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Priscilla: I ... I guess I'm flattered that you'd make a draft centered on me ...

Rath, do you think anything could've happened between you and Florina if the chance ever arose?

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Priscilla: I can't really answer the first...but the second is that he likes staying up late for the strangest reason.

Hey Boyd, why are you so sure of yourself?

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Boyd: Confidence is important. If you don't think you can do something you won't be able to do it. Yeah, that' right. I can be deep. I didn't rip Gerik off on that one.

Ike, why are you, like, the only male FE main character who can't get a girlfriend?

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Ike: There is more to life than having a girlfriend and being in a relationship.

Kent, do you like Fiora or Lyn better.

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Kent: Lyndis is my lady, and therefore I could never break my oath to her. Fiora's a bit boring too, even though Florina says we have a lot in common.

Ike, that's the answer that comes from people who can't get girlfriends, like me. What I mean is, some people have accused you of being gay, and your not having a girlfriend doesn't help. You're my favorite lord, man! Prove the haters wrong!

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Ike: Soren is a friend, a comrade in arms and my tactician. Not being interested in the opposite gender doesn't mean I'm interested in the same gender. And I'm not interested in a relationship at the moment.

Fiora, do you prefer Kent or Sain?

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Fiora: Sain's a bit... weird. He has a type of charm. But Kent... I just don't know how to describe my impression about him... But I'm glad to actually meet someone who has mutual feelings. Whether it's about the group, or about me.

Hey Oliver. Do you know what a chazzer is?

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Oliver: It must not be anything simply glorious and beautiful, for I have never heard of it!

Rath, who do you think is going to win the Folgore Rangers Draft Challenge II?

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Priscilla: Well, you're not drafting for FE4 so you're not going to lose to Horace and Shin at least.

Rath, who's gonna win FE4? Doku or Horace?

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Sety: Probably FE8. FE4 looks kind of full ...

(Seriously, Orange? Rath is supposed to be rooting for Doku!)

Tormod, what would you do if you were in FE7?

Edited by Folgore Yellow
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(Seriously, Orange? Rath is supposed to be rooting for Doku!)

Ah...sorry. I wasn't thinking straight.

Sety: Of course.

Hey Est, do you like wearing vests? That are better than the rest?

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Glass: I am the peerless warrior, Glass! I do not fail!

Rath, what would you do if you were in FE9?

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Gheb: Hilariously fail? Hah! I'm awesome! I'm so awesome, I have to take girls prisoner for them to talk to me! Wait, that sounded less impressive out loud....

Haar, um, you and Jill... bit of an age difference going on, isn't there?

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Zzzzz.... Huh, umm, yeah, sure... Zzzzzz

Hey Joshua, how DID L'Arachel beat you when YOU were fixing the game?

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