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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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"You've been up, practicing." said Esphyr. A normal girl would likely have cracked a small smile at the comment before striding forwards. Instead, Esphyr walked towards the tree where he had thrown a javilin before plucking it out of the wood. Her fingers wrapped around it by the weighted head as she let the bottom drop down to the ground, resulting in a vertical posture for the weapon. "I wouldn't know what you would need to practice though. Don't know how to use a *yawn* Sorry. Don't know how to use a lance myself. Least, not like you do."


Katie was not yet awake, but neither was Iso's head resting on her chest. Instead, it seemed that she had rolled about during the night and, somehow, now Iso's head was resting upon her calves!

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"Well,it's always best to keep in practice,so that your skills don't fail you when you need them." Damian said,walking towards her.The tree was littered with holes,the head,chest,and throat of the carved area looking like an inverse porcupine.

"Mostly,it's just the technique to throw it,and how much force to give it.You want to make sure you hold the shaft the right way,so each thrust of the hand gives the best penetration against the target,and the most accuracy."

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"That went completely over my head." said Esphyr, taking a step forwards. As she did, she lifted the javelin up and put it down again, akin to a walking stick. Then, she quickly lifted it up and raised it above her head, like a sword, before lightly thonking it against the trunk. "Guess it's not just a blade on a stick, eh?" she said before backing off, offering him the weapon back.

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OOC: So Iso looks up to see Katie's butt? Your call, Snowy >_>'


Now realizing that he wasn't exactly where he thought he was, Iso raised up.

Iso: Okay ... no one needs to know about that ...

He tapped Katie's shoulder trying to wake her.

Purple Guy

Shanice: Couldn't relax ... couldn't think about anything but carnage ... grrrrrrr ... I'll get my revenge ... today.

EDIT: Added Shanice bit

Edited by Phoenix
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IC: With a shrug, Katie flipped over onto her back before sending a limp-wristed push in Iso's direction. Had she been able to speak, the comment 'five more minutes' would have been voiced.

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Hearing no answer, Kelas collected some promising-looking logs and deposited them next to the current fire, then returned to where Amari stood grazing. "Oi! Who stole my food?" she asked again, wanting to find the culprit.


Enough of this. The orange cat jumped on Arrin's face: time to get up. Arrin muttered something unintelligible, then sat up. Was that food he smelled? He got up and wandered over to the fire.


"Yay! So we going?"

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"Nope.Using a lance is far different from using a sword." Damian said,accepting the javelin from her.

"While a sword uses more of a slicing motion,a lance is used to sweep,and thrust."

Gripping the Javelin,he stepped away from her,and swung it in a wide arc in front of him,low to the ground.

"Because of the length,a lance is designed to back an enemy away,so to speak.It's all about taking advantage of your range.The laws of centripetal force state that something moving in a circle around a central point takes less application of force to achieve the same effect,if the radius is larger.In other words,by using their own body as a central point,a long lance can generate a lot of power,without fatiguing the wielder,so long as you can get it moving at a good pace."

To demonstrate his point,Damian first took a swing at a nearby tree,and got a decent gash to form in the bark and wood.Afterward,with a circular path of motion,and the increased speed generated,the javelin struck the tree with much greater force,tearing a large chunk out of the tree!

"The increased length in comparison to a sword also allows for easier stabbing,and a well placed stab is the simplest way to kill someone,as any fighter knows."

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"You lost me as 'centripede force'." said Esphyr, a confused look on her face as she watched Damian's motions. "And a sword isn't about swinging it. At least with my blade. There's a lot to understanding how to use the flat and hilt too, especially with a heavy sword. It takes too much time and energy to always hit with the edge, so learning how to pommel with the hilt and smash with the flat also matters, but I didn't come out here to argue with you. All I need to know is a lance user can pin me to the ground with ease if I'm not careful."

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OOC: As usually happens, Iso is starting to take after people he cares for ... in this instance ... Headmaster.


Iso: Katie. Wake up. ... oh wait a second <.< >.>

Katie! Wake up! I was kidnapped by a wild bear, and your writing tome was eaten whole by the headmaster! Uh ... also Morgan wants to erase your memories!

Viveka and Levski

Once they made it back to the campsite, they walked around a little. Viveka split off and rushed into the largest tent, disappearing like a rabbit! Lev meanwhile headed over to Krinkov, still patting himself down to get rid of a little more dust.


Shanice: Grrrrr-let's annihilate'em ....

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"Fair enough.I was never good with swords anyway." Damian said,stopping his motions.

"As for the forces,that is how we were taught in in military school...'know your weapon,and you shall always best those who do not',is what the teacher always used to say.But,understanding the physics behind a lance isn't all that important,so long as you know how to use it." Damian said,before turning back towards the campsite.

"Well,I've been out here for a couple of hours already,so I'm done practicing.Were you going to do some drills yourself?"

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As she searched for her missing food, Kelas went over how she'd ended up here. Passed out... picked up and carried... wait, what had she been doing, letting herself be carried around? and then... Tessa'd helped out with the horses, right... something about Morgan, unpleasant... and more of the passing out and being carried around. So useless... She looked around: Amari unharmed, there was Arrin, looking for food, Tessa was asleep... she was lucky. "Can't let that happen again," she muttered, calling out, "Arrin! Did you get into my food?"

"No, has someone taken it?"

"Three days' worth, yeah! If not you, who's been stealing my food?"

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"I still have sleep sand in my eyes Damian. Sides, I haven't done a drill in years." said Esphyr before pulling her arms back in an exaggerated yawn.



With a yawn of her own, Katie slowly opened her eyes and sat upright, her hand groggily reaching for her tome before writing in a spidery and wild hand 'You're here though. No bears.'

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OOC: Her hips hurt? >_>'


Iso: I could always just carry you around if you're feeling that lazy. (It's a damn good excuse to exercise too. I haven't had time for that since I joined this group. It's starting to annoy me.)

He stood up over her and offered her his hand.

Iso: Come on. It'll be fun ... or painful ... or both.

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Tessa woke up, feeling refreshed. She had gone to sleep later than she had intended, having felt compelled to follow Krinkov and investigate the commotion, but had still managed to have a good night's sleep. Kiev had been wounded in some sort of accident with dark magic. Morgan had seemed unapologetic, but had quickly filled her in on the situation, and after a bit of work poor Kiev was doing much better. Irina wouldn't leave his side for an instant though, so after a few kind words she'd parted, and gone back to the center of the campsite. Eric seemed like he had pulled watch duty, so she smiled and wished him good night.

Tessa couldn't remember which tent she'd been trying to enter at first, and since any was pretty much as good as the other, she had holed up in one without paying too much mind to the other occupants. Now that it was light out, she looked around and discovered that she'd ended up in the same one as Charlotte.

This is actually convenient, Tessa found herself thinking, as she had reached for her satchel before remembering that the homeless had made off with it and almost all of her possessions, rendering her in a bit of a tight spot. Her hair was a mess after the night's sleep and she felt a bit grimy, but without her brush to tame it, or any of her washing materials... Shaking her head, she resumed her train of thought, Charlotte's a nice girl, I'm sure if I ask her...

Making her way over to the other healer. "Excuse me," Tessa began softly, not sure if Charlotte were still sleeping deeply or whether she were nearly awake. "I... I've found myself without a brush, and I was wondering if I could borrow yours. Maybe some soap too if you have any... And, a small cloth rag, too. I hate to impose, but..."

Edit: grammar and slight rephrasings.

Edited by Balcerzak
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"Heh,I've been out here for a couple of hours already,Esphyr...you really wanna put me through that?" Damian said playfully,placing his hands on his hips and giving her a pouting face,trying to make her laugh so she would let him go.

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"Hmm?" Charlotte rose from her half-asleep, half-awake state. "Oh, toiletries? I have them here." She pulled out a small, but spacious bag and handed it to Tessa. "Everything you need should be in there."

Charlotte smiled. "I can see I'm not the only girl here who takes pride in my appearance. Someone you're trying to impress?" She gave Tessa a wink.

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Iso quickly took Katie over his back and for the first time since joining the group, he began his morning jog. Instead of heading out of the camp, he decided to remain close by and jog through the camp instead, making laps around tents and such.

Irina and Levski

Soon Krinkov led Lev over to Irina, who was just passively daydreaming. Kiev was awake, and seemed to be doing the same thing.

Lev: You alright? The word around here is that Kiev got hurt last night. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to help ... but at least Krinkov was here, right?

She wasn't mad at him for disappearing, or anything like that, and her half dead tone made that crystal clear.

Irina: It's alright. Where did you go anyway?

Lev: ... umm ... not too far away >_>'

Suddenly they both raised their heads as Iso came merrily jogging by with Katie riding piggyback.

Irina: Katie's riding Iso ...? o_O'

Lev: ... heheh ... sexual innuendo ...

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