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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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Iso: Yeah, she was. It was just like before, when he tried to steal Hellsety from you. I couldn't free her in time.

Iso's guilt came over him pretty quickly and he hung his head before sighing.

Iso: If I was just a second faster I could have prevented it. I have no idea what to do now ....

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"Severed?!" yelled Alf, getting up ignoring the pain in his back.

"This isn't good. How are we going to defeat the Lord of Azure Flames then?"

"More importantly, why should we care?" said Reika.

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"Fuck! How can this happen? Now there isnt any hope of getting it back." Then Helios realized something. "There is one thing we can do...... if it works....... we can get back the tome."

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"I care because it means one of them can sever me from my sword. I don't know why you would care though. Having a demonic hellspawn inside of you seems to fit you well Rekia."

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".....You mean besides tracking the demons down and getting it back?" said Alf, glancing at Helios.

"...What an idiot. Anyway if we can't get it back to her, we can put her out of her misery, considering how she has nothing outside her weapon.

Anyway I really don't care what you think."

"That was cruel Esphyr," said Alf.

Edited by Dark Sage
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"That will be foolish. We'll just end up the same we are right now. Remem-" Then a sharp pain went up Helios' body that opened up the wound from before. "Gah." He let out before he finally collapsed. Blood started gushing out from under his body.

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"That's great if you really want to get rid of it," said Alf, patting her on the shoulder.

Reika kneeled down beside Helios. He was bleeding to death, probably near death. She would finish what was started between them.


"No!" With a swift motion, Alf grabbed Reika by the wrists. "You are not going to kill him. What is the matter with you? We still need him around."

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"Morgan lost Midnight? These guys aren't as much of a joke as they seemed at first... this is real." Chase interrupted. "If we wanna have any chance at killing the Lord of Azure Flames at all, we're definitely going to have to kill them, too!"

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As Ulfhrahn landed in the center of camp,Damian and Aiya jumped off.

"Alright,who's hurt,where is everybody,and where is Morgan,especially?" Damian quickly asked to the general area,waiting for a response.

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"We definitely need to make sure she stops this..." said Al, still continuing to struggle.

"Let go. It's not like anyone would miss him anyway. Hell, he'll probably be dead the next day to his own stupidity.

Ok, I won't kill him," said Reika, the daggers disappearing from her hands.

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"Then the least that you can do is let him live so he dies in some hilarious way that Alf can tell to his kids when he grows up." said Esphyr, rapping Rekia on the head before turning about to head back to the rest.

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As the fog cleared, Arrin clearly saw Eric carrying Tessa and Charlotte out of the wreckage of one of the tents. He ran after, dropping to his knees beside Tessa as she was placed on the ground. Three broken arrows jutted out of her at odd angles. "She isn't-- she can't be!" he exclaimed, voice rising. "I thought she was safe, hiding somewhere--" Tears ran down his face as he shouted, oblivious to the others.

At Arrin's shouting, Kelas looked over. Tessa... and arrows... She ran over. "Oh, gods..." Could I have... Closer inspection showed that the arrows were not hers; the fletchings, though bedraggled and nearly nonexistent, were the wrong color. "Not mine," she breathed, but there was no time to be relieved yet; the arrows weren't hers, but they were still there. Looking about wildly for another healer, she spotted Charlotte-- also unconscious-- and Pary, vainly trying to revive the dead pegasus knight. She ran over to him. "She's dead," Kelas told him flatly. "There are others. Would you let them die as well?"

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Before he had gotten a response,Damian saw Tessa and Charlotte,both unconscious,being carried by Eric,who was also hurt.

"Tessa!" he rushed over to her.and saw the arrows jutting out of her.Quickly digging out some bandage and a vulnerary,and turned to call out.

"Someone get me some clean water,quick!"

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"We don't ha-OH MY GODDESS! TESSA!" exclaimed Esphyr, noticing at last the plight of the troubadour. There was no time waisted as Esphyr flew to the woman's side, almost shoving Damian out of the way as she produced her vulnerary. "Dontdiedontdiedontdie!" she muttered in quick and rapid words as she opened the potion up to dump upon the healer, only to find that naught but a small drop and trickle poured out!

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"Heh. You got a good point there," said Reika walking away a bit, though she seemed to change her mind and turned back a bit.

"What are we going to do about Morgan? Can she live knowing she may not get her Crimson Weapon back?"

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"Esphyr!Calm down,panicking won't help." He said,doing the first thing he could think of to snap her out of it,which was smacking her across the face.He then handed her his own vulnerary.

"You take care of working the potions,I'll bandage her up,okay?If we work quickly,then this'll heal fine."

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A sudden swarm of voices, loud, nearby. Shaking. Tessa roused a bit, opened unfocused eyes, and looked around. With a crooked smile she got out, "I wasn't even being reckless this time..." before a small coughing fit caused some bubbles of blood to fleck up over her lips and she followed the wave of pain back into unconsciousness.

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As the slap laid across Esphyr's face, a hurt, almost offended glare came back in response. Had it been any other context, Esphyr would have thrown a huge ****storm. But saving Tessa's life and being panicked about it was more important. With a sigh, Esphyr took the vulnerary, then put it down on the ground.

"Give me Tessa's healing staff." she said glumly, extending her hand to Damian.

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"Hey stop!" said Alf walking to Damian.

"I know you're just trying to snap her out of it, but that was not the way to do it. You could've done something else.

Esphyr? Is Tessa ok?"

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"So... what do we do? We need to help everyone else out, too... Uh, I'll go help out Morgan," Chase interjected, and walked over to her. He lifted her head and applied his vulnerary to her wounds, leaving it with about a third of its original contents. "... She's hurt pretty badly."

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"Are you sure you can still use one?" Damian asked,handing her the staff.She looked hurt,and offended,but it had been all he could think of to do to try to give her some clarity.

"You are more experienced with healing than me,so tell me if you need me to do anything...and I'm sorry...I just couldn't think what else I could do..." Damian said apologetically,but couldn't revel in it now.

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With the staff in hand, Esphyr stood up. Her hands rested upon the shaft of wood in the same positions that they had been on Damian's javelin earlier. Staff positions. Healing positions. A deep breath flowed through Esphyr's lungs as she let her mana network flow through the wood and up to the gem at the top, activating it and letting the soft glow of healing light flow out. A bead of sweat, worry, fear, trailed down her cheek, but she pushed it aside. She would not let Tessa die!

"Great Goddess, mother of life and bestower of life." she said, her lips stumbling softly, yet fluidly, over the words that she had once learned as a child. "Grant unto me, your humble servant, the gift of your healing power, so that I may bequeath it unto another. Heal!"

With that final exclamation, she raised the staff upright, praying Damian could remove the arrows from Tessa and that she could still heal as she once did; letting the power of the light flow through the wounded woman, replacing lost blood and sealing closed open wounds.

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