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Super Smash Bros Mafia


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This is the forum. It would be wise to save a link to it, or whatever you want to do. Also, I recommend watching this topic - I won't be sending day/night reminders to people.

We are starting on a Night phase. Please read the rules etc. when you get there. Your account details are being sent to you now.

Also, if you haven't signed up but would like to play, feel free to sign up here. If someone drops out you'll be able to take over for them.

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It did? They should all be working... I'll check what the problem is.

Edit: Okay, it seems to work fine for me, both you and Mike. So, I'll go through and activate the accounts, see if that helps.

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As far as I know, I can't change that. It's the ProBoards logo. And okay, I honestly don't know why it wasn't working. Perhaps misentered passwords or something?

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Okay I managed to get on now. Turns out I mistook the I as an l in the password

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Ah. Yeah, I just randomly generated the passwords, I didn't consider l and I confusion. (Capital i's are one pixel wider than small L's, by the way :awesome:)

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Oh, hey, I just discovered I have a PM all option, so I will be telling you when it's day/night now in this thread and on the forum.

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Haha. Well, there's nothing to say here other than one more night action has to come in, and it hasn't been 24 hours yet so I'm waiting.

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Indeed. I'm sending reminders to those who haven't acted today - since the votes have been pretty much constantly close, I don't feel happy ending the day until I get those votes in.

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This day will end in... 90 minutes or so, regardless of if there's a draw by then. Let's set a fixed time of... 10:15pm where I am (which is about 90 minutes from now and 9:15GMT)

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