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Lunatic Classic Mode Details

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IIRC, it was Cavs and Armors from the northwest forts and a Mage or two from the fort directly north. They might have switched things around, though.

Edit: Beaten to it.

Edited by Ninji
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Hm. Guess I remember wrong. Anyway, chapter's done. I think it took... 5 turns?

Video says 6.

Anyways, I'm impressed. The enemies look really tough, but you're doing great. Keep it up.

Also, I totally forgot about reclassing and watching your Ch. 5 vid made me realize the awesomeness that is Sniper!Camus. So going to use that on every run.

Edited by Lightning
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Yeah. I posted that when I was halfway done with turn 5. Then I learned the Throne takes 2 move. You can see me sit there in disbelief (my emulator is only at about half speed, as it lags like mad when recording), as I wasn't watching the reinforcements and apparently they went south this time. I imagine because they would reach the group that killed the Dragon before they reached the rest when they spawned.

Edit: Chapter 8 is done, uploading.

Edited by Paperblade
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According to Endgame, we get Brave weapons + an Again Staff (which has been nerfed to infinite range and targeting one person, rather than spamming player phases) in chests in the same chapter we kill Hardin rather than promo items.

A max Str/Spd Paladin with the Brave Lance and Star+Light orbs has 37 attack and disregards the Throne. Assuming I can Triangle attack him, that means Catria is doing (7*3*2) = 42 damage in one round of combat. With Feena or the Again Staff, I SHOULD be able to kill him (as even currently, she avoids being OHKO'd... she just needs to get 2 Speed within the next dozen or so chapters. Not exactly hard with Speedwings).

That is, assuming the Triangle Attack works...

Edit: Even if it doesn't, I just need to be able to spam heal her with Recover as Feena + Again Staff trading gives 5 rounds of combat or 70 damage, and then finish him with... someone. Mercurius Luke or Aura MU perhaps.

Double Edit: Oh wait, I can end on his turn and counter, then kill him... Yeah, that should be doable even if the triangle attack doesn't work. Just need to get Catria's Strength way up.

Triple Edit: Uploading Chapter 9. I must say, this is the only FE I've played where doubling got *more* difficult as the game went on...

Oh shit edit 4. Chapter 9 up

Halfway done with Chapter 10...

Edited by Paperblade
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Not sure, but I'd rather not take chances. 10x is being uploaded.

And the Flying Dragons.

Apparently Dragons only have 1-2 range on Lunatic Mode (... yeah).


There's 13 of these guys, plus the boss is also one.

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Actually... if they have 1-2 range...

...Things might be a little easier with the Bow users. Then again, 14 range is pretty fucking Sirius.

Edited by Colonel M
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Oh, by the way, do you still think that the Forge and the Wing Spear absolutely break this game? I'd like to think that the Wing Spear was nerfed a lot since it doesn't show up until Chapter 5 and a large part of the game has little to no Armors or Cavs, but I don't even like the Wing Spear in FE11, so that shows how much I know about that. Also, we don't get a ridiculous amount of money like in SD in this game, so I'm wondering if the forge is affected.

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I am going to post an Lunatic Mode Enemy Stats topic. I at least have up to Chapter 2 (well some of it), but will update it as I go. As for the Wing Spear... I'm thinking it'll be very useful later on in the game (there's a lot of Armor | Cavs from Book 2 after the desert IIRC).

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Oh, by the way, do you still think that the Forge and the Wing Spear absolutely break this game? I'd like to think that the Wing Spear was nerfed a lot since it doesn't show up until Chapter 5 and a large part of the game has little to no Armors or Cavs, but I don't even like the Wing Spear in FE11, so that shows how much I know about that. Also, we don't get a ridiculous amount of money like in SD in this game, so I'm wondering if the forge is affected.

Armors/Mounts appear in Chapters 5, 6 and 8 then disappear completely until Chapter 15. I don't think the Wing Spear is anywhere near as useful as it was in Shadow Dragon purely due to greater enemy variety.

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Actually, from Chapter 9 until Chapter 15, there are absolutely no Armors or Cavs. There aren't any in 16 and 17, either, and 20 has, like, 4 Generals. None past that, either.

I guess it's good for the Orleans chapters, but you don't even fight the Wolfguard, so I don't really know.

Edit: For the record, I was talking to Colonel, but IOS kind of beat me to it.

Edited by Ninji
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I've only forged a few weapons:

+4 to Wing Spear so that Caeda could OHKO Cavs in Ch. 5 (it also means you only need weak chip for her to finish armors etc.)

+3 to Steel Bow for early game Dracos

+1 might to a Javelin so that Catria ORKO'd the Bishops in Ch. 6

+1 might to a Silver Lance so that Catria OHKO'd the Thieves in Ch. 7

An Armorslayer so that SM Luke ORKOs Generals (which was, in retrospect, useless... but hopefully it will see use in future chapters)

I've been using the arena to get Caeda speed level ups in a slow class (read: Archer), which is why she's got 23 Speed as a 16/1 Paladin, and to finish off levels before promoting units. I also will probably want to buy stat boosters/silvers whenever possible (especially the latter). I have a ton of Iron Swords I'll likely never use that I should probably sell soon, especially since Malise just gave me another Lady Sword, which covers any possible Sword using needs for the girls (and I have plenty of Steel for Luke/Marth to share).

I think the Female Class Set breaks the game more. Cavalier has an excellent combination of WTA control, mobility, durability, and offense, and giving it to units that had good speed growths (Catria and Caeda) makes it even more ridiculous. Paladin, Dracoknight, General, Sniper, and Swordmaster in one set, when Swordmaster was buffed to give Avoid on top of lance users being much rarer compared to FEDS. I have one unit that supports *everyone* and another that supports at least half the cast.

For example, if I sent Caeda to SM (who only gets bonuses from MU and Marth), she'd currently have 69 Avoid. The Mages in Chapter 10 had 99 Hit, and the Axe users in this chapter (second most common enemy after the Dragons) have 118-128, which with WTA and her Avoid, will drop to 30-40. The Hunters don't suffer WTA, but also 3HKO (I could drop this to 4HKO with +3 Defense from Shards, which would also make the other enemies on the map 3HKO). At the same time, even with only 10 Strength, she has 23 attack with the Lady Sword, which 2RKOs anything on the map (she has 29AS as an SM). Catria has more Defense and would have more HP (I gave Caeda the Seraph Robe, which only reduces the number of hits to kill her with the +3 Defense Shards, as it keeps non-Hunters at a 2HKO), as well as more Strength (She'd ORKO Barbarians, and be able to get the Dragons with +4 Str from shards).


Chapter 10x

Note that the boss could be any of the top 3 (they don't move). If the middle one wasn't it, I planned to have MU Mend up Marth and have him block the chokepoint while unarmed.

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Actually, from Chapter 9 until Chapter 15, there are absolutely no Armors or Cavs. There aren't any in 16 and 17, either, and 20 has, like, 4 Generals. None past that, either.

I guess it's good for the Orleans chapters, but you don't even fight the Wolfguard, so I don't really know.

Edit: For the record, I was talking to Colonel, but IOS kind of beat me to it.

Eh, I didn't know if they would add Armors | Cavaliers in the indoor chapters. I kind of banked that it wouldn't be as useful as it was in Shadow Dragon, though still a good weapon that Caeda has to her advantage nevertheless.

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Not sure, but I'd rather not take chances. 10x is being uploaded.

And the Flying Dragons.

Apparently Dragons only have 1-2 range on Lunatic Mode (... yeah).


There's 13 of these guys, plus the boss is also one.

Hmm the dragon has 20 speed as I expected for this mode.(They have 15 in H1) I don't suppose anyone know what caps they use? In the endgame chapters the flying dragons have 24 speed in H1, so most likely you are going to face 29 speed flying dragons.

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Eh, I didn't know if they would add Armors | Cavaliers in the indoor chapters. I kind of banked that it wouldn't be as useful as it was in Shadow Dragon, though still a good weapon that Caeda has to her advantage nevertheless.

Yeah, I guess it's possible that they could fill in some holes with mounts.

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