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Thor Odinson

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Anything that Lumi draws is beautiful.

Anything. 8D

Lumi can draw whatever she likes. C:

On the topic of Tinny, how old is she supposed to be when you recruit her in FE4? IIRC 14 or 15. Is that right?

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There was 17 years between the Barahara massacre and Gen 2's story so all the kids are over 17. At least they should be. Some sources say Tinny is 13, but how does that make sense? Azel is dead and Tailto is imprisoned being tortued by Hilda by then?

IS can't do math.

I love your character designs for Furet's story, Lumi. Almost makes me want to read it. Almost (Nothing against you Furet, I'm just too lazy! D: )

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There was 17 years between the Barahara massacre and Gen 2's story so all the kids are over 17. At least they should be. Some sources say Tinny is 13, but how does that make sense? Azel is dead and Tailto is imprisoned being tortued by Hilda by then?

IS can't do math.

I love your character designs for Furet's story, Lumi. Almost makes me want to read it. Almost (Nothing against you Furet, I'm just too lazy! D: )

We have confirmed that IS either goofed on the time between the BoB and second gen, or they goofed on EVERYONE's ages.

I'm thinking they goofed the former.

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I think Leen is seventeen at oldest.

Most of them aren't older than Celice.

We're getting off-topic here, we should be talking about how amazing Lumi's art is.

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I love your character designs for Furet's story, Lumi. Almost makes me want to read it. Almost (Nothing against you Furet, I'm just too lazy! D: )

The manliest seventy pages you'll ever get through.

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