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Yeah the "not-totally-evil" part makes Zerral different from the Nazgul. His boss has no excuses though. He even has a small, valuable trinket that serves as the source of his power (in this case a gem rather than a ring).

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Sauron being like that was the part of the point that Tolkien was trying to make, that evil will inevitably corrupt and destroy even itself.

But that is neither here nor there.

Name: Eltiar

Age: 50+

Race: Human

Appearance: Grey hair, and a neatly trimmed gray beard with brown eyes. Skin is weathered, as though he's spent a lot of time outdoors (which he has, incidentally). Average build, and wears nondescript clothing. Doesn't have any distinguishing possessions (at least, none he carries with him). Wears simple glasses.

Weapons: He is the weapon.

Magic (if applicable): Specializes in ice and water magic, though he dabbles in other disciplines.

Backstory: A former monster hunter. He eventually settled down and raised a family.

Other: Pretty cool guy.

Edited by SuperFush
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Name: Derik

Age: 30's

Race: Human

Appearance: 5', a scrappy build, prefers a light and mobile attire underneath a cloak with a hood that covers his misshapen face, short green hair.

Weapons: GunsKnives

Magic (if applicable): None

Backstory: Living a normal life as a farmhand until he had an 'unfortunate accident' involving explosives, leaving him to develop vengeful intentions against the culprit, a certain woman...

Other: :newyears:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Lyle Vampwolfski

Age: who knows

Race: Rat person

Appearance: Lanky

Weapons: A rusty shank

Magic (if applicable):

Backstory: Lyle was born in a shithole town. Lyle scraped around, stole things, and betrayed people to survive. Now Lyle is trying to find the town that is safest from the monsters.

Other: Lyle doesn't get along well with prepositions. Lyle has a cousin named Mattias.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to sign up for this, but I don't know if I can keep up with an RP as far along as this one. Are there going to be different chapters or divisions where newcomers like me can jump in? If at all possible, I'd like to avoid reading seven straight pages of RP to catch up. I can, I'm just going to be kinda busy for a while, and each of your posts are fairly large. Plus there's just a lot of information to memorize in one sitting.

I really just need a little filling in is all; some kind of summary of the world and its mechanics. Other than that, this seems really interesting. So far what I've read has been very unique and well-written. I've got a character that I think will fit very well here.

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The world and mechanics is still in flux/being made. This RP is a practice in the group making a world as opposed to playing in the creator's world. Here's a small timeline of what's happened so far though.

Oakheim: SPOILERS, SHU DIES. Stark finds a cube on the ground, fights some debt collectors and meets Fargo, the two go to the bar and run into Dom, Jeph, and Rutem (though I was hoping to avoid meeting in a tavern, but w/e). All of a sudden, goblins, everywhere (Also, enter: Kyle)! Also you know, wolves and skeletal archers. Oh right, and a giant fire elemental. Shit gets crazy, yo. place burns up like a spy what just facestabbed a pyro. Guys get out of dodge, and fight some straggling monsters. BUT WAIT! Fire elemental still around, outside of the town, ready to make people popcorn. Except it's not so alive as frozen into oblivian. Hello and goodbye Eltiar. Stark convinces everyone to escort the few survivors to Alabaste. Except Fargo has been kidnapped!

MEANWHILE: The Brute kills Baron Oakheim very very dead, and meets up with Prophet, who is controlling the monsters. They're lookning for the cube, The Brute sees the fire elemental and scolds Prophet, telling him they'll have to search the rubble to find the cube.

Alabaste: Place isn't friendly to foreigners, prices are crazy, people can't afford food unless they're a citizen. This leads a lot of peasants to try and win in the colliseum to have money for food. Fargo also escapes daringly and with a catchy theme song. Kyle can't stand that and wrangeles the group into fighting instead of the refugees, and splitting the winnings. This is fine, until Kyle knocks out a mage who just finished a summoning spell, and now there's untamed gargoyules fying around killing everyo-no wait, Kyle killed the mage and the Gargoyles dissipa-OHGODLIONS. Fargo throws mystery meat sauce aroudn and Kyle bravely charges in and gets eaten. Lions are killed and everything is great foreve... Stark got hit by lightning. God damnit... Wait, Eltiar is back! KICKASS MAGIC DUEL! Mr. Lightning, who was looking for the cube, be dead, but Eltiar ain't looking too hot either. Stark collapses, Jeph does something very important probably. Stark hallucinates, when he wakes up, Eltiar is gone...again.

And there we are, recouping in arena med type place.

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I read the first couple posts, and I was dumbfounded when Shu died. So much for Shu's Quest. Hehe, maybe it should be Everybody But Shu's Quest. Anyway, thanks for the summary. I'll see if I can give it a shot. This is the first time I've been in an RP, so I might need a little filling in, but I already know about not hijacking other people's characters, and not making your dude super BA, so at least I got that down. Here's my character:

Name: Blaine (but he tells everyone his name's Wanderer)

Age: 28

Race: Human

Appearance: Completely normal mercenary... except he's missing his left arm. He has scars all over his body too. He wears a tunic with short sleeves that slightly hides the stump where his left arm used to be. He usually wears a cloak over that to cover his arms completely. His hair is long, black, and totally wild, since he hasn't had a chance to cut it recently, and he lacks the ability to do it himself.

Weapons: A normal, run-of-the mill arming sword (one-handed, double-edged, straight blade)

Magic (if applicable): He cannot use magic, but he has a working knowledge of how it operates and how to combat it.

Backstory: He grew up in a fairly normal home, and joined the army years ago. Once enlisted, he met with some shady fellows involved in recruiting for a large, mysterious mafia. Blaine joined, and worked as a guard, a thief, and - most commonly - an assassin for the group. Blaine quickly became an accomplished swordsman, and things were all hunky-dory for him until he was ordered to wipe out an entire rich family. He killed the mother and father, but found that his other targets were two young children. Having a sudden moral epiphany, he fled the place and informed the local town what he had done (leaving out the part that he had done it). In order to stop Blaine from leaking any more secrets, the mafia sent out a group of assassins to eliminate him. They fought through Blaine and the town's vigilantes, leaving none alive. In the battle, Blaine was slashed across the chest several times, received a shallow cut to the cheek, and had his left arm viciously stabbed. He fell unconscious and was left for dead by the mafia.

He awoke days later (though he couldn't tell) in a home he didn't recognize, in a forest he didn't know, with his left arm amputated and his cuts cleaned and healed. He was also left with a new sword. Believing that he was saved by some divine hand, he's wandering the local towns to find what it is he was saved for.

Other: He used to be an expert with a two-handed sword, but now he's forced to use a smaller sword, and his balance is different so he's not a super great fighter. And now he has some pacifistic tendencies. Plus he's pretty anti-social.

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Name: Aiduen Willard

Age: mid 20s

Race: Human

Appearance: Rather plain looking. Black hair, dark eyes, average height, she has a large backpack with supplies and stuff.

Weapons: None

Magic (if applicable): Lightning: Just a quick jolt to someone or something at a distance from her fingertips. A distraction at best for most things unless she really focuses it, in which case, she tires quickly afterward.

Backstory: A daydreamer as a child, she never had the chance or the guts to go and see what the world had to offer. As time went on, the urge to go explore got greater until she was forced to evacuate her hometown, Oakheim due to all hell breaking loose. Ever the optimist, she decided that day that she would explore the whole world, and map every corner of it, not looking back until she had done just that.

Other: Nah.

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I do think it's time I get off my lazy bum and do something. This seems like a fine place to start.

Name: Derwood Applecoat (though he'll never admit that's his name).

Age: Somewhere in his early 20s by appearance.

Race: Good old fashioned human.

Appearance: Derwood dresses in layers -- multiple layers of thick and uncomfortable looking dark clothing that can make a man sweat just by looking at it -- which make picking out his physique quite a task. The only visible skin is his face -- which he calls devilishly handsome, and is at the very least, scar-free -- as his arms and hands are covered by long shirts coats and gloves. He wears a tattered black cape that connects to a hood that obscures most of what looks like messy blond hair and shadows his green eyes. Around his waist is a belt that contains two visible knives and various bags of substances.

Weapons: Derwood is the slightly proud owner of a pair of daggers that have been sharpened to resemble knives, along with carrying some real throwing knives hidden on the back of his belt.

Magic (if applicable):-Nothing so exotic as magic for dear Derwood.

Backstory: A fallen nobleman's son, a hero's brother, a widowed man, a poor street urchin. None of these describe Derwood's past, because even he isn't quite sure what his past his. He just remembers stealing, stealing and nothing but stealing for most of his life. Accompanied by the occasional bit of lying and manipulating any poor sap he could come across. All to further his own goals of collecting a lot of money and lording it over people like a child.

Other: Derwood is chatty. Very chatty. And he lies. He lies and lies and lies so much that nothing out of his mouth can be trusted.

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Finally a hero proper.

Approved, welcome to SQ, don't steal the title.

Well it is about time someone stepped up to the not insurmountable task.

Much obliged. Now to start working on an overly lengthhy opening post.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: G.M. Free

Age: 40

Race: I was wondering about this, then I figured it'd just be a gimmick, so he's human.

Appearance: Slightly unkempt gray hair, goggles (cracked on one side), breathing apparatus around neck or mouth, impeccably clean teeth

Weapons: chemical solutions and various substances

Magic (if applicable): None

Backstory: Free is extremely interested in understanding and defining the use of magic through purely scientific terms, especially through the use of chemistry. He can use chemical solutions to emulate certain types of magic, but is obviously limited by what he is carrying or has access to at the time. He of course wants to avoid this restriction and is thus looking into ways to use magic without having to use magic or having to have an entire laboratory's supply tucked in under his coat.

Other: His hands are extremely precise and careful, capable of administering accurate amounts to pinpoint accuracy. In the absence of a proper vial to use, Free will use his mouth.

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Name: Drin Arathin

Age: Late 50s/early 60s

Race: Human

Appearance: Short gray hair kept up with a headband, armor covering his entire left arm, shoulder, as well as part of his chest and back, leather armor elsewhere, tool belt around his waist.

Weapons: Crossbow, short sword

Magic (if applicable): Small elemental charms, most can't be weaponized, those that can aren't strong enough to do much more than stun.

Backstory: A tinkerer of the organization, works to try to make science to catch up to the level of magic, both in militant and non-militant ways of life. Works for an unknown group, is a bit more diplomatic than most members, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to fight, just understands it's not always necessary or the best thing to do.


Name: Morgen

Age: Essentially ageless, appears mid-30s

Race: Demon

Appearance: Average height, silver hair, midnight blue suit, indigo eyes. Could pass for a noble if he wanted to.

Weapons: Unarmed, but no less deadly for it. Can literally turn his hands into claws.

Magic (if applicable): Several hexes, curses, and charms, all of them dark. Requires incantations in an ancient language, usually it's easier to just eviscerate the target than turn their blood into burning oil.

Backstory: Known as the Scourge. A demon lord working for the same organization as several other people, was in the same group as Shu. He's been around for awhile, tends to lie low to evade the watchful eye of the paladins and various other demon hunters, not that he's scared of them.

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Name: Andy Davis

Age: Early 30s

Race: Human

Appearance: Short cropped black hair, well over six foot and with plenty of brawn to match. Both arms are metallic, with the left one connecting to a metal plate that encompasses about half of the chest and a bit of the back.

Weapons: Unarmed

Magic (if applicable): n/a

Backstory: Known as the Cog in the organization, he is an expert with clockwork and gears, and works when he can towards designing prosthetics for practical use in society. He is on good terms with everyone in the group, getting along particularly well with Whistler.

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