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Hello all,

Long time lurker finally getting around to posting on these forums. I'm still very much a FE nub havign only played SD but i loved the game, also a big Advance Wars fan. Since the annoucnement of the new FE 3 remake I've been on here pretty much every day, its either that or be unproductive at wok :P

I should just also say my days of ultra competitve gaming a behind me, I play to enjoy the game which makes me somthing of an endangered species in online gaming :D

Looking forward to taking part here as opposed to forever lurking.

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Hello Merric and welcome to the Fire Emblem fandom, also called "my elitism is better than yours".

Don't go too far from the forest and behave like you'd be in an important meeting and you'll have a good time here.

also a big Advance Wars fan.

Dual Strike or Days of Ruin?

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