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Rules Revision.


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We have once again revised the rules. This has been a work in progress for a long time, but given that Vincent and I have had more time recently, we decided to get around to finishing it.

For your convenience, I am posting the revised copy below.

Serenes Forest Code of Conduct

  1. General

    1. If you see someone misbehaving, utilize our report system, and it will be handled by our moderators.
      1. Do not abuse this system, however, by reporting every little thing you find offensive, as we handle these reports objectively, and what you find offensive may not apply to the majority. Abusing the report system is grounds for punishment.
      2. Do not publicly tell people that you've reported someone or threaten to report someone. This too, will result in punishment.
      3. [*]If you find a bug, have a suggestion, or a question for the staff, please use the ticket system.

        1. Do not abuse the ticket system simply to complain or make frivolous tickets.

        [*]Offensive Display Names are forbidden.

        [*]Multiple accounts are forbidden and grounds for a ban.

        1. If you have a friend, relative, or acquaintance on the same network as you, you must notify the staff. Otherwise you risk being mistakenly banned.
        2. If you lose access to your account, do not make a new one. Simply email the staff. We will gladly help you get access again.

        [*]Avoid unreasonable impersonations of other people. A joke is one thing, but when it goes too far, it can be a nuisance.

        [*]Post Quality

        1. Please use proper grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation when posting. The only exception is if English is not your first language, in which case we understand, and encourage you to ask others if you are having difficulties communicating something.
        2. Do not make one-line posts, unless it adds something new or interesting to a discussion.

            Anna says, "Care to expound on that thought?"

            [*]In the Creative board, posts are required to expound on the reasons for why something is good, or not good in your opinion. For example, if you want to say someone did a good job, you must tell them the specific reasons why.

            [*]Unless the topic explicitly specifies it will contain spoilers, mark any and all spoilers using spoiler tags. Spoiler tags are located in the "Insert Special Item" menu. This applies to all forms of media.

            [*]Do not derail threads. Our definition of derailing a thread consists of going off-topic for 3 or more posts.

            1. An example of going off-topic is discussing why Volke is better than Sothe (two FE9 characters) in a topic about Thieves in Fire Emblem DS.
            2. Another may be discussing why Fire Emblem DS's Wi-Fi battles are bad, when the topic was about making a Wi-Fi battle team.

            In these cases, it is wise to make a new topic.

            [*]Necroposting (post in a very old topic) is forbidden.

            1. If a topic has not been posted in for 1 month AND has fallen outside the first page of a board, any posts made in that topic will be considered necroposting.
            2. Instead, if necessary, simply make another topic. This rule does not apply to the creators of art topics, hacking projects, and other threads of similar nature that need to be updated. Examples of acceptable use of necroposting are:

              1. You have a project thread, and you must bump it to alert people to an update you just did.
              2. You have some well thought out criticism to post in someone's art thread.

                  [*]You have a bug report for a Hack.

                  1. This is acceptable as long as the thread hasn't been devoid of activity by the hacker for more than 2 months.

                  When in doubt, ask a mod.

                  [*]Do not make posts that are only images or an embedded video.

                  1. This includes emoticons.

                  [*]Absolutely no plagiarism allowed. Don't screw around with this, you will be banned for it.

                  [*]Do not double-post. If somebody hasn't posted after your post and you need to add something, simply edit your existing post.

                  1. If for some reason you accidentally double post, report it noting this. You will not be punished for it, unless you keep doing it.
                  2. The only exceptions are the following:

                      When in doubt, ask a mod.

                      [*]Forum Attitudes

                      1. Show respect towards all members, no matter who they are.
                      2. Avoid publicly questioning us on policies. We will listen to a well reasoned opinion on why policies should be different, but this needs to be done through PM or the ticket system, preferably the latter if available.
                      3. Do not flame people, or bait them into flaming you.
                      4. Prejudicial comments will not be tolerated under any circumstances. This includes but is not limited to throwing around stereotypes or judging people based on, or making comments offensive to people due to their:

                          This list only provides common examples, but the rule may be applied in other scenarios.

                          [*]Don't be a troll. Nobody likes them. Neither do we.

                          [*]Take what is said on the internet with a grain of salt. Try to look at things objectively if it offends you: will it offend a good number of people, or is it just a pet peeve of yours? If it's the latter, don't get upset or report it.

                          [*]Minimodding is forbidden. This entails reminding others of the rules or guidelines, or telling them they've broken them. This is akin to a child tattletailing, and I'm sure you've outgrown that a long time ago.

                          [*]Avatar and Signature

                          1. If a moderator has edited your post or changed your signature, do not revert it back. We did it for a reason.
                          2. Your signature may contain one embedded video, so long as it is within spoiler tags.
                          3. The maximum file size for avatars (uploaded or linked) is 300 Kb.
                          4. Signature images can be no longer than 550 pixels and no higher than 250 pixels. The maximum size is 300 Kb per image.

                              [*]Your whole signature (including text/image etc) must be no taller than 300 pixels. Spoiler tags can help reduce your signature.

                              [*]The total of all images in your signatures may not be greater than 600kb.

                              [*]Forbidden Content

                              1. Requesting or giving links to ROMs is strictly forbidden. The punishment for doing this is banishment.

                                  [*]Do not make topics about inappropriate content such as nude images, pornography, gore, etc. This will most definitely result in a ban. Also, please try to keep discussions PG-13.

                                  [*]Cursing is allowed, sparingly. However, please take care not to curse in topic titles, do it excessively or otherwise abuse the privilege.

                                  [*]Do not create topics that call out a single member or group of members (eg. ATTN: Someone). There is a PM system for a reason.


                                  1. Posting advertising threads is not allowed, unless permission is given by a staff member.
                                  2. Advertising links in signatures are allowed.

                                  [*]Warnings and Banishment

                                  1. Any act found by the staff to infringe upon the rules set forth in these Codes of Conduct is ground for punishment.

                                      [*]In general, a member is eligible to be considered for banishment once their warn bar is 60% full.

                                      1. This decision is ultimately left to the staff, based on circumstances.

                                      [*]Every month of good behavior by a member will result in a 10% decrease in said member's warn bar.

                                      [*]Other Notes

                                      1. As of this writing, all other rules previously set are now null and void.
                                      2. This Code of Conduct is designed to be all inclusive. However, if there is a behavior that the staff agrees is antithetical to the purpose or direction of the forum, the staff reserves the right to reprimand the behavior, and then implement a rule to retroactively justify it.

                                          In addition, if you ever forget if something is allowed or not, the Code of Conduct is at the top of every page.

                                      3. This will not be done except in the most extreme scenarios.

                                  2. In general, the standard punishment is an increase to your warn bar.
                                  3. If an offense is bad enough, the administration reserves the right to place an immediate ban on the infringing member.

                              2. This includes PMs, as well as threads.

                          5. Signature images larger than the specified size, may be included within spoiler tags.

                      5. Race
                      6. Religion
                      7. Sex
                      8. Sexual Orientation
                      9. Origin

                  3. You have a project thread, and you must bump it to alert people to an update you just did.
                  4. You have an art thread, and you must bump it to alert people to an update you just did.
                  5. You have a hacking thread, and you must bump it to alert people to an update you just did.

              3. This is acceptable as long as the thread hasn't been devoid of activity by the artist for more than 3 months.

          1. Likewise, do not just quote another member and simply write "I agree", "quoted for truth", "no", etc. In these cases, make sure to at least explain why you agree or disagree.

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    Were this like, a state constitution or something, I would go nuts over section VIII B for not being specific enough, but I doubt you guys will abuse your power, so it's not a big deal.

    It all looks good to me. Being the natural lurker that I am, I doubt I'll have too many run-ins with the law.

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    "...the staff reserves the right to reprimand the behavior, and then implement a rule to retroactively justify it."

    Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

    I haven't been here for a while. Is this new?! Example "extreme scenarios?" Is this real life?

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    "...the staff reserves the right to reprimand the behavior, and then implement a rule to retroactively justify it."

    Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

    I haven't been here for a while. Is this new?! Example "extreme scenarios?" Is this real life?

    If for some reason there is some kind of behavior that literally makes hell break loose upon the forums, with it's fiery vengeance, and it's not explicitly against the rules, then we have a stipulation to cover our asses. That's the only reason that's there.

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    Okay, I've got a question about section 2, Part I:

    Do we really need to report every single time there's a double post? I mean, no browser, nor the site itself is without mistakes, and sometimes there's a double post caused by the browser and the poster doesn't even realize it. I hope this rule isn't going to give people warns for stupid browsing errors like that.

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    Okay, I've got a question about section 2, Part I:

    Do we really need to report every single time there's a double post? I mean, no browser, nor the site itself is without mistakes, and sometimes there's a double post caused by the browser and the poster doesn't even realize it. I hope this rule isn't going to give people warns for stupid browsing errors like that.

    We're aware of this, we've seen such instances and we've never warned someone for such. Time stamp and post content is a good indication of these mistakes which makes determining those pretty effortless.

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    We're aware of this, we've seen such instances and we've never warned someone for such. Time stamp and post content is a good indication of these mistakes which makes determining those pretty effortless.

    Alright, that was my only concern about the new rules. I don't have any other major objections to the new rules.

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    If for some reason there is some kind of behavior that literally makes hell break loose upon the forums, with it's fiery vengeance, and it's not explicitly against the rules, then we have a stipulation to cover our asses. That's the only reason that's there.

    I figured as much, that's why I didn't bother asking about it.

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    III. B. and VIII. B. are kind of bothering me, just because fiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. Well, that's for VIII. B. III. B. I never liked anyways before because transparency.

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    III. B. and VIII. B. are kind of bothering me, just because fiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. Well, that's for VIII. B. III. B. I never liked anyways before because transparency.

    The ticket system is preferred because it's still public. It is closed off from random people barging in, other than the staff, and the person who brought up whatever it is, which is why we created it.

    VIII.B will probably never even be used, but it's a preventative measure.

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    Prejudicial comments will not be tolerated under any circumstances. This includes but is not limited to throwing around stereotypes or judging people based on, or making comments offensive to people due to their:

    * Race

    * Religion

    * Sex

    * Sexual Orientation

    * Origin

    This list only provides common examples, but the rule may be applied in other scenarios.

    Does this mean we can't throw around racial stereotypes that nobody actually believes because they are basically dead horses that have been beaten to death over time (ex: greedy jews, criminal blacks, etc.)?

    Edited by General Spoon
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    Actually, they look really great. The rules has been (as far as I can tell) revised quite a few times, but this is by far the most solid and thorough one yet.

    Good job, Josh and Vincent! (And whoever else contributed.) ^_^

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    Wow, something serious must've happened on the forum to have revisions on the Code of Conduct. What happened?

    Nothing "happened". The rule structure is a fluid thing. As it becomes evident that more information needs to be added to existing rules and that there are rules that should be added, we do that. If you have a copy of the old rules (I realize this is unlikely) then you can see that not all that much has changed. A few rules have been fleshed out and a couple of things added, but outside of that?

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    Does this mean we can't throw around racial stereotypes that nobody actually believes because they are basically dead horses that have been beaten to death over time (ex: greedy jews, criminal blacks, etc.)?

    No, because it's tactless. I will instead refer you to 4chan if you want to make those jokes.

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    So, I went to start a ticket but the code seems to not be working yet. Anyway, is the update still in progress or is it just a problem with the new code?

    In any case, I'm pretty unhappy about the update. Any chance we can revert back to the older version at this point if enough people want to?

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    So, I went to start a ticket but the code seems to not be working yet. Anyway, is the update still in progress or is it just a problem with the new code?

    In any case, I'm pretty unhappy about the update. Any chance we can revert back to the older version at this point if enough people want to?


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    • 3 weeks later...

    what a bunch of babies

    I mean, brah, I respect that and completely agree that this is an excellent idea that will dp a great job making this forum look like a very nice place full of mature and intelligent individuals. Make this forum look like. Look like.


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    what a bunch of babies

    I mean, brah, I respect that and completely agree that this is an excellent idea that will dp a great job making this forum look like a very nice place full of mature and intelligent individuals. Make this forum look like. Look like.


    Am I the only one who couldn't understand a word of this?

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