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I don't claim to have perfect memory, so I may have to be reminded of your character's involvement in various events from time to time.

That being said, if I didn't remember it there's a good chance I didn't find it very signficant.

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Tempting, but I'm currently limiting the list to PCs, or NPCs who travel with the group for like 3+ chapters. Otherwise it could devolve into tiering things like "those soldiers Tessa knocked over" or "Discount Debbie".

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The HM herself should probably be tiered though. She's been following the group for a while.

So she's either a Katie-type NPC or a Kaph from LA2 type stalker.

Those soldiers Tessa knocked over for bottom tier!

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It kind of depends on how long she's planning to stay. Lev seems willing to stick around as long as Phoenix wants him to, but the HM has a school to run, and her excuses for not helping in combat are going to become very flimsy after a while.

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I made sure that now that Levski isn't a potential enemy anymore, he could be placed anywhere(in party or out). For now he's just Viveka's packmule, Morgan's awkward adviser, and Irina's best friend.

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I know Heinz does talk to himself a lot, that's in part because of his personality and the job he's supposed to be doing, as well as the fact that lately most of my posts have been trying to catch up on things. I do intend on having Heinz interact more with the other characters though (Ie. Talking with Tessa/Arrin recently), this should improve with increased activity.

I actually am a bit surprised Heinz ranked in upper mid tier, but I will be posting more often, so I'm okay with the placement.

Edited by the_whistler
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About Aiya's placement and this is something you should listen to Ether. Aiya is very low because of the following reasons.

1. Her devotion to Damian is her entire personality. Seriously. With the exception of maybe a few posts, I don't think I've seen Aiya think or talk about anything not about Damian. Even the Lev training sequence has the whole "I want to be more useful to Damian thing."

2. Her relationship with Damian herself has no conflict and no substance. Seriously, she's not even jealous of Esphyr or worried about how her and Esphyr with Damian is going to work. I think if she's going to be higher, you need to add some drama and conflict regarding her relationship. Maybe a big argument would work. But if Alferis/Esphyr/Damian has more sexual conflict then Aiya/Damian/Esphyr, there's something wrong, considering how Alf wasn't even meant to get involved romantically with Esphyr.

3. Her character has a corrosive effect on Damian. One of the reasons why Damian is considered a Sue is not only because women flock to him, but they also worship the ground he walks on. Some like Morgan and the healers don't think so, Reika wanting to kill him, but still, you have to admit that if he does enter a relationship, that tends to happen. Snowy has sort of escaped the problem, making her more independent of Damian, though not quite enough. With Aiya, the fact that she is like a puppy to him is damaging to Damian because the unrealistic, perfect, and self fulfilling nature of the relationship means that people will resent Damian because it makes him even more perfect. Considering Damian's reputation already, that's something you want to avoid.

4. This applies to Damian as well, but everything you made up about Haltonian culture and the Gae Bolg seems solely designed to justify her sue status. Polygamy is ok in Halton. This is created so Aiya can't have any conflict with Damian if he chooses to sleep with another woman, plus it vindicates him as well. It's just something you should keep in mind.

And I'm pleased that I rose from bottom of Mid to near top of Mid.

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He doesn't seem to have much personality really besides he doesn't like Chase and he is a jerk. Not much else.

You havent read any of my posts then

You forgot how he's an amnesiac, yet can 'recognize' a noble.

I dont think you forget your skills even if you lose your memories.

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I dont think you forget your skills even if you lose your memories.

Yes, physical and literary skills. Not mannerism-identifying skills. That would require memories.

Edit: Hell, it isn't even a skill.

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It wasn't clarified, and, since there was other thigns going on at the time, he probably didn't hear it.

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