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Generic Replacements Playthrough

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"Glory for the first man to die, charge!"-Imperial Guardsmen Commissar.

Turns 10

Acquired and reclassed generics: Dua (F. Sniper) Trim (Hero) Quatro (Sorcerer) Penvo (Hero). Seriously, assaulting a stronghold by dividing into four groups is not a good idea if the layout is not familiar. Anyways forged Pachyderm's might all the way with the amount of money I have left. After seeing how easily my generics were being annihilated by Medeu's bodyguards that assaulting his room was not possible, so I had Jake and Beck trade Pachyderm and Lightsphere and kill Medeus, an anticlimactic way to finish endgame but again assaulting his room wasn't possible in my situation. Maybe someday I'll try this level.

(Errors will show since I did a lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)
Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 30                            43  21  0   19  25  30  13   2
Julius Lvl 15 (F. Sage)                 26   3  9    7  14   0   3  15
Nagi Lvl 18                             35  11 12   15  17  13   7  10 
Jake Lvl 30                             32  15  0   17  10  18  19   0
Beck Lvl 30                             33  17  0   11  16  14  21   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
93 Generics KIA in the course of Marth's campaign
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)       14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort
Laim (Dark Mage)   16              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragonrider
Jiminez (Cavalier) 16              Killed by ridersbane cavalier while attempting to shield Marth
Wielkin (Hunter)   17              Attempted to lure and damage a sniper, but failed for he got critted
Antony (Pirate)    17X             Purposely disposed him for the greater good
Aurelius (Hero)    17X             Tried to take point but was critted by a cavalier
Wymp (F. Sniper)   17X             Didn't expect mamkute to move but notheless a sacrifice for the greater good
Hexenda (General)  17X             Attempted to hold the line against the reinforcements, but was killed by a crit
vladek (Warrior)   17X             Attempted to lure and damage sniper, but was killed by a crit
Rejek (Curate)     17X             Unarmed combat against the boss (aka disposed him)
Trim (F. Sage)     18              Doubled by a paladin while assaulting the bridge
Lever (Berserker)  18              Attempted to kill you shall not pass boss but failed
Julius (Sage)      19              Ambushed by fort reinforcements
Naunu (General)    21              Died during the advance to the fort by a paladin saving another person's life
Octu (Sorcerer)    21              Died after Naunu failed to protect him 
Quatro (General)   21              Died during the advance to the fort by a mage crit
Dexa  (Sniper)     21              Died during the advance to the fort by a cavalier crit
Justinian (Horsemen)21             Died during the advance to the fort by a dracoknight crit
Dua (Sniper)        21             Sacrificed himself to kill as many flyers safeguarding the others
Hendexa (Sorcerer)  21             Died during the advance to the fort by a paladin saving another person's life
Sawyer (F. Mage)    21             Died after Hendexa failed to protect her
Unil (Hero)         22             Critted by a paladin during the march to macedonia's castle
Wymp  (Sorcerer)    22             Critted by a dracoknight during the march to macedonia's castle
Wladis (Warrior)    22             Killed by a pegasus during the march to macedonia's castle
Xetsu (Dracoknight) 22             Ambushed by a swarm bishop
Duadexa (Horsemen)  23             Critted by a bishop during the ascent of Gharnef's tower
Auffle (Hero)       24             Sacrificed himself to held back the incoming mamkutes from the mountains
Augustus (F. Swordmaster) 24       Sacrificed herself to lure a mamakute
Rejek (Swordmaster)       24       Sacrificed himself acting as Marth's shield
Augustus (F. Swordmaster) 24       Sacrificed herself to lure a mamkute for others to kill
Lucer (F. Swordmaster)    24       Sacrificed herself to kill a bishop that would've ended Marth's life
Jeffers (F. swordmaster)  24       Sacrificed herself acting as Marth's shield
Wielkins (General)        24       Sacrificed himself acting as Marth's shield
Jiminez (Sorcerer)        24       Critted by a pegasus during the assault on Doluna keep
Owend (General)           24       Critted by a mamkute while acting as Marth's shield
Pinkley (F. Sniper)       24       Killed by a mamkute during the assault on Doluna keep
Hepto (Dracoknight)       24       Attempted to deal the finishing blow on a mamkute but missed
Aurelius (Warrior)       24X       Attempted to lure and damage sniper but was critted
Pinkley (Hero)          Endgame    Died trying to assault the north western side
Lever (Sniper)          Endgame    Died trying to assault the north western side
Unil (F. Swordmaster)   Endgame    Died trying to assault the north western side
Vladek (Dracoknight)    Endgame    Died trying to assault the north western side
Justinian (Sorcerer)    Endgame    Died trying to repel the enemies of the western side
Sawyer (Horsemen)       Endgame    Died trying to repel the enemies of the western side
Penvo (Hero)            Endgame    Died trying to repel the enemies of the western side
Trim (Hero)             Endgame    Died trying to assault the north eastern side
Quatro (Sorcerer)       Endgame    Died trying to assault the north eastern side
Dua (F. Sniper)         Endgame    Died trying to assault the north eastern side
Antony (F. Sniper)      Endgame    Died trying to assault the north eastern side

Edited by Generic Officer
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Funny how Julius is a FEMALE sage

Well, I do wonder what would happen if you kept some of those Generics, and actually trained them, would they actually be better?

0% character growths so I doubt it. What would be best to do is to keep some generics that have outstanding stats like a 27 DEF general I got in like.. Chapter 5 I believe on some NM run I was doing to test stuff (Marth was level 16 IIRC).

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Watching you play through the game was hilarious, you could try another generic playthrough without losing anyone.

Edited by Dagron
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  • 5 months later...

I decided I'm going to revisit this game after finishing lunatic mode on FE12. I wanted to do a comparison and well maybe for fun since generics stand a better chance in this game than FE12. Also I'll try to keep people alive till chapter 3 because that's before I get replacements.

Chapter 1


Place Jeigan at the fort kill all the pirates then proceed.

Pirate.png vs Bandit.png

Well FE12 had a prolouge to level your characters, but for FE12 that bandit is the beginning of level 1.

Hunter.pngvs Hunter.png

Thief.pngvs Thief.png


Epic level 1 boss that takes a while to kill.


Basically first turn I placed Jeigan in the fort with iron sword, killed the thief and Jeigan can survive the initial wave of pirates if he only counter attacks them. After that proceed as normal I took extra turns since I wanted Marth to get the boss kill.

Name    Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES

Name    Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES
Marth   Lord      4     22     7    0     7     10    10     9     1
Jeigan  Paladin   2     27     9    1    12      9     2    10     7
Wrys    Curate    2     16     0    2    5       6     3     3     7  
Cain    Cavalier  1          Base
Abel    Cavalier  1          Base
Sheeda  Pegasus   1          Base
Doga    Knight    1          Base 
Gordin  Archer    1          Base

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason

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That's H5. Good luck, dude.

Good friggin luck.I'll definately be watching this.


Jake and Beck will be kept alive like in my previous H2 run.

Chapter 2


Oguma blocks the wave to the north and Jeigan and Marth blocks the bridges.







First turn place people to bock the bridge after killing the initial wave I slowly moved towards the boss. Darros, Saji(Bord)), and Kashim died. Marth managed to get the boss kill.

Name    Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth   Lord      4     22     7    0     7     10    10     9     1     Base 
Jeigan  Paladin   2     27     9    1    12      9     2    10     7     Base
Wrys    Curate    2     16     0    2    5       6     3     3     7     Base
Cain    Cavalier  1          Base
Abel    Cavalier  1          Base
Sheeda  Pegasus   1          Base
Doga    Knight    1          Base 
Gordin  Archer    1          Base

Name    Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth   Lord      6     23     9    0     7     12    11    10     1    C Swords
Jeigan  Paladin   2     27     9    1    12      9     2    10     7    C Swords B Lances
Wrys    Curate    2     16     0    2     5      6     3     3     7    D Staff
Gordin  Archer    2     18     5    0     3      4     4     7     0    D Bows
Oguma   Mercenary 5     22     6    0    12     13     4     6     0    C Swords
Barst   Fighter   4     25    10    0     7      9     5     5     6    D Axes
Maji    Fighter             Base
Cain    Cavalier            Base
Abel    Cavalier            Base
Sheeda  Pegasus             Base
Doga    Knight              Base 

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason

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Chapter 3



MVPs to kill the boss were set near the fort. The baits went and intercepted the fighters.





If the bandits had a god it would be this guy.


After recruiting Nabaral and setup people like in the picture. I lucked out in this chapter since the baits had some lucky dodge and managed to weaken the western fighters more before they reached the fort area. The majority of people except Oguma, Barst, Jeigan, Lena, and Julian died. Barst managed to hit the boss with the devil axe then died, Julian attacks the boss he dodged, Oguma attacks the boss. Next turn Julian attacks the boss he died, Jeigan hits the boss, Oguma manages to dodge the bosses attack and Marth finished him off at turn 25. The other turns were spent getting Lena and Oguma killed by the hunter near the fort area.

Name    Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth   Lord      6     23     9    0     7     12    11    10     1    C Swords
Jeigan  Paladin   2     27     9    1    12      9     2    10     7    C Swords B Lances
Wrys    Curate    2     16     0    2     5      6     3     3     7    D Staff
Gordin  Archer    2     18     5    0     3      4     4     7     0    D Bows
Oguma   Mercenary 5     22     6    0    12     13     4     6     0    C Swords
Barst   Fighter   4     25    10    0     7      9     5     5     6    D Axes
Maji    Fighter             Base
Cain    Cavalier            Base
Abel    Cavalier            Base
Sheeda  Pegasus             Base
Doga    Knight              Base 

Name    Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth   Lord      9     26    11    0     8     13    14    10     1    C Swords
Jeigan  Paladin   3     27     9    1    12      9     3    10     7    C Swords B Lances

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason

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EDIT: Nevermind. At any rate, this is where it begins... Generics, and the possibility of laughing my ass off at some failures.

Edited by Malik Maxwell
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Chapter 4


I took a screenshot of this late, the bridge area is where I held off the initial enemies.







This boss would've been a threat.

Reclass:Jeigan Paladin->Dracoknight, Hendexa Pegasus->Cleric, Duadexa Pegasus->F.Mage

Forge:Rapier+5 MT

Purchases:Healx2, Firex2, Steel Swordx3, Steel Lancex3


I'm surprised I received a generic with one luck also I couldn't save the villages, first turn one Merc and D.Mage attacks the fighter group to weaken them the other Merc stands on a fort and despite his 0 luck he actually dodged all of the hunters attacks and kills them all. Jeigan takes out some of the Cavaliers and only managed to live because Machis blocked a spot for the other cavalier to kill him. After that I had some spare generics and took out the boss. I kept the F.Myrm and the Knight because they could be useful. Also I was supposed to kill the cleric but forgot since I could receive better ones later. It's quite sad that my guys are level 14 and getting slaughtered by level 1's and 3's.

Name    Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth   Lord      9     26    11    0     8     13    14    10     1    C Swords
Jeigan  Draco     3     25    10    1    12      9     3    12     4    B Lances E Axes
Unil    Fighter  14     32    12    0     3     10     0     3     0    D Axes
Dua     F.Archer 14     24     6    0     5      8     0     8     0    D Bows
Trim    F.Myrm   14     25     6    0    11     17     1     6     0    D Swords
Quatro  Merc     14     22     7    0    13     14     0     7     0    D Swords
Penvo   Pirate   14     30    10    0     4      8     0     4     0    D Axes
Xetsu   Knight   14     24     8    0     7      1     0    17     0    D Lances
Hepto   Pirate   14     28    12    0     6      7     0     4     0    D Axes
Octu    D.Mage   14     19     0    4     3      5     0     4     0    D Tomes
Naunu   Merc     14     24     6    0    12     11     0     7     0    D Swords
Dexa    Fighter  14     29    10    0     3      9     0     3     0    D Axes
Hendexa cleric   14     21     1    1     3      6     0     3     8    E Tomes
Duadexa F.Mage   14     20     2    3     7      6     0     3     3    E Tomes

Name    Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth   Lord     11     28    12    0     8     14    15    10     1    C Swords
Jeigan  Draco     3     25    10    1    12      9     3    12     4    B Lances E Axes
Trim    F.Myrm   14     25     6    0    11     17     1     6     0    D Swords
Xetsu   Knight   14     24     8    0     7      1     0    17     0    D Lances
Hendexa cleric   15     21     1    2     3      6     0     3     8    E Tomes

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.

Edited by Generic Officer
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Ah, shit I forgot about that, Oh well I'll just use Beck instead.

Hmm... If your H2 run ws any indication, I can't really imagine what it'd be like trying to get through the last chapter with only one ballistician... Old and Cranky regains 12 HP a turn.

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Chapter 5





First turn place Marth in the range of a cavalier Marth instant kills him. After recruiting Wendell my units were in position to defend the bridge, the knight dies of a crit which was unfortunate. Lost many generics trying to kill the three archers and cavalier. After that I disposed the rest since i needed promoted generics now. Wendell and Jeigan are being kept alive for the purpose of getting better generics.

Name    Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth   Lord     11     28    12    0     8     14    15    10     1    C Swords
Jeigan  Draco     3     25    10    1    12      9     3    12     4    B Lances E Axes
Trim    F.Myrm   14     25     6    0    11     17     1     6     0    D Swords
Xetsu   Knight   14     24     8    0     7      1     0    17     0    D Lances
Hendexa Cleric   15     21     1    2     3      6     0     3     8    E Staff
Wymp    Cavalier 14     25     6    0     4      9     0    11     0    E Swords D Lances
Owend   Curate   14     18     0    2     3      6     0     3     8    D Staff
Laim    Pirate   14     29     9    0     2      8     0     4     0    D Axes
Auffle  Fighter  14     30    11    0     5      8     0     3     0    D Axes
Lucer   Cavalier 14     22     8    0     5      9     0     9     0    E Swords D Lances

Name    Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth   Lord     13     29    13    0     9     15    15    10     1    B Swords
Jeigan  Draco     4     25    10    1    12     10     4    12     4    B Lances E Axes
Wendell Sage      1     22     3    4     2     12     1     5     5    B Tomes D Staff

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.

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I forgot to get screenshots.

[spoiler=Chapter 6]




At least this game doesn't give mages bologanoe tomes already.


Chapter 6

Reclass:Jeigan Draco->Sniper




There's not much to say about this chapter since I received promoted generics now, and they steamrolled through most of the enemies. First turn make a wall in the corridor near the treasure chest. After that I just lured each enemy slowly, after killing the boss I went back and opened the chest in the beginning with the master key.

Name     Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth    Lord     13     29    13    0     9     15    15    10     1    B Swords
Jeigan   Sniper    4     29     9    1    15     12     4     9     4    C Bows
Wendell  Sage      1     22     3    4     2     12     1     5     5    B Tomes  D Staff
Rejeck   General   1     34    11    1     6      5     0    20     3    C Lances E Bows
Wieklin  Paladin   1     28     9    1     8      8     0    12     6    E Swords C Lances
Wladis   Paladin   1     27    10    1    11      8     0     9     6    E Swords C Lances
Jeffers  F.Bishop  1     25     1    6     7      8     0     3    12    E Tomes  C Staff
Augustus Horseman  1     27     8    1     8     12     0     7     3    E Swords C Bows
Jiminez  Sorcerer  1     24     2    6     5      8     0     4     9    C Tomes  E Staff
Antony   Warrior   1     39    15    0     5     10     0     5     1    C Axes   E Bows
Pinkley  Berserker 1     35    14    0     3      9     0     6     0    C Axes
Aurelius Hero      1     30     9    1    13     14     0    10     3    C Swords E Axes
Vladek   Berserker 1     37    14    0     6      9     0     6     0    C Axes
Julius   F.Sage    1     25     3    9     4      7     0     3     7    C Tomes  E Staff

Name     Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth    Lord     13     29    13    0     9     15    15    10     1    B Swords
Jeigan   Sniper    4     29     9    1    15     12     4     9     4    C Bows
Wendell  Sage      2     22     3    4     2     13     1     5     6    B Tomes  D Staff
Rejeck   General   1     34    11    1     6      5     0    20     3    C Lances E Bows
Wieklin  Paladin   1     28     9    1     8      8     0    12     6    E Swords C Lances
Wladis   Paladin   1     27    10    1    11      8     0     9     6    E Swords C Lances
Jeffers  F.Bishop  1     25     1    6     7      8     0     3    12    E Tomes  C Staff
Augustus Horseman  1     27     8    1     8     12     0     7     3    E Swords C Bows
Jiminez  Sorcerer  1     24     2    6     5      8     0     4     9    C Tomes  E Staff
Antony   Warrior   1     39    15    0     5     10     0     5     1    C Axes   E Bows
Pinkley  Berserker 1     35    14    0     3      9     0     6     0    C Axes
Aurelius Hero      1     30     9    1    13     14     0    10     3    C Swords E Axes
Julius   F.Sage    1     25     3    9     4      7     0     3     7    C Tomes  E Staff

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.

Chapter 6x

[spoiler='Chapter 6x]


Being serious here, this guy and his other mercs double most of my team.








I don't have much to say about this chapter also since my generics steamrolled them. The only way for them to die was by crits which I maybe wanted to do so I can try to get level 20/20 generics faster.

Name     Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth    Lord     13     29    13    0     9     15    15    10     1    B Swords
Jeigan   Sniper    4     29     9    1    15     12     4     9     4    C Bows
Wendell  Sage      1     22     3    4     2     12     1     5     5    B Tomes  D Staff
Rejeck   General   1     34    11    1     6      5     0    20     3    C Lances E Bows
Wieklin  Paladin   1     28     9    1     8      8     0    12     6    E Swords C Lances
Wladis   Paladin   1     27    10    1    11      8     0     9     6    E Swords C Lances
Jeffers  F.Bishop  1     25     1    6     7      8     0     3    12    E Tomes  C Staff
Augustus Horseman  1     27     8    1     8     12     0     7     3    E Swords C Bows
Jiminez  Sorcerer  1     24     2    6     5      8     0     4     9    C Tomes  E Staff
Antony   Warrior   1     39    15    0     5     10     0     5     1    C Axes   E Bows
Pinkley  Berserker 1     35    14    0     3      9     0     6     0    C Axes
Aurelius Hero      1     30     9    1    13     14     0    10     3    C Swords E Axes
Vladek   Berserker 1     37    14    0     6      9     0     6     0    C Axes
Julius   F.Sage    1     25     3    9     4      7     0     3     7    C Tomes  E Staff

Name     Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth    Lord     16     32    15    0    10     18    18    10     1    B Swords
Jeigan   Sniper    4     29     9    1    15     12     4     9     4    C Bows
Wendell  Sage      2     22     3    4     2     13     1     5     6    B Tomes  D Staff
Rejeck   General   1     34    11    1     6      5     0    20     3    C Lances E Bows
Wieklin  Paladin   1     28     9    1     8      8     0    12     6    E Swords C Lances
Jeffers  F.Bishop  1     25     1    6     7      8     0     3    12    E Tomes  C Staff
Jiminez  Sorcerer  1     24     2    6     5      8     0     4     9    C Tomes  E Staff
Antony   Warrior   2     39    15    0     6     10     0     5     1    C Axes   E Bows
Pinkley  Berserker 1     35    14    0     3      9     0     6     0    C Axes
Aurelius Hero      1     30     9    1    13     14     0    10     3    C Swords E Axes
Julius   F.Sage    1     25     3    9     4      7     0     3     7    C Tomes  E Staff

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horsemen  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated by a mage crit.

Edited by Generic Officer
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Chapter 7









Since I had generics I blitzed everyone to the south and towards the fort. After killing the flying enemies I really wanted to dispose of these generics so I suicided everyone to see if they reached the fort. After blocking the forts Marth killed the boss and I moved everyone from the forts. Unfortunately Wendell died. I kept the general since his high DEF makes him near impervious to damage.

Name     Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth    Lord     16     32    15    0    10     18    18    10     1    B Swords
Jeigan   Sniper    4     29     9    1    15     12     4     9     4    C Bows
Wendell  Sage      2     22     3    4     2     13     1     5     6    B Tomes  D Staff
Rejeck   General   1     34    11    1     6      5     0    20     3    C Lances E Bows
Wieklin  Paladin   1     28     9    1     8      8     0    12     6    E Swords C Lances
Jeffers  F.Bishop  1     25     1    6     7      8     0     3    12    E Tomes  C Staff
Jiminez  Sorcerer  1     24     2    6     5      8     0     4     9    C Tomes  E Staff
Antony   Warrior   2     39    15    0     6     10     0     5     1    C Axes   E Bows
Pinkley  Berserker 1     35    14    0     3      9     0     6     0    C Axes
Aurelius Hero      1     30     9    1    13     14     0    10     3    C Swords E Axes
Julius   F.Sage    1     25     3    9     4      7     0     3     7    C Tomes  E Staff
Lever    Draco     1     25    10    1     8      9     0    14     3    C Lances E Axes
JustinianBishop    1     24     1    5     3      7     0     3    11    E Tomes  C Staff
Sawyer   Paladin   1     32     9    1    10      8     0    10     6    E Swords C Lances

Name     Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth    Lord     17     33    15    0    10     18    19    11     1    B Swords
Jeigan   Sniper    4     29     9    1    15     12     4     9     4    C Bows
Rejeck   General   1     34    11    1     6      5     0    20     3    C Lances E Bows

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horsemen  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.

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