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Shu's Quest Chat


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Okay, here's my count. Let's not turn this into a thing though.

Originally there's five.

Fargo slaps one into another, nothing ever really came of it, still 5

Dom kills one, 4 remaining.

Rutem kills one, stabs another, stabbed one is still alive so far 3 remaining

Kyle impales the golblin trying to make a Rutem-kabob, 2 left (despite Walter's count of three left in his post)

Zeral rides by on his horse and somehow slices up a goblin in the tavern, maybe, 1 le-


Your honour, there is a contradiction in that statement! The RP's creator, a handsome and modest man by the alias of mr_e_s, declared the end of that post non-canon in the chat topic, as it made no sense killing a goblin in the tavern with a sword while riding by on horseback!

So, 2 left.

Stark fights a goblin for a bit, then hits the one going after Jeph and Fargo, manages to take em both down, none left.

Fargo hugs one into suicidal tendencies or summat, -1 left.

So yeah, six, but with a different add-up. Seven if we just call the goblin Zeral stabbed a random outside goblin.

Ready to move onto the next topic of great unimportance, sir!

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Hey, csquared,couple minor things. First off, I don't mind real minor char control to keep the story flowing or summat, but don't be doing it for every little thing, gotta let people decide what they're doing themselves, can't be posting how they're fighting a goblin before they get a chance to, that kind of thing.

Also, try and keep your tensing consistent, present tense or past tense. I prefer past tense, but as long as your posts are consistent one way or the other, s'cool.

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I'm tempted to have us ferry the survivors to safety, but if anyone has any other suggestions, always open. I'm for keeping our story fluid in progression.

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Hey, csquared,couple minor things. First off, I don't mind real minor char control to keep the story flowing or summat, but don't be doing it for every little thing, gotta let people decide what they're doing themselves, can't be posting how they're fighting a goblin before they get a chance to, that kind of thing.

Also, try and keep your tensing consistent, present tense or past tense. I prefer past tense, but as long as your posts are consistent one way or the other, s'cool.

I thought the goblin fight was well distributed, with each person controlling their own actions (except Jeph, though I think he was too incapacitated to do anything.) Dom got his goblin, I got mine, Fargo got his, you got yours, Kyle got his, and Zerral brought in random extra goblin to get his. But, yeah, I'll be sure to let others control their actions.

Yeah, I've never been great at writing. I mean, I can recognize good writing, but doing it is a whole other thing.

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I'm not knocking the quality of the writing, guy. Just saying that consistency of a char is always a good thing. I mean, if it's representing something, or has some significance, sure. I mean, I don't usually RP Shu in first person, but I figured it would be a fun thing to do in this RP since I was killing him off in the first post and wouldn't have to follow through with that. That was all the reasoning I had.

If you wanna RP Rutem in present tense, good luck and God speed, all I'm saying is pick a tense and keep at it, champ.

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If I thought the quality of your posts needed knocking, I wouldn't have held back, guy. I pointed out my issues with them, writing quality wasn't one of them. Your style may not be perfect, but my style ain't perfect neither, none of us are writing a novel here, we're just doing what we can.

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Indeed, congrats on that, not sure why I'm here, I think I mistakenly clicked on this thread thinking it was the LoAF chat thread.

Since I'm here I might as well comment on something... hmmm.... Well you have better writers then the ones we have over at LoAF XD. I skim the RP occasionally and it looks pretty fun.

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Thanks for the compliment, from what I've seen you're not the type to toss those out like candy, so it means something. Also, yeah, that's what I've been saying, at the end of the day, I just want to have fun here. I'll probably walk away if it ever gets not fun, honestly. Cause if I'm writing paragraphs of roleplaying on the internet out of some sense of duty or something, and not to enjoy myself, really, what the fuck am I doing?

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Also, activity will be less frequent and more erratic for a while, will check in as often as possible, though, and try to post when I do. If shit needs taking care of, and I can't do it though, you guys can work it out amongst yourselves, I trust you guys. I figure....Otherphase? Yeah, sure, he can be a veto voice of reason in case of disagreements.

Good luck, God speed, and don't let Stark lose his other eye.

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kk, I'll be sure not to burn down the world, just maybe another couple of villages, or summat.

*goes mad with power*

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