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Canada Day

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You know, being an American and all, it was rather odd that I had to parade in the streets and celebrate Canada Day.

With a Canadian Drum Corps.

What odd days.


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Well it's not like "I hate Canada" and hold that atttitude.

It's like trying new foods, shall we say. Not something you're used to.

That and it was a bloody hot day back in '08

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Well it's not like "I hate Canada" and hold that atttitude.

It's like trying new foods, shall we say. Not something you're used to.

That and it was a bloody hot day back in '08

sorry, I should've specified.

Why were you in a parade and what did one of our drum corps have to do with it?

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sorry, I should've specified.

Why were you in a parade and what did one of our drum corps have to do with it?

Well, as you know drum corps can't pull cash out of the air. Due to our low (and I mean LOW) sponsorship, we had to do a lot of parades to raise money. Canada Day was one of those days... and I think we paraded in two towns that day, IIRC.

The Drum Corps was a Canadian Drum Corps. I mean, American ones participate in July 4th's. Our's did too, though I got lucky with a major chaffing incident and got to skip the parade.

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Narga, I'm going to wake up at midnight and create a 4th of July thread as SOON as my clock ticks over.

Okay, not really, but I'll make one as soon as I wake up actually if nobody else has.


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by the way, I'll be extremely disappointed in the lack of American Patriotism if nobody makes a similar topic on July 4th.

Oh, I'll being making one, FOR AMERICA!

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by the way, I'll be extremely disappointed in the lack of American Patriotism if nobody makes a similar topic on July 4th.

And if they DO make one, I'll be extremely disappointed with those Nationalistic scum.

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And if they DO make one, I'll be extremely disappointed with those Nationalistic scum.

I dunno, then. A lot of people like you more than me. It'll be interesting to see who they'd rather disappoint.

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I dunno, then. A lot of people like you more than me. It'll be interesting to see who they'd rather disappoint.

Oh shit, popularity contest. Uh, uh, uh, cryface.

But yeah man, honestly I thought you would want them to be less patriotic. :P Isn't that (one of) the typical Canadian complaints about Americans?

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But yeah man, honestly I thought you would want them to be less patriotic. :P Isn't that (one of) the typical Canadian complaints about Americans?

posting a topic of "Happy Independence Day everyone" along with a picture or two of the flag combined with a rendition of The Star Spangled Banner is a respectable celebration and I could never complain about that (well, provided the rendition is respectable). I'd say what would not be respectable, but I don't want to give ideas. I'm sure everyone has plenty ideas of their own.

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Isn't America South and North America?

I fail to see how it is only the United States.

Dude, the ENTIRE world is America. That, or it's just what people call us, just out of laziness.

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