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I'd say it was all quite relevant. A great (and humorous) demonstration of how Fargo was affected by the whiskey :o

Well done

Edited by Csquared08
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And how Dom is clearly of some demonic origin that he's yet to realize, perhaps his whip can be manipulated in such ways...?

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It's okay Ronny, at some point the tl;dr will strike again, stronger, better. Then we'll see. Also, OP is still longer, so there.

Also, now reading up on last night, though I'm pretty sure shit just got real, yo.

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Also, I dunno if any of the Snowies (love that name) even read this area any more. But I keep getting referred to as being from GFAQs. I mean, that's true in the sense that GFAQs was my first FE community message board thing, but that was back in 05. I haven't been a GFAQs regular in a long time, I was already barely there any more back when Snowy was a regular.

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I could call you the Statters.

Also, Atremious, the goblin fight is taking place inside of a pub, if you managed to cut down one of the goblins while riding by on a horse...bravo? For now I'm calling out that bit of the post as something that didn't happen.

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I'mma just assume that goblins are showing up a few at a time in the bar at this point, since there seem to be no end to how many are getting violenced on.

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I was acting on the original 5, I'm pretty sure.

In Csquared's post, he said five, that one was attacking him, one on Dom, One on Satark, one on Jeph and Fargo, and one on Rutem himself. Did I miscount somewhere?

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Dom took down the first one, Rutem took down one, Kyle ran in and took down one, Stark took down the last two, Fargo just made one commit suicide, and there was that one that Zerral got on the way inside the tavern or summat. That's seven, unless I'm miscounting.

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Working on it, gentlemen. As the guy who controls the guy who controls the monsters, I guess it's semi-up to me anyways.

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Let's be honest, this isn't the worst thing you've caught me doing.

....I'm not even sure what you're talking about. And are you joining this? Seems like you'd fit in, actually.

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....I'm not even sure what you're talking about. And are you joining this? Seems like you'd fit in, actually.

As for fitting in, IDK. I might join up, and what I said was mostly me just quoting Tony Stark in Ironman. He's caught getting out of his suit by Pepper, and he just spouts that after a moment of silence.

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As for fitting in, IDK. I might join up, and what I said was mostly me just quoting Tony Stark in Ironman. He's caught getting out of his suit by Pepper, and he just spouts that after a moment of silence.

Well thanks alot for quoting a movie I never got to finish. Now I'm sad ;_;

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You can still post, guy. It was just a good device to get at least a few of us out there in a group format though. Also, for Lunny, not posting. I figure his char is going to take to the bottle about the loss of his sister, then we carry him around everywhere. He's like our adorable drunken mascot!

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So, my goblin count goes like this:

Initially, there were 5.

Dom takes down 1.

Rutem takes down 1.

Three left. One is fighting Dom, one Stark, One Fargo and Jeph (Is he actually fighting? o-o).

Rutem stabs the one fighting Stark, which is then killed by Kyle.

Fargo causes the one fighting him to suicide.

I think Zerral killed the one Dom was fighting?

Then Stark finds another goblin and kills him.

I guess that makes 6?

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