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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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A giant multi-headed snake dragon thingy?! Too dangerous here. They seem to be after my weapons, so I need to keep out of sight.

She tried the field where Esphyr, Damian, Cess, and Pary were. She hid in the underbrush and she saw Alf on the ground his back cut, the rest in bad shape. Damian was fighting a demon while Esphyr hung back, pretty beaten up.

Typical way to start the day off with them.

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OOC: @ Kiryn, Cynthia, and Kai

Remember what we talked about regarding the retreat. Shanice will pick up on this momentarily.


He'd had it! His body was ravaged to ruin, and most of his heads were fried away! He was growing more and more, but his resistance was decreasing to the point where even novice magic felt like knives to the flesh! As his body disappeared in a smoke screen, the arms retracted and melted away! The smoke engulfed the entire camp, leaving a massive fog!

Shanice: (Can't ... kill them all ... can't ... kill them all ... why?)

Suddenly he felt a great energy in his chest! The Crimson Dark Tome Midnight was secure.

Shanice: (Well ... that IS something now isn't it? And I killed someone else as well though I'm not sure who it was. Fine! Let's do this!)

Shanice returned to his humanoid form and with the eyes of a demon waded through the fog to Megae's position! He quickly produced Midnight in his hands and threw it to her!

Shanice: I'll catch up with you later ... take the wench and go >_>

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Megae caught the tome. "Right, Boss!" A bright flash of light; they were gone.

"What the hell?!" Kelas coughed through the smoke, dismounting. "ARRIN!"

"Over here! Tessa? Everyone?"

Slowly, they started toward where they'd heard each other, meeting up to find the others.

OOC: Pluralizing pronouns.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Seeing the pegasus riders fall, and the hydra disappear, Derek mounted the horse, and rode over to where they were, only to come upon a woman, face hidden by the fog, motionless, in a pool of blood.

"We've got a rider down!" he shouted, in the hopes that a healer could find him.

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"Hell! We have to fight that thing?" exclaimed Esphyr. "Where's Helenos when you need her?"


Meanwhile, far overhead, a faint twinge of pain shot through the headmasters body. A sudden warble wrecked through her flight. She could feel the darkness, the shadow, biting at her. Turning about, she wasn't sure at all what to do. Not now at least.

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The monster had dropped him from quite a height up, and he was still suffering from shock. He sat on the ground with his eyes closed.



The fog was thick. He knew people must be hurting, but he couldn't see anyone. He sent a blast of light into the air, and saw somebody a few yards in front of him. It was one of those knights with Viveka. Lucielle, was it?

She seemed to be unconcious, and quickly healed her wounds. Her pegasus was next to her, but it's wings were apparently broken, and it was asleep as well. He tried mending it too, but he couldn't tell if it helped or not.

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Kelas found Arrin, unscathed apart from Daranau's energy-sapping. He staggered a bit; Kelas grabbed him round the shoulders, steadying him. "You all right?"

"Yes. Nothing hit me."

"Good, let's find the others. TESSA, CHARLOTTE! ISOTOV-YOU-IDIOT! IRINA! WHERE'D YOU ALL GET TO?!" Kelas shouted. They waited for a response.

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Damn mist. Can't see much around here.

She continued through the fog to where Alferis lay unconscious. He had a nasty cut on his back. He was fine, though all his injuries seemed to take a toll on his body.

As she examined his cut, she noticed his body was covered in scars, many of them axe wounds.

No wonder he wants a quiet life, after all the beatings he took. she thought.

She dragged him back to camp, once the fighting sounds died away.

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OOC: How did Psych guess which rider was hurt? I didn't tell anyone >_>'

Viveka Lucille and Jasmine

The three girls were horribly injured. Viveka had gotten the least of it, and Lucille had gotten the worst of it. All three of them were unconscious, and Lucille was just barely holding on, even after Pary's staff had mended her broken bones. Her pegasus was breathing still, but hadn't moved an inch.

Irina and Levski

Blinded by the fog, Irina and Kiev weren't sure what to do! Levski and Aiya set down immediately, but once it occurred to Irina to do so, Kiev had slammed head first into a tree! His head pierced the trunk and stuck out the other side like a harpoon through a log! Irina slammed into and then dangled from a branch, still blinded by the fog!

Irina: Ugh!! Craaap!

Lev: Irina!! Are you alright out there?!

Irina: ... nooooo ...


Iso couldn't see anything but he felt around trying to find Katie! Suddenly he tripped right over her and fell onto his hands and knees!

Iso: *gasp* Katie!! Are you alright?!

Suddenly Kelas' voice cut through the air!


Iso: Huh? Kelas?! Hey!! Heeey!! We're over heeeere!!

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As the thunderstorm attacking the massive dragon grew larger in size, a barrage of flame hit the monster, which disappeared into a cloud of smoke that engulfed the area. "That mage actually did something right for once," Heinz grunted in reluctant approval. Unfortunately, the smoke meant it was close to impossible to figure out where the shapeshifter was, and Heinz closed his eyes, trying to guess where the demon would attack next. Hearing a thump to the right of him, the mercenary walked in that direction, only to slip on the not quite melted ice and fall on his face.

"Ugh," he grumbled. Knew I should've opened my eyes before I started walking.. Looking up, he raised his head in time to be blinded by a flash of light. After a minute or two of blinking, Heinz stood up unsteadily and looked around. Damned demon must've disappeared, I'll have to inform my employer of this. Heinz scowled. That's good money gone down the drain because of those intruders. Committing the faces of the group's attackers to memory, Heinz walked towards the voices of the other members of the group.

OOC: Thump refers to the sound made when Megae caught the book.

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OOC: I guessed. I was either gonna retcon, or force you to change it to her. :awesome:


The women was still having trouble breathing, so her gave her another round of healing. Her lungs re-inflated, and throat muscles stretched to relieve stiffness. Her bones readjusted themselves again to properly mend, and set. "She should end up fine. Miss, can you hear me?"

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Kelas turned. "You coming, or staying here?"

"I'm coming," Arrin said. "And I can walk all right, you can let go..."

Slowly, tripping a few times (with much cursing on Kelas' part) they made their way towards the point where they'd heard Isotov yelling. Abruptly he was visible, along with Katie. "Oi! You all right?" Kelas asked, bending down to lend a hand up.

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"... Not good," Derek said, seeing the other two riders heavily injured. "OK, if either of you move, wave at me." At the same time, he shouted after hearing the fire mage's voice, "HEY, ISOTOV! SHOOT A FIREBALL STRAIGHT UPWARDS!"

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"Hey guys. Look who I found lying with his back cut," said Reika, dragging Alf towards them.

"I'm not sure what happened to Damian or Esphyr, not that I care, and this applies to idiot wind mage as well."

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Katie gave a nod as she accepted the additional help and was soon on her feet.


"We're fine." said Esphyr, coughing to clear her lungs. "Fine... and outright exhausted. When can I go back to bed?"

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"Whatever. Anyway since you love feeling him up, you heal him," said Reika, placing Alf's body at Esphyr's feet.

OOC: Can't wait to hear Damian's comment about that. I assume you're covering Ether right Snowy?

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OOC: While I could, I don't see the point. Sleepy as well.

IC: "Why do you think I can heal him?" asked Esphyr, bending down with poltanary in her hands. "I mean, I know first aid, but a staff wielder is better." she said as she unstopped the vial and started to tend to Alf's wounds.

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OOC: @ Psych Keep in mind, Kiryn and Snike are flipping for their survival. They could still die :(


Once Kelas arrived, Iso was relieved. The battle should have gone much worse than it had. Suddenly Derek's voice rang out! He was requesting a fireball?

Iso: Huh?

He looked at Katie and Kelas and then down at Proxima.

Iso: Alright.

He quickly stood up and cast a fire spell directly into the sky! At the top of its climb, it let out a huge burst! The force blasted a hole through the center of the fog cloud! The wind would slowly take over and carry the rest away into the fields!

Irina and Levski

Lev: Irina! Dammit! Can't see a damn thing!

Irina: I'm alright ... I think ...

Lev: Just hold on!

Irina: Okaaaay ... shouldn't be too difficult-


Irina: Huh?!

The branch she was hanging on was beginning to break!

Irina: Oh come on! I'm not that heavy! Don't break! Don't break!!

Viveka Lucille and Jasmine

Though Pary was thorough in his healing, Lucille still hadn't woken up! The reason became clear moments after inspecting her further! Under the intense pressure of being constricted, her heart had stopped! She was no longer alive. (Google that sh*t-->Heart stopping constriction)

Her pegasus crawled on its knees trying to stand, but collapsed! It's spine was damaged, and its body wasn't functioning properly anymore. The pegasus let out a final cry ... and then passed away. Jasmine wasn't far away either, she was slumped up against the same tree Levski had slept against. She was almost as badly hurt as Lucille had been, but she was still alive.

Viveka opened her eyes to a blurry world, that was being assaulted by fog in the distance. She couldn't think straight. The blood flow had been cut off from her head for so long, and she was terribly incoherent and confused. She wasn't even sure she was in split seconds of information compiling. She was too uncomfortable to move, so she laid her head down waiting for the pain and dizziness to stop.

OOC: -_-

EDIT: Fog buster.

Edited by Phoenix
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