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Funny, Stupid, Unknown and Interesting facts about FE10

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I believe the way it's technically implements is multiplying the opponents attack strength by 1/9th, before factoring in defence. I can't verify that's correct, but it basically means any character with >~5 defence becomes invincible (I don't think you can get above about 50 attack in PoR, possibly using effective weapons, but even then only about ~7 defence would do the trick).

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I believe the way it's technically implements is multiplying the opponents attack strength by 1/9th, before factoring in defence. I can't verify that's correct, but it basically means any character with >~5 defence becomes invincible (I don't think you can get above about 50 attack in PoR, possibly using effective weapons, but even then only about ~7 defence would do the trick).

Berserk Ashnard has 60 atk with Gurgurant and 66 atk with an effective Laguz Axe. So that means max str warriors and berserkers can reach 56 atk with an effective Laguz Axe.

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Not sure I think the comment about Mantle not intending to be the Goddess's Protection is right, its name in the Japanese version was Goddess's Protection after all.

Also, I did some tests with Mantle in FE9 a long time. I forgot the results, but I'm pretty sure it negates any damage you can possibly ever do. Case in point, a Chapter 1 enemy with a 255 Might weapon hits a Level 1 Ike and does no damage (or was it the other way round?). 255/9 is 28 and nobody's going to have that much defence by Chapter 1.

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I believe the way it's technically implements is multiplying the opponents attack strength by 1/9th, before factoring in defence. I can't verify that's correct, but it basically means any character with >~5 defence becomes invincible (I don't think you can get above about 50 attack in PoR, possibly using effective weapons, but even then only about ~7 defence would do the trick).

Ena can reach 49 Mt because of her lousy weapon.

Giffca has 50.

Boyd/Largo with a Silver Axe can reach 46 but a whopping 69 with a laguz axe vs Laguz. Lulzy when you think about it that Sephiran is actually a laguz.

With mantle he'dd need 8 defence to be invurnable.

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Berserk Ashnard has 60 atk with Gurgurant and 66 atk with an effective Laguz Axe. So that means max str warriors and berserkers can reach 56 atk with an effective Laguz Axe.

There's also Resolve and supports, for 20 more attack.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That would be really cool and someone should go test it thoroughly. That someone almost certainly won't be me, but it would be really awesome if someone tested. And great if they really are accelerated. Actually, testing speeds in each part would be really cool.

Now, there is a "30" in the code somewhere, according to Vincent. Right beside the 15 used for the chapter bonus, actually. It's possible they start using the 30 in part 4. It would explain why you'd only need 2 chapters and no adjacents to pull off a support level in part 4. 30 + 30 > 50.

This is an old post, but I'm pretty sure everyone can build support with each other at 4-E-3 and maybe 4-E-5 as well. I don't think it happens before that, though.

Also, I believe part 2 in this game is the first time in the entire series where you have both male and female playable units and the women outnumber the men. 2-P has 3 females (Elincia, Marcia, Leanne) and 1/2 males (Nealuchi, later Haar). 2-1 has Nephenee and Brom and eventually Heather. 2-2 has 5 females (Lucia, Nephenee, Heather, Leanne, Lethe) and 3 males (Brom, Mordecai, Nealuchi). 2-3 breaks this with 2 females and 4 males. 2-E works until the CRKs show up to tie it, with 7 females (Elincia, Nephenee, Heather, Leanne, Lethe, Calill, Marcia) and 4 males (Brom, Mordecai, Nealuchi, Haar). When the CRKs show up, it becomes an even 8/8 split by adding 4 males and 1 female. If only Lucia hadn't gotten herself kidnapped.

Lyn in FE7's Prologue technically fits this, but there aren't any playable males then. 1-9 before you start the map could also work, since it's just Micaiah. Theoretically you could do the same in part 4 maps due to the team switching and leaving units behind in 4-E, but that doesn't count because it's still possible to have more men than women in all those maps.

Otherwise, other games don't have the same kind of team switching as this and you always start with more men and never get enough women fast enough.

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Halfshifted base Lyre who has rescued someone can barely kill Base Laura in 1 round.

She'll have 8 spd which is 1 too little to double and has 7*1.5=10 Str resulting in 18 mt. 2 Def and 16 health on Laura's side means it's a clean kill.

BTW. Kudos to who actualy does this. (realised you can't cuz Lyre doesn't have access to halfshift till 3-8.)

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This is an old post, but I'm pretty sure everyone can build support with each other at 4-E-3 and maybe 4-E-5 as well. I don't think it happens before that, though.

Also, I believe part 2 in this game is the first time in the entire series where you have both male and female playable units and the women outnumber the men. 2-P has 3 females (Elincia, Marcia, Leanne) and 1/2 males (Nealuchi, later Haar). 2-1 has Nephenee and Brom and eventually Heather. 2-2 has 5 females (Lucia, Nephenee, Heather, Leanne, Lethe) and 3 males (Brom, Mordecai, Nealuchi). 2-3 breaks this with 2 females and 4 males. 2-E works until the CRKs show up to tie it, with 7 females (Elincia, Nephenee, Heather, Leanne, Lethe, Calill, Marcia) and 4 males (Brom, Mordecai, Nealuchi, Haar). When the CRKs show up, it becomes an even 8/8 split by adding 4 males and 1 female. If only Lucia hadn't gotten herself kidnapped.

Lyn in FE7's Prologue technically fits this, but there aren't any playable males then. 1-9 before you start the map could also work, since it's just Micaiah. Theoretically you could do the same in part 4 maps due to the team switching and leaving units behind in 4-E, but that doesn't count because it's still possible to have more men than women in all those maps.

Otherwise, other games don't have the same kind of team switching as this and you always start with more men and never get enough women fast enough.

8O IS is sexist.

Base level Caineghis would 1RKO EM/NM Ashnard. A maxed out Tibarn would only need +1 Atk to do so.

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Yune, bird form also has the innate ability insight, just as Ashera's immense FOW sight range.

Iirc, 1-P is one of the first maps that isn't rectangular.

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Halfshifted base Lyre who has rescued someone can barely kill Base Laura in 1 round.

She'll have 8 spd which is 1 too little to double and has 7*1.5=10 Str resulting in 18 mt. 2 Def and 16 health on Laura's side means it's a clean kill.

BTW. Kudos to who actualy does this. (realised you can't cuz Lyre doesn't have access to halfshift till 3-8.)

You could have her fight Laura in 3-E

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If Ranulf were to never gain strength throughout entire game he could still be 1HKO Red Dragons in HM if Rend activates

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I'm sure many people have noticed at least a few similarities between Twilight character Jacob Black and Volug from FE10. But I found a more interesting and coincidental comparison while reading through a Harry Potter book (which I think is a series that people like more.)

To be more specific, I'm talking about Scrimgeour from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. You know, the guy who leads the Ministry of Magic during the 6th book and dies in the 7th. While rereading, the name instantly reminded me of Skrimir from FE10. Not too hard to latch on too, seeing as those are both names that I've never heard of in real life. Where it gets a bit interesting is how Scrimgeour is first described to he reader:

"There were streaks of grey in his mane of tawny hair and his bushy eyebrows [...] the Prime Minister's first, foolish thought was that Rufus Scrimgeour looked rather like an old lion."

So yeah, I thought it was pretty weird that a character with a rare and similar-sounding name to Skrimir would be described as looking like the type of animal that Skrimir is, especially since the author doesn't use animal imagery THAT often to describe characters.

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I'm sure many people have noticed at least a few similarities between Twilight character Jacob Black and Volug from FE10. But I found a more interesting and coincidental comparison while reading through a Harry Potter book (which I think is a series that people like more.)

To be more specific, I'm talking about Scrimgeour from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. You know, the guy who leads the Ministry of Magic during the 6th book and dies in the 7th. While rereading, the name instantly reminded me of Skrimir from FE10. Not too hard to latch on too, seeing as those are both names that I've never heard of in real life. Where it gets a bit interesting is how Scrimgeour is first described to he reader:

"There were streaks of grey in his mane of tawny hair and his bushy eyebrows [...] the Prime Minister's first, foolish thought was that Rufus Scrimgeour looked rather like an old lion."

So yeah, I thought it was pretty weird that a character with a rare and similar-sounding name to Skrimir would be described as looking like the type of animal that Skrimir is, especially since the author doesn't use animal imagery THAT often to describe characters.

I'd have to agree there, when I first read that description in HP6, I immideately pictured him looking like Skrimir or Caineghis.

The same description would also fit Teikun O from Gyakuten Kenji 2, so it seems like the "lion-like authority figure" is a fairly popular character design. Although

Wuth Teikun O it's actually a subversion.

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I thought swords in general were more expensive IRL


real life

in fire emblem

a game where there's magic, dragons, and flying horses

a game where you can dodge arrows shot from longbows

a game where pirates can walk on water

a game where silver is viable as a weapon

a game where you can break a bow by shooting arrows from it, and you can break books by reading from them too much

Royal Ludroth

Don't forget transforming animal people, Rain.


Oh, wait, it gets better

By reading a scroll, you can magically become infinitely better at fighting tigers/cats

You can also instantaneously forget this

And the scroll can only be read once

And when you instantaneously forget, the scroll is magically readable again

Sitting on a throne also lets you dodge attacks better, and heal wounds, and also makes things hurt you less.

Yeah... no.

dodging better while sitting down

Oh, wait, get this

I can only hold a set amount of items

I can't have more than five keys

Oh, and with regards to the magic transformation thing

Eating/sm oking/however olivi grass is consumed magically makes this happen *faster*

Also, one can be badass enough to dodge leigions of elite soldiers, ballista shots, and fucking *lightning bolts*, but cannot move out of the way of rocks pushed down cliffs


Oh, and forging weapons makes them better

You can also improve *books* through this







This came up in IP.Chat when discussing how FE11 had lances more expensive than swords, and it wasn't really meant to apply to any FE specifically, but a lot of it is Por/RD only features, so yeah.

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Wait, where is my large post with all lame level crap? ;__;

Anyway, most important part:

Calill is the only BEORC! unit you get that has a unique starting level. Being the only unit you get that is level six!

Lyre is the first uniquely leveled laguz.

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real life

in fire emblem

a game where you can dodge arrows shot from longbows

a game where you can break a bow by shooting arrows from it

Longbows are actually really hard to shoot, I know a longbowman and maybe two of his shots out of 5 would hit a person-sized area at 20 yards. Also, traditional bows will break if you shoot them enough, but it's admittedly normally several hundreds of shots, not several dozen.

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I just thought of something I'd actually like to see tested. Since 3-6 and 3-7 are essentially the same map, is it possible you can find the same hidden items on them? Like, could you find the Brave Bow during 3-7 if it wasn't found during 3-6?

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I just thought of something I'd actually like to see tested. Since 3-6 and 3-7 are essentially the same map, is it possible you can find the same hidden items on them? Like, could you find the Brave Bow during 3-7 if it wasn't found during 3-6?

The 3-7 map is actually scaled down slightly, so I doubt that would work.

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You can get Zihark to recruit himself to the other team in 3-6 though.

Dunno if you cna get Jill to go to the greils in 3-13 by talking with a transfer Mist.

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