active, it's based on their secondary abilities. Unfortunately, Bizz forgot and put them as active roles anyway. Still, the obfuscation helped stop the information from being used.

I'm pretty forgetful~

Anyway, Snike.

Seems like my next game might be starting soon.

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How about this. Since THIS discussion isn't going anyplace, let's try this one. What do you guys think is cheaper. Killing the mafia off in this fashion, or killing the mafia off based on the fact that THEY'RE RIGHT NEXT TO EACHOTHER on Bizz's list?

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