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why is sothe forced for the endgame.

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if anyone you mentioned besides meg(because i have no clue what she looks like at 2nd tier)grabs an earth support they can have some durability. you can give miciah an earth support and she'll have durability...and its very rare aran is going to be worse than sothe for those chapters .

Micaiah will not be durable with an Earth support. The benefit to giving it to Sothe is the fact that, unlike someone like Micaiah, he can already take a hit. There's also the fact that his Wind affinity grants some extra avoid on top of Earth's, and this extra durability allows him to put his Beastkiller to more constant use. Most of the characters can't say the same, or if they can, they are the ones already with the Earth affinity.

really? i thought volke had an icredible part 1 and 2, AND OMG STEFANS P3 OWNS.

I'd have asked if that was sarcasm had you not already said it was.

spirits! boy oh boy we need those to be ORKO'd and sothe has a real "possibility" of doing it! a useless task and its not even guaranteed he can do it O_o

All it takes is proper training, which people tend to be fine with doing for other characters often enough. I, at least, find it easy enough. And it's much better than whatever Oliver does anyway.

with oliver at least you could put a dragonfoe on oliver and have him kill the dragon guarding dheg

And I can't have anyone else do the same? Even....Sothe? Since when is Oliver the only one capable of equipping Dragonfoe?

or he could walk up and rescue someone up there to put more damage on dheg.

And Sothe can't do this!?!?!?!? (Hint: He can)

you can also have him help kill levail.

Lot of help he is there. (<-sarcasm)

but...he cant kill spirits so he just all out sucks. killing spirits? now thats the shizz.

It's more useful than being useless. I see you also completely left out support. Sothe can have an A support with someone, while Oliver won't have anyone.

Not replying to Interceptor because I'm sick and tired of it.

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I think he meant Rescue Staff

In that case, anyone with a staff (like the forced Micaiah) can do the same. This is hardly helping his case.

Clearing out the hoards of enemies in the way helps

Not when Lekain can just as easily be sniped to death on turn 1. Seeing as Oliver's combat sucks (Honestly, I haven't checked the numbers, but I'd be pretty confident in saying Sothe wins combat) I don't see how much help he is being here.

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In that case, anyone with a staff (like the forced Micaiah) can do the same. This is hardly helping his case.

I suppose. I really have nothing else for this other than maybe your to busy to do that as apposed to actually healing?

Not when Lekain can just as easily be sniped to death on turn 1. Seeing as Oliver's combat sucks (Honestly, I haven't checked the numbers, but I'd be pretty confident in saying Sothe wins combat) I don't see how much help he is being here.

Just FYI, we were talking about 4-E-2.

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I suppose. I really have nothing else for this other than maybe your to busy to do that as apposed to actually healing?

Not likely.

Just FYI, we were talking about 4-E-2.

My mistake, I meant Levail (Honestly, one after another as bosses, and their names differ by two letters? Are they just trying to confuse us?). The argument stands.

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I didn't even say that, but he definitely is. How can he not be when everyone says he's terrible despite him being at least "good?"

You stated it at your other topic. Most fans would feel this when their favorite (Or one of their favorites) gets hated alot. For example, Micaiah gets alot of hate due to her Mary Sueness and her godawful durability, yet, I don't find her underrated, her haters only underrate her.

Exactly. What more do you need to agree he isn't terrible?

People that commonly state that must play EM and NM alot without considering HM usually.

He obviously isn't terrible in Part 1 or 3, but I don't see him getting that far when it comes to leveling, he just doesn't pay off once he starts facing promoted enemies by 3-12. You could train a forced character like Micaiah, our main Lord, who will actually be able to pay off by Endgame.

And why would he be untrained? We don't compare characters on the basis you don't even use them, unless you're talking about units who are shitty for their entire existence, which clearly is not the case with Sothe.

I won't bring up the "Experience hog" thing, but he actually gains shitty Exp per kill, seriously, that spot should easily be taken by Volug and Zihark, who despite getting low Exp, actually turn out to be excellent fighters, so it's preferable to be using that tiny Exp gain on them. Sothe just doesn't pay off after Part 3, the only thing you're saving him from is by not being shitty by endgame and let him be of use when it comes to 1RKO'ing spirits, something just about anyone is doing. It's not like you can't save him if say, you choose to never level him up, that doesn't make Endgame unbearable, you could also do the same with Micaiah.

Everyone jumps and gets excited when given female fanservice, but apparently it's a crime when a man shows off his stomach? What the hell is this?

Really, what the hell is this? The reserved guy that used to be an anti-social kid (And still is, kinda) that is hesistant to express himself, exposing himself like that as if nothing? Even in winter? Volug is understandable, he lives in a desert. But this?

Edited by Soul
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Sothe's stomach just fails is all. Don't see anybody complaining about Volug being shirtless.

I do. Simply because of the stupid meme-esque BS it spawned. But I know I'm just a drop of water in an ocean in reality.

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Sothe's only *grumble* period in Part 3 seems to be 3-12, which I can agree with. The others... well I guess I don't know how to contend against it, but I will say it's decent enough to keep him from going down under. Part 4 he really does suck though. Best he does is finding treasure faster (which I admit is good) and getting Matrona in 4-E-1. Aside from that... Yeeaaahh...

But his Part 1 fills enough of his shoes to keep him up there.

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Not replying to Interceptor because I'm sick and tired of it.

Suit yourself; what I said about Sothe was accurate, even if you don't like how I said it. Search your feelings, Luke Red Fox, you know it to be true.

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Suit yourself; what I said about Sothe was accurate, even if you don't like how I said it. Search your feelings, Luke Red Fox, you know it to be true.

they're not sick and tired of me!....yet

well you said sothe can have dragon foe, yes but id rather just purge it. so sothe isn't in my way but whatever thats mostly just opinionated. and for killing dheg? sothe helps out? not a chance oliver can tele someone up there and probably ca do more damage than sothe on dheg because of dheg's ridiculously high def, and his not as high res. and oliver can rescue someone up there, so can miciah but if you do it with both you get 2 more people. so indirectly oliver is more helpful for taking down bosses.

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Like Oliver couldnt Beastfoe, too? And even if he can't for some silly reason, why would I give Beastfoe to Sothe of all people for Endgame?

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maybe save him a beast killer? that way you have dragonfoe, beastfoe, wyrmslayer, and beast killer on four different characters ^.^

tier-list wise I find Sothe is being overrated.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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You stated it at your other topic. Most fans would feel this when their favorite (Or one of their favorites) gets hated alot. For example, Micaiah gets alot of hate due to her Mary Sueness and her godawful durability, yet, I don't find her underrated, her haters only underrate her.

You should have said you were referencing my rating topic, I had no idea. Anyway, it is not only his haters. Plenty of people say he's a terrible character.

He obviously isn't terrible in Part 1 or 3, but I don't see him getting that far when it comes to leveling, he just doesn't pay off once he starts facing promoted enemies by 3-12. You could train a forced character like Micaiah, our main Lord, who will actually be able to pay off by Endgame.

What the hell does leveling matter? The fact that he doesn't need leveling to remain good for a while is what makes such a good character. Leveling is a means to an end, not the end itself, and Sothe has already reached that end for a while.

I won't bring up the "Experience hog" thing, but he actually gains shitty Exp per kill, seriously, that spot should easily be taken by Volug and Zihark, who despite getting low Exp, actually turn out to be excellent fighters, so it's preferable to be using that tiny Exp gain on them. Sothe just doesn't pay off after Part 3, the only thing you're saving him from is by not being shitty by endgame and let him be of use when it comes to 1RKO'ing spirits, something just about anyone is doing.

This doesn't mean anything. Since when did we penalize the likes of Nailah, Black Knight, Tibarn, etc. for gaining little or no experience?

Really, what the hell is this? The reserved guy that used to be an anti-social kid (And still is, kinda) that is hesistant to express himself, exposing himself like that as if nothing? Even in winter? Volug is understandable, he lives in a desert. But this?

Three years can change a person. Trust me, I speak from experience (only for me it was even less).

Welcome to a male dominated market.

Seriously. Let the ladies have a little eye candy, eh?

Suit yourself; what I said about Sothe was accurate, even if you don't like how I said it. Search your feelings, Luke Red Fox, you know it to be true.

Ha. No, really. Ha.

Half the arguments you tend to make about Sothe are hilarious. Like, if they weren't about Sothe, I wouldn't believe they were actually coming from you. I may overrate him at times, and I'm fine admitting that, but you underrate him a hell of a lot more.

well you said sothe can have dragon foe, yes but id rather just purge it.

Micaiah, Sanaki (obviously not Purge specifically for her), any other Archsage you bring.

so sothe isn't in my way but whatever thats mostly just opinionated.

Lol? Don't know where this came from, but the only way for Sothe to be "in the way" is if you're a terrible strategist. Hell, you don't even have to field him at 4-E.

and for killing dheg? sothe helps out?

I didn't say that. I said he does the same thing Oliver does.

not a chance oliver can tele someone up there

And we don't have that job covered already? (Hint: we do)

and probably ca do more damage than sothe on dheg because of dheg's ridiculously high def,

Let's crunch some numbers, shall we?

Before I even look at offense, Oliver's 48/18 HP/Def and 20 Spd to Dheginsea's 75 atk and 30 Spd means he's dying even if Dheg misses once (which won't happen since he has 100 Hit). You could get him to cap HP and Def and this would not change. The case isn't much different for Sothe (Sothe need to be maxed to be left with 1 HP) but I'm not the one advocating having these two terrible combatants attack Dheginsea.

Are you going to try Purge next? Let's just shoot that down now. Oliver could have capped Magic and have a full +atk support with someone and still be 3 away from dealing even 1 damage to Dheg. gg.

and his not as high res.

Unfortunately for you, it doesn't look like 50 Def vs 46 Res made a difference.

and oliver can rescue someone up there, so can miciah but if you do it with both you get 2 more people.

I'd expect to have at least one other staff user with me already, like Elincia. Even if I didn't, I don't find myself needing to use the Rescue staff that much. If I'm in that position I should have people up there who can Shove and Rescue naturally, as well as my chosen Heron. There are too many alternatives for this to make Oliver any more than still useless.

Like Oliver couldnt Beastfoe, too? And even if he can't for some silly reason, why would I give Beastfoe to Sothe of all people for Endgame?

What is this in response to?

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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That's what I get for not paying attention, I thought you were using Beastfoe on Sothe as an argument for him>Oliver.

Also, Volug is eye candy for both sexes regardless of orientation. Needs more sexiness like Volug, that way everybody's happy.

Yeah, Slave, I went there.

Edited by SaltyWongIsSalty
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Volug looks like he doesn't smell so good and might have fleas. I'm just not into guys with parts of different animals.

Why is Beastfoe for 4-E even being discussed? There are no beast laguz in the tower.

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And of all the guys in this game, Sothe is your idea of eye candy?

I'm only pointing out a contradiction. It's similar to when yuri fans talk about how disgusting yaoi is and how it should be erased from the world. Sothe doesn't have common "ugly" traits, so I don't see why people have to insult him all the time just for his belly shirt. Honestly, if Sothe were female, I bet she'd be the most popular character in the game, and SothexMicaiah fanart would be everywhere.

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Honestly, if Sothe were female, I bet she'd be the most popular character in the game, and SothexMicaiah fanart would be everywhere.

Looks like someone has forgotten that Mia exists...

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and SothexMicaiah fanart would be everywhere.

Sothe/Micaiah fanart IS everywhere....

well not EVERYWHERE everywhere, but there's a good chunk of it

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I'm only pointing out a contradiction. It's similar to when yuri fans talk about how disgusting yaoi is and how it should be erased from the world. Sothe doesn't have common "ugly" traits, so I don't see why people have to insult him all the time just for his belly shirt. Honestly, if Sothe were female, I bet she'd be the most popular character in the game, and SothexMicaiah fanart would be everywhere.

Even I think belly shirts look stupid on a guy. Seriously, it does look like he didn't buy any new clothes between this game and FE9. And it's also his dumb haircut.

People don't comment on Volug or Tibarn, because they make their lack of appropiate clothes look awesome and manly and sexy.

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I'm only pointing out a contradiction. It's similar to when yuri fans talk about how disgusting yaoi is and how it should be erased from the world. Sothe doesn't have common "ugly" traits, so I don't see why people have to insult him all the time just for his belly shirt. Honestly, if Sothe were female, I bet she'd be the most popular character in the game, and SothexMicaiah fanart would be everywhere.

If sothe was a female, i might find hi... HER attractive, yes, however, I'm shallow in this department. Belly showing is fine, but she'd need some breasts to be really attractive to me since her face isn't exactly the prettiest I must say.

It's the fact that he's not exactly good looking, and the fact that he's worn that damn shirt for... 3 years now? Sothe, get a new fucking shirt. If Micaiah has enough money to spend on getting that damn scarf and over the top shoelaces, you can buy a new fucking shirt. And pants...

Also, Volug is eye candy for both sexes regardless of orientation. Needs more sexiness like Volug, that way everybody's happy.

Yeah, Slave, I went there.

You may never come back from there until you take that back!

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I'm only pointing out a contradiction. It's similar to when yuri fans talk about how disgusting yaoi is and how it should be erased from the world. Sothe doesn't have common "ugly" traits, so I don't see why people have to insult him all the time just for his belly shirt. Honestly, if Sothe were female, I bet she'd be the most popular character in the game, and SothexMicaiah fanart would be everywhere.

I told you, personality isn't irrelevant. Female!Sothe is very hard to imagine, especially fanart of her, I mean, we don't even get much fanart of Heather, and her personality is pretty awesome.

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