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Mini Mafia - Dethy


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There's currently only one game running, with two others waiting with signups. This game is basically just to fill in the time, although of course that doesn't mean it isn't a proper game.

The game consists of:

1 Sane Cop

1 Insane Cop

1 Paranoid Cop

1 Naive Cop

1 Mafioso

Cops don't know their sanity, and it isn't revealed on death.

The game will run for the first five players to sign up. The game should only take a few days, and as such, please try to be active.

(Note: Don't just rely on the cop reports, and NL day 1 is best).





John Dory

Sync the Tempest

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Hell why not. Psychout50

I got lynched Night 1 the last time I played this set up but okay.

I need more people for my game. ;_;

Edited by psychout50
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Alright, the game might as well take place in this thread. Roles being distributed. The mafia will be sent a cop PM so he knows what it looks like, and all investigations will say 'You investigated X, and you believe he is innocent/guilty'.

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Roles are distributed. It's a night start, and I'd appreciate if, at least tonight, everyone is silent in the topic. Tomorrow night I don't really care, since the day kinda blurs into the night anyway.

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It is now day 1.

Sync the Tempest the Cop woke up dead this morning. And I didn't mistype that. He's currently recruiting zombies to take over the town. They should be back in about two days.

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I assume everyone knows how this works, we all out our reports and try to figure out what kind of sane each other are and who is lying.

Saying that, I investigated psychout and found him guilty. I am not naive.

##Vote No Lynch

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Like psychout said, only one guilty verdict is a bit of a surprise. Listed from most probable to least probable, these are the following scenarios I'm seeing, from a completely objective outsiders point of view:

  1. I'm Insane/Paranoid and investigated an innocent/anyone and Sync was the other Insane/Paranoid. The True Cop investigated someone innocent, and the mafia is trying to play off as either naive or true.
  2. I'm Paranoid, the insane cop got a lucky mafia find, Sync was Naive/True, and again, the mafia is trying to play off as either naive or true.
  3. I'm scum, the insane cop got a lucky mafia find, Sync was paranoid.
  4. I'm True Cop, Life is Insane Cop, Psychout is scum, and ALS is Naive.

FMPOV, one of the three of you are lying. The events in chain C require quite a stack coincidences to happen, which while not ruling me out as scum, this seems to leave me the most cleared of anyone even from an outside point of view, and quite probably marking me as a likely target to die. People who haven't already investigated me should consider to do so in the event of my death giving them a much more solid clue about who they are. It's a bit unfortunate nobody investigated Sync, but hey, what can you do.

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Well, that seemed to work.

Apparently Zombie boy Sync over there came back early, and broke into Psychout50's house. After biting him, Psychout turned into a zombie! Psychout then bit Balcerzak, who bit ALS, who went to bite John Dory the Cop, but John was far too manly (and he had 74 avoid, and we all know how abyssmal Revnants hit is from FE8) and simply left the town. (Note: Like always, Flavour is flavour. I went through the names in order of signups, so there's no clues here).

It is now Day 2. BRAINZZ

Edited by I Eat Tables
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