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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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Arrin was startled to find Tessa waking up. "What happened?" she asked, a little breathlessly, and he realized that he was probably holding on too tight. He let his arms relax a little, giving Tessa some space.

"Demons attacked out of nowhere... Morgan's lost her Crimson tome, and one of the pegasus riders is dead," he summarized shakily. "And somehow you got--" he choked on the word "--shot." He was silent for a moment.


"So long as it's not complete suicide, I'm not that fussed where we're going in the long run," Kelas put in, "but what of immediately? We're wide open for another attack here, we've got wounded, probably more than our healers can fully heal right now, and we've lost supplies. What now?"

edit: adjective didn't work.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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"I hardly think refusing to have teatime with your father's killer constitutes as petty" Charlotte said, shooting the headmaster a look of utter contempt.

"I will be leaving as well, I have to talk to the emperor of Halton about...matters concerning the church."

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Eric & Dani

"I've already died once. Death doesn't scare me," Eric said, struggling to free himself of the headmaster's grip.

"Let go of me! You're not my mother!" Dani exclaimed.

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Pary had been running around healing the wounded when the group was talking about where to go next. "Unfortunately, I am not going either. I am from Jerdon too, and well, you know what happened."



Cess sat up. Morrey was fine, and almost everyone ended up okay. "We're going to Septimus? Are you sure that's a good idea? I'm not too keen on the plan myself."

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"Compared to the dark lord of flame and shadow and his ****ing wench, a lot is indeed petty." said the headmaster, her grip on the two tightening. "I'm just saying though that we shouldn't split up. And Dani, check the offshoot in your family tree around your great grandfather."

OOC: HM is bluffing on relationship to Dani... Or is she? Snike's choice.

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"We do not necessarily have to go to Septimus." Morgan said, "If we could somehow contact Jace and have him meet us somewhere, that would also fulfill Naelia's requirement. I doubt he will keen to leave his base of power though, so I might recommend disguises instead. Unless you have a bounty on your heads, I doubt they will identify most Jerdonians on sight."

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"Petty? The Lord of Azure Flame isn't even around yet! I don't deny that the dragon servant is a problem, but if we head to Septimus, our mission will be hindered greatly, considering how you'll lose several people. Besides, none of us are on good terms with Septimus anyway, even outside of the Jerodians and I."

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"I dont see why you wouldnt go unless your hiding something." Helios said pretty laid back. "Your do a bad job of hiding it, Eric. Any border guards can tell her apart from a commoner."

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Listening to the various members of the group complain over going to Septimus, Heinz rolled his eyes. Who taught them this garbage about Septimus? The headmaster herself isn't helping much either.. "I'd rather not have Naelia continue to steal our belongings, and last time I checked, Septimus was not ruled by Jace the Brute. Although I'm not very inclined to meet the man myself, going to Septimus itself shouldn't be a problem," Heinz said drolly.

I can see why the people from Jerdon wouldn't want to come though, there doesn't seem to be anything in it for them, Heinz thought. Hearing Morgan's response, Heinz provided his own reply. And I'd bet 10 gold they'd recognize Charlotte as the princess, disguise or no disguise.

"I've been to Septimus once or twice myself," Heinz responded to Alferis. "I've done a few jobs, so I could help with navigating the country," he offered. "I'm afraid I don't know any of the military officials though, I tend not to associate with those type of people," shrugging his shoulders.

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"... Obviously, since she's a cleric," Eric commented. "You're doing a bang-up job yourself, Prince. Anyways, I do, in fact, have a bounty on my head, in Septimus."

Dani looked at the headmaster. "What are you talking about?" she asked, confused.

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"Your not as dense as you look. You might wanna take what i said to heart. Would be a shame if we lost her." Helios said with an evil grin.

Edited by Kai
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Trying to keep the atmosphere light, Tessa countered, "Ahh... you know, I'd sort of known about that last bit... getting shot does tend to leave an impression... but thank you."

She couldn't keep it up for long though, and ended up sighing. Spotting her staff, fallen on the ground nearby, she asked, "Who all else is hurt? I'd be surprised if the demons got Sis's tome without a fight..."

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"I've been alive for well over two hundred years Dani. I only had one child, but she had four. Those four had thirty seven, and I lost track after that. You may use thunder, but yer personality is close enough and you have the right hair. I wouldn't be shocked at all to find out I had a great great grandchild or two somewhere in this group. Anyways, Charolette, give me a hour with the proper materials and I can easily disguise you as a man."

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"They're all being cared for," Arrin half-lied; he knew the mortal injuries had been seen to, but there were more. They would be cared for in time; Pary could do most of the work, since Charlotte wasn't in the best condition either. "Don't worry, just rest..."

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"... Huh?" Dani wondered. "So, you could be, like, my great great grandmother? I thought..." she trailed off, sullen.

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"It's not impossible Dani. Keep that in mind next time you try that argument on me." said the headmaster, giving her a motherly tossle of the hair. "As for Charolette, if anyone feels that they can't enter inside of Septimus, I'm willing to disguise them if it helps."

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"I see no reason why I have to be disguised." said Charlotte, putting on a surprised face. "I'm a merely a humble cleric from Hamburg, but I have business from the church to discuss with the emperor of Halton and cannot afford to go in the exact opposite direction."

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"You can give up on that hope. As long as Nady is gone, Reika will never be the same." :sob:

"Hey Miss Headmaster, you fought with the Heroes. Why arent you labeled as one?"

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"I coped out of several fights to tend to baby Ka-THUNK!"

Katie's tome was swift and decisive, coming down with a firm blow upon the woman's head. "NO BABY STORIES!" she scribbled on a note before dropping it down.

"Okay, but you were so cute when you were gumming your blank-THUNK! Ow! Okay! Anyways, I copped out of fights, spent more time dealing with clean-up, and refused to sleep with Harold. Then there was that leech incident, and the slime incident, and the ogre incident, and the crocodile incident, and the border incident, and the cloud shower, and... Ummm... Yea. I only became the headmaster afterwards because they finally managed to lasso my wild nature in enough."

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