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[OUTDATED] Elibian Nights


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Hector grabbed a few more allies in his initial charge, and Erik realized that a team of all Paladins perhaps wasn't the smartest tactical decision.

Meanwhile, not promoting himself... is a good idea. :/: I am aware this has been brought up, but I still think it's an issue (though the first thing I've felt bothered by in a while except your pairings). In a game where almost everything is promoted, Erik comes in as a Cavalier and it feels simply out of place. I know you want to keep it consistent with FE6, but personally I'd like to see it consistent within the hack as a bigger priority. Unless I missed something, there's a grand total of zero unpromoted units besides Erik. If promotion were to mean anything significantly story-wise, I would understand, but it's not like it has much to do with anything outside of combat.

/6 days late

Edited by Luka Megurine
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This is one of the good things about EN

It keeps as close to the story of FE7/6 as it can.

What you're suggesting is break it just to fix one minor nitpick.

The chapter is manageable enough with an unpromoted Erik, anyway.

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Well, there are unpromoted knights on hectors side now, and iirc there are a few cavs near the lake, though a bit more canon fodder on the other side would be do my masculinity good. But I like the idea of Erik having a Proof Weapon, maybe something mage slaying? Though he's mostly a plot point, so its fine if he can't fight. Also, prf weapons break, i.e. no Regal Sword in Radiant dawn.

Edited by deranger
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He didnt have one in FE6

A weapon breaking in a 20 year period? No way!

It could be a Laus Regalia, it shouldn't be too hard since you kind of made up a Cornwell Regalia

Make his Prf like FE4 holy weapons.

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Despite what fanboys may cry, there's no reason to remain dependent on existing narrative. Hard criers would wish you take into account a level difference between the two games and say don't surpass it--but the level and class symbolize, not represent. It's the game's job to create an environment. Mindlessly sticking to the environment of another game just to validate yours isn't validating yours at all--it's abiding by the context of an entirely different game.

Create what you need to meet the occasion. It is what we story tellers do.

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My bet is that Arch put something in that makes everyone happy in that sense.

Like, say, it's possible to find a Knight's Crest hidden somewhere or other, and canonically we can handwave it by saying that Eric didn't find it.

Erik would be useless regardless, so there's no point arguing about this at all.

Edited by Camtech075
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My bet is that Arch put something in that makes everyone happy in that sense.

Like, say, it's possible to find a Knight's Crest hidden somewhere or other, and canonically we can handwave it by saying that Erik didn't find it.

Erik would be useless regardless, so there's no point arguing about this at all.


It's also possible that Erik didn't keep up his training like Marcus did and downgraded to a cav or something silly like that, if he was promoted with such a crest.

Edited by Hero of Time
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The guy's already being deleveled canonically... (14 in BS, 10 in SoS), so it's not like it's possible to keep it constant anyway... :rolleyes:

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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The guy's already being deleveled canonically... (14 in BS, 10 in SoS), so it's not like it's possible to keep it constant anyway... :rolleyes:

I'm trying to figure out how arbitrary levels and stats between two games would justify turning Erik into the out-of-character horseback death machine everyone seems to want.

I find Erik fine as he is. As has been said, it's entirely within the realm of possibility to clear that chapter without any further buffing done to him.

Edited by The Blind Archer
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I'm trying to figure out how arbitrary levels and stats between two games would justify turning Erik into the out-of-character horseback death machine everyone seems to want.

I find Erik fine as he is. As has been said, it's entirely within the realm of possibility to clear that chapter without any further buffing done to him.

Because if that's the contextual relevance of the situation, it's deserving.

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I actually thought about having Lycian regalia before. Lobera is Pherae's regalia, and Berveil is Cornwall's. It wouldn't be far-fetched to say that each territory has some sort of heirloom weapon, some more powerful and less broken than others. If I do something to buff Erik, that could be it (Laus regalia buffed Brave Lance ftw). But yeah, Erik is more or less meant to absorb hits from mages (with his unusually high RES) and deal some damage. He's not intended to be a one-man-army/killing machine. Not every character has to be wtfamazing, and Erik is sorta naturally lame.

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In other news, I'm putting out a "Help Wanted" ad. I am in need of a good speed-runner to run some tests on certain tales so I can make some speed completion achievements. Anyone who's interested, PM me. I'll be able to get a patch soon enough (hopefully). My WiFi is dependent on me going to Safeway, so I'm a bit restricted in my uploading capacity (I'm posting this on a dialup WinXP computer, which has no access to my laptop to get a patch from anyways). Obviously this person has to be able to keep their mouth shut on details about the game.

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Please be careful of who you choose and for what reasons. The issue with fans themselves creating and testing games is that they usually act with a self-interested bias. They know how they experienced the game, and they want to distance themselves from that. Apart from creators of romhacks concentrating on certain elements unexplored in the original game, or abusing certain glitches or methods of playing which weren't emphasized originally, the play testers also try to put the game through a more-than-average stress test.

To exemplify, numerous Super Metroid and A Link to the Past hacks have one huge flaw--their dependency on techniques that aren't considered accessible by the original game. This is not to say the player can't achieve these actions, but it does say that not everyone will realize or have the capability to play the modified game under such intense and scrutinizing lens, such as bomb-jumping, or wallglitching, or other phenomena. Fire Emblem doesn't generally have too many exploitative glitches: but the problem still exists for you if you recruit someone who plays in such a speedy fashion that they abuse mechanics or play in such a non-expected fashion that not every play will be able to accomplish the same goal. If you get someone who meticulously abuses AI an entire chapter just to shave the turn count lower... it's not too receptive with the normal player.

Or in other words, if you get some fool to abuse his way to short times, though those times are technically valid, you might be forcing other players to abuse these obscure methods which weren't even emphasized in the first place. This is where the Kaizo fanatics arose from.

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That may be remedied by the speed runner sending a video to Arch. He can then copy the speed runner's actions while searching for a way to do it faster if the speed runner ended up being mediocre or be a turn or 2 more lenient than what the speed runner pulled off if the luck involved was absurd.

The video I sent him showing how fast the first version tale 3 can be beaten was probably reason for the changes so the same could help in determining the speed run achievements.

Edited by Sirius
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When you say 'speed completion', you mean in terms of time or in terms of turns? Because I can help with the latter.

Please be careful of who you choose and for what reasons. The issue with fans themselves creating and testing games is that they usually act with a self-interested bias. They know how they experienced the game, and they want to distance themselves from that. Apart from creators of romhacks concentrating on certain elements unexplored in the original game, or abusing certain glitches or methods of playing which weren't emphasized originally, the play testers also try to put the game through a more-than-average stress test.

To exemplify, numerous Super Metroid and A Link to the Past hacks have one huge flaw--their dependency on techniques that aren't considered accessible by the original game. This is not to say the player can't achieve these actions, but it does say that not everyone will realize or have the capability to play the modified game under such intense and scrutinizing lens, such as bomb-jumping, or wallglitching, or other phenomena. Fire Emblem doesn't generally have too many exploitative glitches: but the problem still exists for you if you recruit someone who plays in such a speedy fashion that they abuse mechanics or play in such a non-expected fashion that not every play will be able to accomplish the same goal. If you get someone who meticulously abuses AI an entire chapter just to shave the turn count lower... it's not too receptive with the normal player.

Or in other words, if you get some fool to abuse his way to short times, though those times are technically valid, you might be forcing other players to abuse these obscure methods which weren't even emphasized in the first place. This is where the Kaizo fanatics arose from.

Well, I think he's not trying to force the player to play that way. It's just him trying to put an achievement in for getting a low turn count or time, and he wants a good 'par time' to get an idea of how fast the chapter is to beat. I doubt he'd make the achievement unfairly difficult, or require some sort of abuse.

Edited by Anouleth
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Well, I think he's not trying to force the player to play that way. It's just him trying to put an achievement in for getting a low turn count or time, and he wants a good 'par time' to get an idea of how fast the chapter is to beat. I doubt he'd make the achievement unfairly difficult, or require some sort of abuse.

My thoughts exactly. I want the achievements to be like an added, optional challenge. Nobody is forced to unlock them all, but they add more to the game than just "beat this tale, play the next one, repeat." Nothing unfairly difficult (except maybe beating Karmann in Tale 6, but a good chunk of people have accidentally pulled that off already).

And yes, Anouleth, I'm looking for a turn speed runner (yeah, I'm going to ASM code a stop-watch mechanism and time peoples' playthroughs). I'd be happy to have you as a speed-run tester.

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(except maybe beating Karmann in Tale 6, but a good chunk of people have accidentally pulled that off already).

Just wondering, but is this possible without getting really lucky or RNG abusing?

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Maybe there should be an event where if in the event Karel beats Karmann, Karla is all like "y u do that?" And then cuts up the weakened Karel. Unless we already worked out a solution for that.

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