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I've never been in an RP situation where there's a canyon of spikes. That qualifies for something akin to overt character control, as well - you could probably write, "Character X lunged at Character Y, with the intent on pushing them into the deadly spiked canyon below," but that gives RPer Y the chance to write something like, "Character Y dodged out of the way of the lunge and pushed Character X, shouting, 'The tables have turned!'"

So yeah.

Aw, that took me longer to write than I thought.

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I think if you run around killing everyone's characters without their consent it's known as goddmodding, which is usually understood as something you shouldn't do.


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My sarcasm detector is broken according to another user <_<

There is always going to be another Nady. *Shudders*

... It's true.

I was thinking of doing that actually.

@Other: Interestingly enough, I have, but it only existed because this one guy insisted in making a character who broke the rules, the DM finally gave up, and purposely got him killed there. Kinda funny actually.

Edited by Lightning
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There are people that do that if they arent stopped Nady

Also, character contol is generally very frowned upon in RPs

That gives you more freedom :/

Your definition of freedom must be interesting in that case


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Can I just suggest that the ones named Dark Sage and Kai stop trying to insult this RP? I mean, it's different, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's worse. You really can't go complain about how they run things, when you're not part of it. I personally am pleased to see another RP going, as it gives people variety. While I'm not joining it, I'll support them doing things the way they want to.

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I don't know where you're going with this conversation since it happens rarely and mostly when the player is absent.

@Snike: I'm not trying to insult the RP. I'm giving them my opinions. Like I said earlier, I'm just giving suggestions, although I guess they're not helpful. Anyway, it seems to be a flame war so I'm just going to apologize for my rude behavior and jump ship.

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I'm doing exactly what I set out to do actually. I wanted to make a mainly open world me and some others could fill in as we go for fun. You guys seem to think I came into this expecting to start something epic right off the bat or convince everyone in the first post my style of RPing is superior.

Just trying to have fun guys. Doing that. If you don't like it... I don't care what you do, keep complaining and criticising, put a bunch of effort into your RP, find God, join up. They're all fine options. While you do any of the above or none of the above, I'll be over here, having that fun thing.

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If i was insulting this RP i would been exploiting every weak spot in this RP

Shadap, Snike

@ RP Mod: I see. Well have fun with your RP.

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Freedom comes in a lot of forms, does it not? Your freedom is restricted by the rules and guidelines set forth by Snowy. Shu's Quest is restricted by the lack of character control. Rather than looking at it as a roadblock, I think we should see it as an opportunity to explore different options.

Love for everyone, right? Right?

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Yay, now that everyone who doesn't normally act stupid stopped, I won't have to check this place as often. (I like to give myself the impression I've read the whole RP forum by having read the last post in every topic, okay, don't judge meeee)

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It can't be helped, though. Some people just act like that on the internet.

Anyways, Tax collectors are scary people. Especially when they have tracking capabilities.

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