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Name: Prophet

Age: Unknown, appears early 40s

Race: Assumed human

Appearance: Blond hair, blue right eye, the other is sewn shut, face is wrinkled and scarred, nose is crooked, wears a sigiled dark robe, with a cowl.

Weapons: Not a thing.

Magic: Various nasty and manipulative spells.

Backstory: Little is known about the man calling himself Prophet. He is a monster tamer, using his magic to make them his servants and slaves, using them to wreak havoc in villages and towns across the kingdom for no known reason. His scarred face and sealed eye make him easy to identify, but thus far, he has been found impossible to capture.

Other: Super awesome villain, go!

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This RP seems to be more of my kinda thing.

Name: Rutem

Age: 26

Race: Human

Appearance: 6a45344.png

Weapons: See above picture.

Magic: None

Backstory: Formerly an up and coming officer in the Arcyan Army, Rutem resigned from the army when he saw the country and its leaders follow the path of corruption. Rutem is also one of the few people who still owe the Capcillons money and would be more than happy to pay them back... if he could find that darned elusive Fargo, apparently the last surviving member of the family.

Other: While in the Arcyan Army, Rutem was widely regarded as the best tactician the country had ever seen.

Edited by Csquared08
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((Adding Two characters. So screw you! And I will use my own form!))

Character Name: Lord Tahkysis

Character Age: Currently Unknown, but very old

Character Race: Undead Human

Personality: Not much is known about this Dark Lord. All that is known, is that his heart, if he posesses one still, turned to steel many countless years ago. He is cold, evil, and sadistically inclined. He revels in torture and bringing pain on other people.

Appearance: He is shrouded in a dark black fog, and it give him the impression of levitation. He moves very fast, and it seems as though you blink and he moves. He has a cloak of pure black cloth, which touches the ground, and has the same glowing red runes as his blade. His deep, dark green eyes are very piercing, though they are the only things that are seen throughout the shadowy veil that his hood creates. He speaks in a slow language, and it is not understood by any. He does however use telepathy to speak to those when he needs them to understand. When in combat, he uses his full plate. It is a dark black armor, with spiked shoulder pauldrens. The knees on his greaves have two skulls forged into them. He also has a long crimson red cape, which bears a demon in black thread in the center of it. The sheer malice and power of this being is enough to strike fear, supernaturally into the hearts of any who dare oppose him. Though he seems to stand at six feet tall, when levitating, it seems taller. There is also the fact that his image is distorted somewhat when he uses magics, allowing it to seem as if he is somewhere he is not.

Other/Bio/Past: Tahkysis' heart was tainted with evil many hundreds of years ago. He wishes nothing more then to destroy, and to gain power. His disposition is one of arrogance and hatred. If you’re not with him, you’re against him. If you’re against him, your life is forfeit. He spares none. He is known to order his generals to take a special orb into combat with them. As his men kill, the orb glows, but nobody knows what this does.

Other: Weapons/Abilities:

Weapons: He has a long bastard sword, which is made of an enchanted black ebony, and engraved with runes in red, of a certain language none understand but him. When blood is on the sword, the runes glow brighter and the sword seems to be more powerful. He also has another weapon. A flail. It is a rather sinister weapon with a chain about five feet long which he can swing and kill many around him. The head of it is littered with spikes, and is about ten pounds. That, mixed with great centripital force makes a mess out of people.

Abilities: He can blink move, meaning short teleportation, as well, he can use telepathy to speak. ((You probably won't meet this guy. The next character however...))

Calling the Dark Star: By blotting out the sun and the sky, he calls artificial darkness to all those around him. the sensation of gravtiy becomes excessively heavy, almost lethal in some instances in a large area. Causes extreme strain which can incapacitate him for anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour depending on the strength

Character Name: General Zerral

Character Age: Very old, As old as his master

Character Race: Undead Human

Personality: His heart horribly defiled by the darkness of his lord, he is ruthless, but, he shows mercy. If found out for such a trait, he would be executed. These displays of mercy are very few and far between, and otherwise he is not to be trusted.

Appearance: Zerral has dark black armor, such is the signature of his army. The armor is like his masters, however he does not have the cape. His face is pale, and white. His long, white hair reaches to his shoulders, and seems to be tangled in some areas. He has pale, ice blue eyes, which seem to pierce the flesh of men.

Other/Bio/Past: Zerral was the general of Lord Tahkysis long before Tahkysis' heart was pierced with evil. Before then, their kingdom had been a glorious one. When war fell upon it however, they were losing. Lord Tahkysis, to save his people, went out into the far reaches of the earth to find a sacred artifact. When he did return the land changed to darkness. Zerral will always serve his master until he dies. He is very loyal to him. Zerral is very powerful as a warrior, but nothing near the skill of Lord Tahkysis.

Other: Weapons:

Zerral uses one weapon, and one weapon only. It is a five foot great sword that is a foot and a half wide and an inch thick, made of a cold crystal. The crystal never dulls, and is extremely sharp. It can cut through armor with ease, and some rocks. It takes two hands (Duh) to wield this, and as such he cannot use a shield.

Abilities/Magic: He uses two forms of combat skill depending on the situation. The first is a meditative combat state meant for one on one matchups. He is almost totally oblivious to any outsiders, but in one on one combat he is quite lethal. Time seems to slow down for him giving him more ability to react (Extreme focus, and thusly better reaction time. Con: multiple enemies is bad)

second form being the more destructive Destruction Avatar. He becomes almost immune to pain temporarily (Though he still takes damage) And this is dangerous. When he reverts, he can still die regardless of whether or not he felt any pain. This is primarily against large groups.

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There's a lot of potential for godmod here...

Alright, tentatively approved, for now. But keep it in check, guy. I'm reserving the right to revoke my approval at a later date on this one, we'll see how it plays out.

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I think Sauron is more appropriate, though. Satan is master of another dimension, this guy is just master of a really darkness shadowy place on the same plane as everything else. I mean, check out his intro:

There was so much to fear in these lands. There always was. But there was something which had remained dorment for so long, which now was awakening deep in the Forbidden Lands. A terrifying Evil whose power had returned. Far to the lands in the south, a black Keep was carved out of the mountains. Large spires rose high into the permanently scorched black sky, darkness falling all around the lands near it. How unforboding the land was. Soil grey and salted, so that nothing could ever grow in this area. There was no water, and no life to speak of. This was a cursed place, an evil place, that even the dangerous beasts of the Forbidden Lands generally stayed away from. The dark keep now awoke, but no life walked in it's halls. Nothing, but silence.

Mordor, anyone?

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I didn't like LotR very much. Sauron was a really boring villain. He's more a consequence than an actual antagonistic force, plus the whole "I'm evil! Look how evil I am! More evil than anything ever for no real reason! Blaaaaaah! Did I mention that I'm evil?" routine is just plain boring. There's no worse motivation than pure malice for the living, because all it leads you to do is kill living things (ie. everyone but you).

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Fun fact: Sauron was initially a minor god and a good guy. Then, the main villain in Middle Earth (Morgoth) turned him into a villain. Read the Silmarillion (great book, btw, though if you didn't like LOTR, you probably won't like this either) if you want more info.

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I tried reading that, couldn't get into it, but then again I also couldn't read Return of the King. Tolkien tells a good story, but reading it sure was boring.

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Name: Stark

Age: Early thirties

Race: Human

Appearance: Still crafting it in my head, he's a new char. Missing an eye, imagine him with plain brown hair, taller, 6'3", maybe. Semi-muscular, not beefy, just, fit.

Weapons: Broadsword, uses it 2 handed like. Has a knife strapped to his leg for just in case situations.

Magic (if applicable): Isn't. OR IS IT?... No, probably not. Yeah... No.

Backstory: Was a monster hunter since back before shit hit the fan. Was for a while after too. Lost an eye, lost confidence/faith/whatever, became town guard in some po-dunk shit hole town.

Other: Like an older, less successful Tom, except he knows how to fight.

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Heh. Well, the whole "Dark Lord" Thing, may seem similar to the LOTR< but I do very much agree that such evil that does nothing but say how evil it is and hates all life would be same-old same old. Trust me when I say there is more to it then that. Also, there is a distinct difference between him, and his general anyway!

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