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Magic (if applicable):



If I missed anything, let me know. Also, no stats, and we're not gonna be super badasses, so don't sign those up.

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Name: Domovoi Anton

Age: 29

Race: Human

Appearance: Average height, dark hair, blue eyes, crooked grin, wears simple leather armor with dark clothes underneath.

Weapons: A leather whip, several throwing knives, a couple of stilettos.

Magic (if applicable): Not a smidgen.

Backstory: Born in a gutter and orphaned a few years after that, he ended up being taken in by a family that already had several kids older than him. He never connected with any of his adoptive siblings, or even his parents, but otherwise he was happy enough. He left a few years after he hit puberty, no note, no warning, just taking a few small knives, a leather plate to cover his chest, and enough money to make it to the next big city. He tried to work as a mercenary on his own, it didn't work too well at first, but he's slowly improved his skills and picked up a bit of talent with a whip, which he uses to pull weapons out of his targets' grasp, or trip them up. He still hasn't made a name for himself, but that doesn't mean he's not good at what he does.

Other: All of this is subject to change, as I don't actually finalize stuff until I actually start writing for the character.

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Name: Jeph Archer

Age: 26

Race: Human

Appearance: Simple suit of armor with simple tabard, blonde hair with streaks of white, short beard, grey eyes.

Weapons: Short-spear, Longsword, Shield.

Backstory: Jeph grew up in Oakheim (town where things are taking place) with his ailing grandmother (now deceased) and younger sister (aged 19 currently). Initially they lived off a sum of money his grandmother came from his parents before they left, once he became of age Jeph enlisted in the town guard to support his family. He's since lived a stressful life, also taking a part-time job as a private-sector guard for a wealthy landowner when he throws parties. The additional stress, plus raising his only living relative has caused his hair to begin to prematurely turn white and leads to occasional alcohol and substance abuse.

Other: Prefers to drink Rye & Ginger.

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I'm new to this whole roleplaying jig, so take it easy on me, e_s.

Name: Fargo Capcillion

Age: He does

Race: Human

Appearance: Short hair, black. Typical traveler garments which is probably leather armor with other sets of clothing sprinkled here and there, with a light blue scarf. Blue eyes, young face with little to no facial hair. Average height.

Weapons: Two leather bucklers, worn in both hands. No one expects dual-wielded shields.

Magic (if applicable): Wind Magic

Slipstream-- Though it sounds cool and all, Slipstream simply creates a thin layer of air around the user. It's also very slippery, causing assailants to slip and trip over themselves. Oh, the comedy!

Guardian Gale-- A gust of wind suddenly envelopes the user, protecting from outside damage. If timed right, it can reflect attacks back. Extremely taxing to the user, who is likely not going to use any more wind tricks for the rest of the day.

Storm Slice-- Wind users need not be jealous of fireball throwers any more, for the patent pending Storm Slice move sends distant opponents a taste of a razor-sharp wind packet. Requires both hands to operate, do not use when intoxicated or pregnant. Some assembly required.

Shiftstream-- Basically a way to push things around by manipulating the air around the user. Useful for careful domino placement and cheating at carnival games.

Sonic Boom-- No need to reinvent the wheel here.

Backstory: If you were to ask five years ago who the most well-to-do, wealthiest, and highest-of-the-high family was, it would be without a doubt, the Capcillion family. Making their fortunes in the trading business, the family had carved their way up to the top from the bottom thorough their generations. Their unique use of wind magic to help accelerate their deliveries was key to their success.

If you were to ask now who the Capcillions were, you would get responses like "Who?" and "I think they owe me money". The grand riches and worth of the Capcillions was drained completely nearly overnight in a quite unfortunate gambling incident. Additionally, in a foolish attempt to regain their wealth in several get-rich-instantly schemes, the family fell into a debt so large that if one were to cover every square inch of the globe with a coin, it would only equal half of the debt that the Capcillions owed.

Fargo is the last remaining member of this family, and the only one that had nothing to do with the debt accumulation. He still has to pay though.

Other: He doesn't announce the name of his attacks, that would be silly, wouldn't it? Not too great at melee combat, that's why he has two shields, see?

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Name: Katrina Curik

Age: 17

Race: Human

Appearance: [spoiler=NEVER rush drawings]Katrina.jpg

Weapons: None

Magic (if applicable):

Heal: Probably the most basic healing spell there is. It can shut small wounds, but it tends to be a little painful and still leaves scars.

Backstory: Katrina belonged to a pretty wealthy merchant family, until a notorious band of thieves took over the town they lived in and robbed them of all their goods and money, killing her father in the process. She, her mother, and brother narrowly escaped with little more than the clothes on their backs and the wyvern they had used to flee. Her older brother left with the wyvern soon afterward, leaving his sister and mother alone. When her mother died about a year ago, Katrina left town with a young pegasus (don’t ask how she got it), and set off to find her brother, the only family she has left.

Other: The pegasus’s name is Sarina

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High risk profession, they must get paid a lot whenever they actually aren't getting mercilessly slaughtered or gambling their fortunes away.

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Name: Kyle

Age: late 20's or early 30's

Race: Human of course

Appearance: Average height, dirty blonde hair, you can tell he works out, but not any more than your average soldier or mercenary. Clothes are plain, owns a set of armor that badly needs to be shined, rarely wears it these days. Pretty typical stuff here.

Weapons: Spear, shield, maybe the occasional sword. In contrast to LA's char, his spear is a couple feet taller than him, and when he does use a sword, it's a shortsword.

Magic (if applicable; it's not):

Backstory: The short version is, Kyle is the kid from the RP's intro post, 10 years down the road. I can give you the long version if you want, but I'd rather just save it for when/if it has any application within the RP.

Other: Yeah

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Name: Billy-bob-joe.

Age: 22.

Race: Human.

Appearance: Straw hat, dirty (light) clothes, rad farmer's tan. Short black hair, tall and unmuscular, yet stronger than most muscular types. Usually dirty.

Weapons: Shovel.

Magic (if applicable): N/A

Backstory: A farmer.

Other: Intelligent yet uneducated.

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