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I think it would at least be beneficial to state that it is a 'typical' sort of fantasy setting, I can't even quite tell if it's fantasy from the OP, other than the fact it mentions an elf and occurs in a tavern (elves do appear in scifi from time to time, and taverns exist IRL as well). I personally don't think lsiting all the nations and such is necessary from the beginning, but at least a general feel would be nice.

That's probably largely personal preference though. I'm a big fan of rules and guidelines so I don't end up seeing things like lightsabers in fantasy settings.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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You pretty much just have to trust your fellow RPers not to do crazy world-breaking events in RPs like these, but so long as nothing too out of hand goes on, the stories are usually pretty worthwhile.

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Lightsabers probably wouldn't get approved in the sign-ups, also. I mean, unless someone had a god explanation for them. If I think it'll be done well, I'm pretty open to anyone's ideas.

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Inventor class?

Don't think it's necessary to go that far, I mean what is a lightsaber any way? Does it have to be a glowing projection of light? Like, a good blacksmith might be able to cobble up a glowing sword no problem, I would think. Probably using some kind of fluorescent material or coating. If you do want that glowing light stick, since they're magic in the word, I don't see the problem with having a light sword spewing out of some special type of crystal or whatnot.

Though really, there's nothing to differentiate a normal sword from a lightsaber, tactically speaking.

Well gee, I just talked myself out of wanting a lightsaber.

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Awesome, it doesn't look like any of Snowy's group is interested at all, so it's nice to know some people are willing to participate.

As part of 'Snowy's group', I'll have to say, I barely have enough free time for one RP, so you'll forgive me if I'm not particularly following this closely. I'll maybe check up on it every couple days, out of sheer curiousity, and I'll wish you the best of luck, but aside from that...

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Again, no worries.

ANd to the light powerglove/spear. If you could work it out well enough, I'd be willing to give it a shot, but if it was stupid in RP, I'd probably put my foot down about it.

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... I have the same deal as Bal and the whole thing in this RP seems like "let's do random stuff". And so far almost every RP I've been in like that has died pretty quick except for, coincidentally, a Star Wars one.

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I dunno. I was just going to ask, actually.

Apparently taxes were only 12 Ducats, but I'm thinking Stark's sword is a pretty valuable one. Also, there's probably other currencies in other nations, or at least multiple levels of currencies. Looks like we're going with metallic discs, at least here.

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This RP doesn't really seem to have a strong concept besides let's break shit. To me, even in a free-form rp, you need a base to work with, so this RP inspires no interest in me.

Just my $0.02.

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Hey guy, no worries.

Also, there's no mention of let's break shit, that would be dumb.

*hastily jots down notes for future dialogue involving let's break shit*

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There's actually a highly streamlined system and story that works out great. Sure, we change it a lot, but it's fun. Easily best RP I've played in.

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There doesn't seem to be much of a system though. No sense of balance. Now if there was and a coherent story, I'd be sold. Maybe then I can play the Indian dancer chick I considered before going with Alferis.

Note to LoAF RPers: If Alferis gets killed off, I'm replacing him with the dancer.

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In the same manner, I don't think it's good to conclude that Shu's Quest is just going to be a "do random junk" RP judging just from its first few opening posts.

And what's this about burning people?

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For the people who think freeforming is stupid, good for you. Don't play then. If you're going to say "the whole RP's stupid" when everyone involved is okay with it, then that's not our problem to make the system based on how you want it. If you want to play with a massively detailed world and rules for every occasion, great. Do it somewhere else.

... Gods, I hope someone gets the irony (even though this situation probably isn't actually ironic) here.

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For the people who think freeforming is stupid, good for you. Don't play then. If you're going to say "the whole RP's stupid" when everyone involved is okay with it, then that's not our problem to make the system based on how you want it. If you want to play with a massively detailed world and rules for every occasion, great. Do it somewhere else.

... Gods, I hope someone gets the irony (even though this situation probably isn't actually ironic) here.

Yeah that wasn't funny at all. Point is you were trying to change a system we already had, while we're just saying we don't like it so we won't play it.

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