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[OUTDATED] Elibian Nights


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I have to agree with Arch ._.

How about this for potential stories for an FE8 hack:

-Joshua returns to rebuild his kingdom but faces opposition from some Jehanna lord

-Ephraim and Eirika have to defend Renais from bandits

-Frelia has another war with Carcino

-L'arachel heads to Darkling Woods or the Lagdou Ruins to clear away the remaining monsters

-Grado has an earthquake... but I'm not sure how that could make a chapter, I'm sure there's something there.

- We (or at least I) don't know of any "Jehanna Lords". We'd have to invent something completely new. In Hector's Tale though, we already know that such territories as Thria and Ryerde exist, so there's something to build on.

- Ephraim and Eirika lead an entire country. Eliwood, on the other hand, just has his own umm... province, I suppose (a smaller territory). Unless all the bandits on the continent grouped up, it just doesn't seem realistic for bandits to take on a country... =\ There's also not much potential for character development (well, I couldn't think of anything, maybe you or someone else can). Eliwood's tale (also with bandits) had him grieving over Eleanora, Ninian having a child, and then 1x had that unique gameplay aspect where you sent supplies to villages--just recreating that aspect in FE8 would be pretty boring IMO...

- Okay, another war, what sparks it? =\

- not a bad idea IMO but there still needs to be something else unique to that... I'll give you the BotD and say that's 1 possible tale

- Oh noez, Grado has an earthquake. All I see existing in that plot is Grado's remaining soldiers (Cormag, Amelia, Duessel, and whoever else) working together for some generic cause. But considering FE8 characters didn't have a ton of depth IMO I really don't see much character development (which is one thing that Arch strives to do in EN and that people like about EN--all the talk conversations and main-game character talks... FE8 isn't NEARLY as generic as the characters in like FE11 but they aren't great either IMO).

Sooo there's a little potential, but doing such a hack would seem way too forced, and it would definitely take away the uniqueness from Elibian Nights, especially if you did something like call it "Magvellian Nights" (which doesn't flow with "Arabian Nights" IMO, while Elibian and Arabian are pretty similar), stole the "Tale" system, etc...

I respect your opinion and it's not wrong or anything but if other people won't enjoy it a lot then there isn't much use in making it, IMO.

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I agree, that would just be ripping you off. :P

And editing a game you didn't make, which has no explicit allowance of editing, and then using copyrighted names and items somehow is more agreeable to "ripoff" :P It's been six years in romhacking that I've bopped around, and this "don't ripoff" mentality still pops up now and then XD

And for suggestions and uniqueness, just remember that not everyone sees or voices their opinion, and so one shouldn't expect a few people to contribute ideas and criticisms to represent the mass of fans who would have a chance to see your modification. Take suggestions--but never act as if what little you hear fully encompasses others (especially each people approaches a game in their own unique way).

Edited by Celice
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And for suggestions and uniqueness, just remember that not everyone sees or voices their opinion, and so one shouldn't expect a few people to contribute ideas and criticisms to represent the mass of fans who would have a chance to see your modification. Take suggestions--but never act as if what little you hear fully encompasses others (especially each people approaches a game in their own unique way).

I would like to second this comment.

My site records convey that games like Tales of the Emblem, Gorilla Gadek SG, and Tactics Universe have been downloaded more than one might expect--definitely more than you see people posting. In the last month maybe 20 people have downloaded Tales of the Emblem, for example, but I haven't seen 20 comment on different topics of said hack, or on youtube, so obviously there are a bunch of people who play hacks but don't ever voice their opinions on the games. Just saying to strengthen Celice's insightful remark.

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Found something I'd consider... pretty major.

Download this state: http://www.mediafire.com/?yj2bdk9u8095nzg

Play it with the newest version, and press F1. It'll cut to Karel about to kill Gigias. Just do that, and look what happens after the save.


The main cursor starts in the top-left corner.

The Prince can rescue Lyn (though he can't rescue anyone else cause he's too weak lol)

Karel is missing. I haven't unlocked 3x and 4x so yeah.

Does anyone have any idea what's up with this?

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Hi, I've been playing this hack, and I think it's wonderful, but I've noticed in version 3, Tale 2, every time I move all of my units except Lucius, my turn ends anyway. I can still move Lucius normally, as long as he's not last, and it can probably be avoided by turning off autoend turns, but it might be worth looking into. Also, something funny has happened to me in Karel's tale, where after defeating group of bandits in Ilia, all the portraits disappear. Also, the bars that display behind the stats also disappear, as well as movement ranges and map actions like vulnerary use. Battle still proceeds normally, and it went away when I fought Gigais the second time. Just some stuff to look at, maybe.

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No way, he's gonna try and hit on her/rape her! :U

That totally fits his character more than killing her. Of course, that might be the second choice of action once he fails to do the former, since he obviously will :V

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I come bearing a graphical update relevant to the previous teaser.


Prasad mug designed and sprited by The Blind Archer (Dei).

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Another "Ohai FE5" moment for Elibian Nights. Oh, and "Ohai Murgleis."


Palette by the ever-amazing Superluigi.

Edited by Optimus OVERTROLL
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Prasad is an improvement in nearly every way, so yeah, I think you're the only one. 3x is really more about him than it is Rath...

I certainly don't miss Velimir at all. He was one of Nayr's OCs for an Elibe-hack he was planning, and I just didn't have freedom to take the character in the direction I wanted to go because of Nayr's own conflicting ideas.

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Continuing the work on Tale 3 pt. 2. Getting the cast all set up.

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