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FE 3: What You'd Like to See and What You'd Like to Return

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I'd like for them to keep the dodge system of 11. One thing I loved about H5 was that it was way less luck based after the first few chapters (chapter 3 boss <_< ). If it was attack speed + luck (not halved) then I guess I'd be alright with it, but not much else.

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One thing I liked about FE11 which many people didn't was that it didn't add too much as a remake. Lots of people are talking about adding new magic types, or totally new classes. I am ok with a new character or two, but it should be remade in the style of FE11. Not necessarily b/c FE11 did it the best, but b/c it is a sequel to FE11. I am fine with a few new character or chapters, especially axe users, but when i see quotes like this:

supports: like FE9, at the base. like FE10, possible with everyone. like FE GBA, support conversations and paired endings.

weapons: swords (knife as sword usable by thieves), lances, axes and bows(no crossbows)

anima(wind, thunder and fire are good, but as one weapon type), Light, dark and staves (equip-able with low MT)

no reclass system


swords: myrmidons, swordmasters, mercenaries, heroes(+axe)

lances: soldiers, halberdiers, peg. knights, falcon knights(+swords)

Axe: fighters, warriors, wyvern knights, wyvern lords(+lance)

bow: archers, snipers

and cavaliers/ paladins and armors/generals of every weapon type

anima: mage, sage(+staves+light)

light: monk, bishop(+staves+anima)

dark: shaman, druid(+anima+staves)

staves: cleric, valkyrie(+light+horse)

and a mamkute/ manakete

or laguz, but that's very false hope

no lord class, but a lord with one of the classes.

and about the shadowy figure, did anyone think about it maybe being a character you can create yourself? not only like the strategist as in name only, but really like choosing a class, name, affinity etc.

I wonder if poeple even realize tis is FE3 being remade. Seriously, the above poster doesn't seem to either know what FE3 was or not know that it is being remade. Also forging should be thrown out, and reclassing should have new sets and limitations on the number of changes. Keep the magic classes separated from physical and maybe limit to one change before promotion and one change after. Also definitely keep the hard modes. For sure add more custom-looking battle animations, but keep the same styles. Support convos would also be nice, but i don't really think they are necessary.

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One thing I liked about FE11 which many people didn't was that it didn't add too much as a remake. Lots of people are talking about adding new magic types, or totally new classes. I am ok with a new character or two, but it should be remade in the style of FE11. Not necessarily b/c FE11 did it the best, but b/c it is a sequel to FE11. I am fine with a few new character or chapters, especially axe users, but when i see quotes like this:

I wonder if poeple even realize tis is FE3 being remade. Seriously, the above poster doesn't seem to either know what FE3 was or not know that it is being remade. Also forging should be thrown out, and reclassing should have new sets and limitations on the number of changes. Keep the magic classes separated from physical and maybe limit to one change before promotion and one change after. Also definitely keep the hard modes. For sure add more custom-looking battle animations, but keep the same styles. Support convos would also be nice, but i don't really think they are necessary.

no, I haven't played FE3 and yes, I do know it's a remake.

but I thought a remake doesn't have to mean it'll be exactly the same. there could be changes.

and if therewere any changes, that was what I'd like. and what I like doesn't have to be even possible. that's not what this topic title asks for.

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I think Pokémon FR/LG and HG/SS would make for a better analogy anyway.

I brought up Zero Mission to use as an analogy since that game actually adds onto the story of the original which is something I hope they do for FE12 so that we aren't stuck with 20ish chapters that mostly used the same maps as Book 1.

One thing I liked about FE11 which many people didn't was that it didn't add too much as a remake. Lots of people are talking about adding new magic types, or totally new classes. I am ok with a new character or two, but it should be remade in the style of FE11. Not necessarily b/c FE11 did it the best, but b/c it is a sequel to FE11. I am fine with a few new character or chapters, especially axe users, but when i see quotes like this:

If this remake is made as closely as FEDS was made to the original, then it will be a terrible game. They need to just keep the core elements of the story and change things up a lot.

I read the calculation thing that you'd like to see most of the calculations replaced, whereas I say that everything is OK except for the dodge formula.

Oh, I should have been more specific then because I was mostly referring to this too.

Also, I think it should be safe to assume that Halberdier's will likely return for this game since there are quite a bit of chapters where you have to fight soldiers in book 2.

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Really? What would you propose for dodge then?

I thought FE3 got the right balance between your unit's stats and terrain bonuses, while the formula from FE4 on neglected terrain bonuses too much and SD's was too reliant on terrain bonuses.

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Really? What would you propose for dodge then?
Nothing, because I'm sure they'll stick with what they have now or have different ideas on what to change. WiFi is also a factor here.

Skill x2 vs. Speed x1 doesn't seem right, especially with 2 RNs. Luck is x1, but not every character can get that easily.

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If this remake is made as closely as FEDS was made to the original, then it will be a terrible game. They need to just keep the core elements of the story and change things up a lot.

If they change it up a lot I won't buy it. What's the point of remaking it if you change a bunch? Especially if it's a game that most of the fanbase shouldn't have played. Technically, no one outside of Japan can get it, and even in Japan, the game's 16 years old. I'm sure people want to see what FE3 was, not a game with the same title.

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I'm sure people want to see what FE3 was, not a game with the same title.

And I'm just as sure that people would rather have a game that does not suck massive balls because it is outdated.

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And I'm just as sure that people would rather have a game that does not suck massive balls because it is outdated.

FE3 ages much better than FE1 does. In fact, FE1 already ages better than most NES RPGs at least when translated to faster battle animations.

Edited by Ilyana
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If they change it up a lot I won't buy it. What's the point of remaking it if you change a bunch? Especially if it's a game that most of the fanbase shouldn't have played. Technically, no one outside of Japan can get it, and even in Japan, the game's 16 years old. I'm sure people want to see what FE3 was, not a game with the same title.

I want a better version of FE3, not the same damn thing...

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I forgot to add I want the satellaview games and other sidestories.

I agree 10000000000000000000000000000000 times. That's over Nine Thousand.

Satellaview games are impossible to come by short of emulation, and even then it's somewhat hard to hunt them down!

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Actually, we all need generic enemies to have luck.

If Book 1 is to return, please, FIX Wolf and Sedgar's growths to their crappy state.

Also, I dunno why, but I want Weapon Level back as well. It's so fun having Roshe kill everyone thanks to early Silver Lance usage. :awesome:

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The game is already great. I'm a huge fan of the SNES Fire Emblems.

The story needs to be told better and situations should appear. Like when starting a chapter you have the map, then convos, enemy killing someone or attacking. Like Chapter 1 of Shadow Dragon. Character personalities is a MUST for entertainmen example would be Shinon from FE9-10.

Stat caps need to be reorganized. NO forging Brave weapons!!!

Marth is ok just needs Ike's FE9 caps.

Skills optional.

More chapter endings rather than Sieze, it gets too repetative. Bring survive, rout, escape, and protect back.

Let Marth mount for big maps. Dismount maybe.


Reclass was desent. So you don't get f*** if a Fighter(Cord) ends up with 24 Spd as Warrior.

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I want a better version of FE3, not the same damn thing...

What he said.

What I'd like to see:

Expanded story.

Different map objectives rather than seize. Certain chapters could easily translate to a different objective (Ex. Chapter 8 would make a nice Escape map)

RD-style supports. Asking for full-blown convos is asking too much of IS considering how cardboard the original personalities were. RD-style is the best we can hope for.

Gaiden chapters that reward you for being good, not bad.

Separate Pegasus Knights from Dracoknights. Let the Whitewings stay white and promote to Falcoknights.

Bring back some axe users (It'd be retarded if they kept the weapon triangle, but still stuck with FE3's lack of axemen. A game where you fight lances with swords, oh joy.)

Reclassing can stay, I didn't mind it.

Forging should be an FE staple at this point.

Light/Dark/Anima mages.

Make Bishops and Sages different. (Bishop = Heal + Light, Sage = Anima + Heal is fine)

Custom sprites

And most importantly, don't be like Shadow Dragon. Don't just be a straight port with prettier graphics. Actually make it more than a remake, add plenty of new material.

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^could you please elaborate on that?

If I were to have Bord unequipped and have him swarmed by a bunch of enemies to die because I don't feel like including him in my team and I need him dead to access a gaiden chapter, that does not make me a bad player, only "cold and inhuman".

Edited by Speedwagon
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If I were to have Bord unequipped and have him swarmed by a bunch of enemies to die because I don't feel like including him in my team and I need him dead to access a gaiden chapter, that does not make me a bad player, only "cold and inhuman".

I see what you did there.

I'd still prefer they don't pull shit like that again.

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Why's anybody supposed to care? Nobody ever rotates through every single in the game. Instead of having 40 units you never use greyed out in the unit screen they all just don't exist. Never saw the big deal, still don't.

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I find it stupid that people say that the gaiden requirements reward you for playing badly when the exact opposite would be rewarding you for something you weren't supposed to do in the first place.

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I find it stupid that people say that the gaiden requirements reward you for playing badly when the exact opposite would be rewarding you for something you weren't supposed to do in the first place.

you aren't supposed to keep people alive?

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you aren't supposed to keep people alive?

Apparently keeping people alive is overrated. I say we kill everyone. An ax murderer for every large city!

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