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Lord of Azure Flame: Suggestions

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Nomad caps:

HP: 3

Str 3

Mag 3

Skl 5

Spd 6

Luk 4

Def 3

Res 3

Pretty much nails Chase's strengths and weaknesses exactly. Why that's a problem is beyond me.

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If Chase ever get's a horse that'll shut'em up XD

In all seriousness though I don't see any real problems with it other than this being a major exception to the rules for the sake of making a physical feature/stat connection.

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The fact that it was Cynthia's suggestion in the first place and Snowy approved it shows that they're fine with it. Plus I'm pretty sure Kai's the only one (or one of the only ones) who has a problem with it, and it's probably only to spite me anyways.

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How about a recap post in an easy to access place? I would normally say go for the topic thing but ... for some reason the number of non chapter specific threads we have is ... alarming ... well at least we have our own forum for this rp stuff. Yeah go ahead and make a thread, but try to do it Bal style and include not just important events, but flavorful stuff too.

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I would like to put forth a new Skill

Name: Trap

Activation: Declare on your turn* Once per battle.

Effect: Decrease a non-HP stat of your choice by X amount. When the next enemy attacks you, roll against the amount of stats you decreased (if you decreased it by 3, a 1, 2, or 3 yields success for example). If successful, choose one of the following. 1) Void their next damage-dealing attack on you. 2) Decrease the stat to the left by X amount (Ex: If you reduce luck, they will lose defense. If you lose defense, they will lose RES. If you lose Res, they will lose STR. Str -> Mag. Mag -> SKL. SKL -> SPD. SPD -> LCK).

Edited by Snowy_One
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That sounds like a good idea, actually... surprised nobody else thought of it.

Actually I suggested it when I joined, but nobody really followed up on the idea. I suggested several times throughout the topics, but I guess people didn't see it.

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Oh, we do? I already put it into effect... Okay, for now, treat Chase's stats as if they were:

HP 3

Str 3

Mag 0

Skl 3

Spd 6

Luk 3

Def 2

Res 0

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Or, after the free skills thing is put into affect, 1 point in HP for:

3 points in speed

2 points in luck

A point in defense

And a point in skill


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As for skills...

Maybe we could have them have different effects base on tier? Tier one, no big deal, Tier 2, they get better, and Tier 3, they'd be full power? Just a way so we can apply skills to everyone and try to balance them.

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Agreed. It only seems natural. If we get to tier 3 we can get Mastery skills, like Colossus and Astra.

Colossus was Mastery Tier 2. Just, Snowy hasn't implemented it yet. And, uh Deadeye is sort of tier 2 mastery, as well. So is Sol.

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The point was, you were suggesting Tier 3 mastery skills, when we have some of them in Tier 2.

Anyways, Snowy, approval for recap topic?

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Yeah I know that. I was just using them as an example and it was only one skill anyway.

Please Snowy. Recap! I don't want to wade through all that text! I want to divide my time between FE3/FE4/Dynasty Warriors/Reading/RP!

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