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Serene's Forest Present's: Riviera: Damn This Place is Fucked


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*warning if you have played Riviera: the promised land in any way, shape, or form. You know most of this

This is just a funnier more perverted form of Riviera: the Promised land (since the main hero is a perv to being with) so here is what I'm thinking for charaters

*Warning Doesn't care for the fact that all the main character's besides Ein are girls, if you are a dude and you get a female role. Sucks to be you.

Ein (the hero): MaSu

Fia (Rapier user): Namine

Lina (The Archer): Kiryn

Cierra (the Crimsion Mage): Fox

Serene (The vengeful Reaper): Kilvas (Amazed it isn't me)

Rose (Ein's cat and familiar): TBD

Ledah: The Crimsion Grim Angel: Fireman

Hector (Head of the Seven Magi): To be unvealed in the actual episode

That's all for character's that I'm revealing. I should have the first part up tomorrow.

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*warning if you have played Riviera: the promised land in any way, shape, or form. You know most of this

This is just a funnier more perverted form of Riviera: the Promised land (since the main hero is a perv to being with) so here is what I'm thinking for charaters

*Warning Doesn't care for the fact that all the main character's besides Ein are girls, if you are a dude and you get a female role. Sucks to be you.

Ein (the hero): MaSu

Fia (Rapier user): Lyle

Lina (The Archer): MR

Cierra (the Crimsion Mage): Fox

Serene (The vengeful Reaper): Kilvas (Amazed it isn't me)

Rose (Ein's cat and familiar): TBD

Ledah: The Crimsion Grim Angel: Fireman

Hector (Head of the Seven Magi): To be unvealed in the actual episode

That's all for character's that I'm revealing. I should have the first part up tomorrow.

Wow, this seems intresting.

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Well since I know the game, and I'll probably be getting help in terms of idea's from everyone, and the Riviera forum Lacrima Castle. This should be a fuckin breeze.

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I know ONE thing from this game......and it screams that im ONE LUCKY ASS BASTARD FOR GETTING THE ROLE OF EIN. *wonders if serene knows what im talkin about*

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I think I do, PM me with the details.

Also the only character ending that I have actually gotten (see them all) is Serene and Ein's. So that seem's fitting for the fact that MaSu is Ein, and Kilvas is Serene, and that this is the knockoff of a knockoff.

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Crap that I forgot, I'll edit that.

Also for all character's here is a link to character art from the game. It's also wallpaper so if you like it, use it for the desktop.

Character Pictures

I'm going to change the character list in a second Gino so just wait.

Also, can someone check the link

Gino I can't tell you you're role in this story (I'll PM you on who you are)

Also in the story I'm going to refer to you as the character name, since personally I don't want people think my character is Kilvas. But that might be a problem since I'm in the story, and show up at the same time Serene does (Gino should know who I am)

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Well I guess I have to give directions on this site, so here's a link


Head to the URL posted if it doens't work. Then head to the games link near the top right. Then find the GBA section of Riviera on the right. From ther I encourage everyone to look at the Wallpaper's (Nothing else because it contains spoilers)

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All the girls in this are hot(except that little girl). Especially Serene and the green haired one (forgot her name already).

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All the girls in this are hot(except that little girl). Especially Serene and the green haired one (forgot her name already).

Lina, and Fia are the ones you are forgetting respectively

I should start posting in about 10

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Alright I'm giving everyone a huge heads up when I say this

I'm starting to write the first part in five mintues. It's going to be long. So bear with me

Here it is the first part

Character's appearing in order of appearence

Ein (MaSu)

Ledah (Fireman)

Rose (Blanchi)

Hector (Gino)

Ursula (Lyle)


1000 year's ago war borke out between the god's of Ashgard, and the Demon's of Utargard. The world was stained in blood, violence everywhere. There was enough blood to swim in.

Anyways, the god's were losing (surprise surprise) and in fear of being overran by demon's they broke an ancient Taboo.

They made, black feathered reapers of death, or Grim Angel's to fight the demon's. And they won without even uttering a BARREL ROLL joke.

The gods left soon after the war was won, and gave their power to the seven Magi, or proxies of the god's, while they waited to return.

Now Riviera, also called the promised land, is being attacked by demon's again. And the Magi, fearing another Ragnarok, decide to activate the Retibution and destory the demon's.

Now two Grim Angel's set foot on Riviera for the first time

Chapter one: Heaven's gate

Ein: So this is Heaven's gate

Ledah: Yes it is, it's amazing how much this place hasn't changed. In ever

Rose: I sense something. Ein, what did you do before you left Ashgard

Ein: *embaressed* nothing.

*A demon appears*

Ledah: Finally something good happening

Rose: So it was a demon

Ein: Thanks, now let's fight this demon

Ledah: No Ein, let me fight *raises Diviner*

Rose: Ah that's a Diviner

Ein: Each Grim Angel get's one, once they are worthy. Mine is a sword, his is a lance.

Ledah: *raises Lance* Thy sin's shall be purged. Lost Seraph.

*Prodeces to kick the demon's ass*

Ein: Was that nessecary

Ledah: No but it sure was fun

Rose: Let's move on you two

*Later in Heaven's gate*

Ein: Man this sucks how much more walking do we have to do

Rose: Well you could always fly. Oh wait

Ein: Hey, I wouldn't be a Grim Angel without me losing my wings

Rose: That's right, you gave up your wings, to become a Grim Angel. What'd you lose Ledah

Ledah: It's nothing I tell other's

Rose: So that's how it's going to be

*Three demon's appear*

Ledah: Ein you ready to fight

Ein: No I think I'm going to make them run away

Rose: How

*Music starts to play as Ein dances. It's a very sexual dance and looks very disturbing. The demon's fall off the nearby edge soon after*

Ein: See that would work

Rose: Where did you learn that

Ein: *stunned that Rose asked that* Nowhere

Rose: You were at that whore house agian weren't you

Ein: *smiles* Maybe

Rose: If I had arm's I'd rip your

Ledah: Wait a minute, this is getting to graphic the writer might get wanred for this

Ein: Yeah let's go

Hector: Grim Angel's status report

Ledah: As you can see were almost halfway through Heaven's Gate, we should be nearing the exit soon

Hector: Good, we must activate the retribution to save everything. For the Will of the Gods

*Hector Vanishes*

Rose: Whose that

Ein: Hector the leader of the seven Magi

Rose: Oh, okay let's continue before Ein show's up any more new moves

Ein: Show me ya moves

Rose: Shut up

*Later at the end of Heaven's gate. They have fought countless battle's and Ein has forced many demon's to commit suicide. But they are now at the end to the poorly drawn map.*

Ein: So this is where the exit is

Ledah: Yes, now let's get going

Ursula: Can't let you do that Grim Angel's

Ein: Who is she

*Hector appears*

Hector: She is trying to prevent you from entering the warp. Kill her

Ledah: With Pleasure

*Ursula starts to chant in a mystical language. Then a demon appears*

Ein: Holy shit, what's that!

Ledah: An accursed. One of the demons who was agianst the god's

Ein: So let's take it out *starts to dance. The dance is Not Very Effective*

Ein: What why isn't it working

Ursula: It's blind it can't see that horible dancing

Ein: Well it can feel this *starts to pee on demon. It's Super Effective. Demon dies*

Hector: Good now finish her

Ursula: Why must you do this to Riviera!

Ledah: Die *stab's her, but it doesn't work* What?

*A light glow's and Ein disappears*

Rose: Ein where did you go

Hector: Ursula has him. He's good as dead now.

Rose *crying* Why didn't anyone stop her.

Ledah: I was stunned at that moment sorry

Hector: Grim Angel, continue to Riviera, activate the retribution. For fill the Will of the Gods

Ledah: Yes *enter's warp, disappears*

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Alright I'm giving everyone a huge heads up when I say this

I'm starting to write the first part in five mintues. It's going to be long. So bear with me

sweet. cant wait!

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Hmmmm you may wanna substitute the rivera names for the serenes ppls names to avoid epic scrolling up and down. I keep forgetting who's who! XD *then again im just stupid!* And piss of death.......ROFL.

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