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Mafia Players Tier List


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I would personally place you at the top of high. You are intelligent as people have noted, but you lash out too often. Your disputes with people often end in you getting lynched which is one of the criteria you fail to meet.

You ever think that maybe I try to get myself lynched on purpose sometimes in order to toss suspicion off my teammates?

Oh and Lux above Ulki. He's actually sharp if you speak to him directly. The man can put out a wickedly cool analysis if he's been paying attention. Problem is that he doesn't usually hold much power within the town. I could post reasons for why I believe Ulki could drop (nothing personal matey) but I don't want to hurt his feelings.

Also change the requirements of the list. If it's the ability to convince the town of innocence, then I should be at the bottom just because I keep pulling Mafia every other game. The last time I got lynched was because I made a dumb move since I wasn't thinking straight and everyone just assumed Mafia because anything I say makes me look pretty guilty.

Point is that it should be more of a "how good are you at persuading people in order to follow your way of thinking" type of list since that's what Mafia is. How well can you convince another person that going with you is better for their own sake? And you people should watch Survivor more, you'll learn some tips from it.

Edited by Life
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I bet if Ulki or Lightning (just got FF13 btw) tried doing that, they could possibly be up there in that high tier.

"I find your lack of Fayt disturbing."

Yup ran out of fruitful contributions too make so now its just a Darth Vader quote -almost

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Life, I would kill for your instinct. I'm getting the impression I think too much and do too little. I implore a couple random vig kills and only get a single shot off in Lightning's game. And this timezone is like a death sentence for inactivity lynches.

And yet, I've never been mafia (not counting Cold Blood in Jugdral-yay Day 2 lynch) but I feel I could do well in it.

EDIT: By the way, I like how I'm the benchmark of average XD

Edited by Trompe le Monde
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Life, I would kill for your instinct. I'm getting the impression I think too much and do too little. I implore a couple random vig kills and only get a single shot off in Lightning's game. And this timezone is like a death sentence for inactivity lynches.

And yet, I've never been mafia (not counting Cold Blood in Jugdral-yay Day 2 lynch) but I feel I could do well in it.

EDIT: By the way, I like how I'm the benchmark of average XD

Spoiler for Ether's game much? :(

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Life, I would kill for your instinct. I'm getting the impression I think too much and do too little. I implore a couple random vig kills and only get a single shot off in Lightning's game. And this timezone is like a death sentence for inactivity lynches.

And yet, I've never been mafia (not counting Cold Blood in Jugdral-yay Day 2 lynch) but I feel I could do well in it.

EDIT: By the way, I like how I'm the benchmark of average XD

Guess who did that in Ether's game? Me. :D

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Guess who did that in Ether's game? Me. :D

Fucking lucky kill too. But Tables warned me that I'd be an early target so I kinda was expecting it. Nothing I can do about something like that.

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Fucking lucky kill too. But Tables warned me that I'd be an early target so I kinda was expecting it. Nothing I can do about something like that.

Isn't luck a factor in every mafia game?

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Isn't luck a factor in every mafia game?

Now if I was still King Russell...

Seriously, it is. But I don't like to think of it as a major factor because to me, Mafia is more about how to use your tools to help your team win. The more important one is your brain. Roles help but it's the brain that gets your through most of the game.

I've decided to do a little analysis of the list. I'll post it in a bit.

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Hmm... Dracohon seems a little low to me. Perhaps it's because it was him who called me out in my first proper game (Spoon's round 3), or perhaps because I saw how he played in my game (very sensibly, I suppose), but he seems like a decent player to me.

And for the 4th time, Core is too low. Top 4 in Mid, at least.

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Actually, I'll agree with Tables, Core is too low.

Also, you never answered my question.

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Spoiler for Ether's game much? :(

Would I REALLY claim mafia in a different thread? Gissa break~

Anyway, apart from Fayt I'm pretty much cleared when we lynch Raymond.

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This is a dumb idea lol (as if we need any tier list arguing in MAFIA now), but I think my position is fine... even if it's probably partially due to me lynching the thread starter for the lulz. :awesome:

I like Spoon, CATS, Hika, Weapons, and Bal. Proto was cool too. Of course I like them all for different reasons, some of which may not altogether be tied to actual skill.

Life's not the worst even if I find him very annoying sometimes. I think his ego should be a separate entity, imo, and put it in fail tier. He himself is probably at the bottom of high... because I haven't seen many of his gambits actually work besides killing Mordie before he went down lol.

Though if I were to choose between someone who is too aggressive over someone who unvotes a dozen times per day phase, I'm choosing the former any day of the week.

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Top Tier

Balcerzak - No. Bal, I think you're wonderful and great with your mind but you just don't have that killer instinct for this game. Probably bottom of Top or top of High

General Spoon - Under IET and maybe under Life but probably not. Way too aggressive for his own good.

I Eat Tables - Best player here by a mile and probably deserves his own tier. Quick brain, has great contingency plans and never really fucks things up for himself unless luck is involved.

Life - I agree with this position. Prone to momentary lapses in judgement but has a brain for the game.

High Tier


Nightmare - Who? Seriously, I have nothing to say. I haven't seen him play enough to comment properly.


Bizz - Above Ether. Bizz has some SERIOUS luck on her side about 75% of the time. Not to mention that she's quick.

Mid Tier

Fayt Zelpher - Are you nuts? He's just below Bizz in my books. Broke one game and has been constantly improving since his first try. Wait until the results of MM5 to come out and you'll see what I mean.



Trompe le Monde



Lightning Down by a mile. Hasn't done a single thing yet of note in my mind. I know you're editting your list Lightning, but you really shouldn't fluff yourself up.


Core - Bottom of High at the very least.

Low Tier



The Dragonslayer


Lux Aeterna - Above Ulki. If you want a complet

Bottom Tier

Champion Cynthia - Too AFK to tell.

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I agree with basically everything there. Am I really aggressive?

I'd have to honestly say that sometimes you can be.

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Life's not the worst even if I find him very annoying sometimes. I think his ego should be a separate entity, imo, and put it in fail tier. He himself is probably at the bottom of high... because I haven't seen many of his gambits actually work besides killing Mordie before he went down lol.

I do most of my work in PMs nowadays. Most of my gambits do actually work, I just die before I myself can exclaim how awesome I am. :awesome: Kidding. On a serious note, most of my stunts have actually worked. I claimed Mafia to Tables on Night 1 and I was killing on Night 2. Survived a lynch. Why? Because I convinced Tables that I was beneficial to keep around while learning some info and having a mole in the town.

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