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Lord of Azure Flame: Suggestions

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How about 'Why don't we figure out how many stats the average enemy should have first and work from there'?

One thing I've started doing recently in negative luck. I intend for all demons to have negative luck at least, but there's nothing saying we can't make negative other stats either.

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Umm... Is HP still X3?

Sage didn't multiply the stats, if it is.

Edited by Snike
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How about 'Why don't we figure out how many stats the average enemy should have first and work from there'?

One thing I've started doing recently in negative luck. I intend for all demons to have negative luck at least, but there's nothing saying we can't make negative other stats either.

What effect does negative luck even have? We can't acknowledge it in stat combat without knowing, and it's not detailed in sign ups.

As for finding a balance, I already made suggestions but if you need better enemy layout averages, Cynthia, me, and maybe even Cuddles could have a pm discussion about it. If we get something working and implement it in the rp, that would be better in the long run than just constantly fumbling into hopeless battles.

By the way

@ Lightning

The enemy phase is still being implemented last I heard, see just how not-hopeless this battle is when you get attacked.

As for OHKOing an enemy, great. One down, 21 to go :facepalm:

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What effect does negative luck even have? We can't acknowledge it in stat combat without knowing, and it's not detailed in sign ups.

Evade -1, I guess.

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To be fair, Chase totally OHKO'd an enemy just a second ago, so the battle's not completely hopeless.

To be fair, you forgot to multiply HP by 3. They have 21 base hit points.

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No, the whole "WTF hopeless battle" argument when Snowy pointed out that those are base, not simplified, HP.

Guys, just so you know, that's seven points in HP. Not 7 HP. The succies have 21 HP.

~is waiting for the adding-skill motion to pass so I can add the lost stats~

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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...Oh wait. Wrong meeting.

But yeah. I don't see anyone objecting. Can this go into effect this chapter? (i.e. start applying retroactively at the beginning of this battle.)

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I think clear consensus needs to happen on how skills are modified, which new skills are actually approved, and solidifying a solid skill base before assigning free additional skills, tbqh. The decision seems a little premature given the lack of feedback and consensus of various suggestions and tweaks.

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Umm ... I'll still kind of agree with the changes, but can somebody quote them again? I wanted to see specifically what's going into effect so I can make the changes in my manage notes tab. EDIT: and only make those changes after a final decision is made :sweatdrop:

Edited by Phoenix
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Yeah, sort of waiting on my skills to be completely approved, and more feedback on them. Except Resolve. Resolve was left alone by Snowy.

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I do agree that we need a larger skill base before we enact this new rule, but it seems the new rule in of itself is approvable. Let's get a larger pool first though before enacting it. Here are the skills as-is.

Name: Adept

Activation: Roll a 1 on your critical/skill dice.

Effect: Make one additional attack (skills and criticals cannot activate off this attack)

Name: Arcanium

Activation: Can activate at the start of your round.

Effect: Gain STR equal to 1/2 your MAG stat. While active, your opponents attacks may target DEF or RES, whichever is lower.

Name: Absorption

Activation: At the start of your round

Effect: You may add 1/2 of your DEF to your RES, or 1/2 your RES to your DEF for one turn. The stat that was deducted from is halved, obviously.

Name: Parry

Activation: Roll a 1 or a 5 on your skill roll

Effect: Reduce the damage taken on your opponents counter-attack by 50%

Name: Gamble.

Activation: Activate at the start of your round

Effect: Reduce your skill by whatever amount you desire. For every three points you may add 1 extra point to your skill roll.

Name: Speedy blow/spell

Activation: At the start of your round.

Effect: You may reduce your STR/Mag by 1 or 2. In return, you may boost your SPD by a similar amount until the start of your next turn. This SPD gives only .5 evade.

Name: (weapon) slayer

Activation: Passive

Effect: Reverse the Weapon triangle for your weapon type! Sword gain a WTA against lances, and a WTD against axes. Does not work for WTN weapons at all.

Name: Hawkeye

Activation: At the start of your round

Effect: Increase your SKL by .5 for every point of luck you have for one turn. While this skill is active, your luck may not aid your evade.

Name: Vantage

Activation: Passive.

Effect: During one round of combat in which you are counter-attacking, you may attack first with one counter.

Name: Guard

Activation: Roll a 3 on your skill dice.

Effect: Increase your evade by 2 for the next attack.

Name: Miracle

Activation: Passive

Effect: Once per battle, you may automatically succeed on a saving roll.

Name: Wrath

Activation: Have your HP down to 1/3 your total (rounded down)

Effect: Add either 1 or 2 to your skill roll.

Class Skills:

These skills are unique. They can not be obtained by spending points or through any other method. Instead, when you class-change, you gain the abilities listed here for your class.

Class: What class gets it.

Name: It’s name.

Activation: When you can use it.

Effect: What it does.

Class: Rogue

Name: Lethality

Activation: Passive

Effect: Critical attacks deal X4 damage instead of X3

Class: Thief*

Name: Steal

Effect: Deal 3/4’ths damage (rounded up). Additionally, if you rolled a 5 on your skill roll, you may steal 1 item from a enemy that is not equipped. You may not critical or activate any other skills on the attack in which this skill is used.**

*The thief base class can use this even though they are not promoted.

** Only potion-types can be stolen from player characters without permission granted by the player.

Class: General

Name: Bastion

Activation: At the start of your turn.

Effect: You may transfer as many points from DEF or RES or from RES to DEF as you desire until the start of your next turn.

Class: Swordmaster

Name: Keen edge

Activation: At the start of your turn.

Effect: You may reduce your STR by 2. For every 2 STR you reduce, you may gain +1 to your skill dice until the start of your next turn. Can be used multiple times.

Class: Halberdier

Name: Pierce

Activation: At the start of your turn

Effect: You may lower your RES by X amount until the start of your next turn. For every X you lowered your RES by, you may reduce the DEF of an opponent by .5 until the start of your next turn.

Class: Sniper

Name: Deadeye

Activation: Passive

Effect: If you get a 5 for your skill roll, you may knock a non-player character out of the fight for one round (bosses and specials exempt).

Class: Paladin

Name: Weapon Mastery

Effect: Upon promotion, a paladin may choose a second melee weapon of any type.

Class: Paladin

Name: Stat shift

Activation: At the start of the turn.

Effect: A paladin may shift up to two stats from any non-HP category into any other non-HP category until the start of his next turn.

Class: Falco Knight

Name: Reroll

Effect: Twice per battle, you may discard a roll you made and reroll your dice.

Class: Wyvern Lord

Name: Thick hide

Activation: Any time

Effect: Twice per battle, you may increase your defense by 25% for one round.

Class: Sage

Name: Arcane power

Activation: At the start of your turn

Effect: Reduce X amount of any one stat except for STR, Luck, and HP to bolter your MAG until the end of your turn.

Class: Druid

Name: Flux

Activation: Passive

Effect: If you roll a 4 on your skill dice, you may reduce an opponents RES by 2 for one attack

Class: Bishop

Name: Refresh

Activation: At the start of your round

Effect: If your Skill roll is lower than your luck, you may regain 1 HP with one attack per round.

Class: Valkyrie

Name: Sol

Activation: Passive

Effect: If you roll a 5 on your skill roll, you may regain HP equal to 1/2 the damage you dealt with that attack.

Class: Berserker

Name: Rage

Activation: At the start of your round.

Effect: Boosts a berserkers STR by 2, but reduces SKL, DEF, and RES by 1 until the end of your round.

Class: Hero

Name: Heroic stand

Activation: At the start of your round

Effect: Increases STR, SKL, and Luck by 1 until the start of your next round, but costs you 2 HP every round this is active.

Alright. When I made these skills, I was trying to make it so that most numbers on the diceroll could be represented and there would be no 'bad' skill dice roll. Ergo, a 1 would be good for one skill a 2 for another, and so forth and there wouldn't be some 'avoid'-type number that no one would like to roll at all. This is actually part of the reason why I want the skill number increased as well. Currently a person can have only one skill so even if it was balanced between all numbers, there would be only one number he would want. With two, there is the potential for two skills he could possibly want.

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