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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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"You just happened to be in the area." said Travis, taking out his shield to parry Derek's flurry of blows. "I'm actually looking for your princess, she wasn't in the first castle I looked in."

"Your revenge takes too long." said Xenia. "Jump on Svetlana and let's get moving."

"Urgh. Fine!" said Travis, beaten back by Derek's blows and doing a backwards somersault onto the sea wyvern. "Just remember, Captain Travis, he's a hero! Taking traitors down to zerrooo!" he yelled as the wyvern soared up into the sky.

Svetlana perched on the top branches of a high tree, Xenia, Viveka, and Travis in tow. Xenia held a lance to Viveka's throat and yelled "Parley!" to the scattered group below.

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"What's this, more demons?" Kelas asked, gauging the distance to the trio. "I can get the wyvern from here..." she muttered, not yet raising her bow.

At the appearance of the new attackers, Arrin immediately scooted round so that he was between them and Tessa. It might not do much good but... he had to try.

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"... I honestly hope you didn't try to check a castle for her," Derek said, mounting his horse. Sheathing his sword, he frantically rode back towards the group, knowing that they would beat him there.

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"I am Xenia, greatest wyvern lord in the world!" yelled Xenia to the group down below.

"You already know who I am" yelled down Travis. "Captain-"

Svetlana's hiss and raised tail made him grow quiet.

"We know your group is or was in contact with a Princess Charlesmagne!" yelled Xenia.

"Charlotte" corrected Travis.

"Whatever!" yelled Xenia. "Hand her over or point us in the correct direction, or the blonde is a goner!"

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Xenia: Parley!!

Iso: Huh?

The attention quickly shifted toward the sea wyvern in the distance! Iso stood up along with Irina. Levski took one look in the wyvern's direction and his fists clinched tightly.

Lev: You ...

Krinkov's head lifted up at the familiar scent. That was Svetlana's scent! He knew that his master would want him nearby, so he quickly trotted over and stopped next to him waiting for his master's move.

Lev: I can't believe she's here.

Irina: Who?

Lev: That's Xenia. She was one of us, but now she's a damn traitor. Orders are to kill her on sight. (Good thing I never try anything with older women. A situation like these could backfire if that ever happened.) Irina, you're your uncle's niece. You're fighting too.

Irina: What?!

Iso: Uh, guys? I hate to say this but ... that Xenia woman has Viveka with her.

Lev: WHAT?!!!

Iso: Can't you tell? The hair, the white dress? The dangling legs?

Lev: Ahhhh sh*t.

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Xenia looked down. "Oh, Levski? Didn't know you were traveling with the group. This your whore? Better move quick, Svetlana's hungry."

Svetlana hissed.

"I'll put some fish sauce on her don't worry" she whispered.

"Oh and look it's itty bitty Irina! Ivanko's whelp still pretending to be mercenary?" she asked, laughing.

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Pretty much everyone

Iso: Hold the arrow for a minute, Kelas. She might use Viveka as a shield.


Irina: Don't call me little, you traitor!! Kiev!! Get over here!! >_<

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Charlotte, Eric, Dani, and Alferis all walked away into the distance, heading towards the Halton capital. Figures, Heinz thought. At least I can make some money out of it-

"Parley!" a voice yelled from above him. Introducing herself as a wyvern lord, Heinz drew a blank when he went through a list of well known wyvern riders in his head. For being the greatest wyvern lord in the world, I don't have a clue who you or your friend are. Squinting as he looked up, he could see a vaguely familiar pegasus knight with a lance pointed at her neck. Hearing the Ivanko mercenary growl at the woman, Xenia, for being a traitor, Heinz relaxed. If it's your duty to kill that woman, go ahead, I'm not obligated to protect the pegasus knight.

Still, Heinz took out a knife from his belt with his left hand, tapping it slightly against his side. I bet Irina probably won't have the guts to kill the traitor though, I might have to help out the other mercenary.

OOC: Not sure whether Heinz ran into Travis earlier, so I just had him not recognize either of them.

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"I'll let your tramp of the week down when you give me the info Levski!" said Xenia threateningly. "Princess Charlotte, brown hair, white robes, probably says "Bonjour" a lot?" Xenia's eyes scanned the group. "I don't see her with you, so tell me where she went!"

"If you shoot the wyvern, that won't stop the rider from killing Viveka" Morgan pointed out.

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Iso: I had no idea Victor could even do that. It probably comes from experience. It sounds like she just wants information. Alright, if it looks like she's not going to hand over Viveka, I'll create a distraction, and you take the shot.

Lev: Wait, wait, wait-Princess? Charlotte's a princess? Why does she matter to you though? As soon as these guys tell you what you want to know, I'm gonna to kill you. Not really a fair trade on your end >_>'

Irina: Wait, whoa kill her? Just like that? I'm fine with knocking her down a few pegs but, kill her? Wouldn't my uncle want to at least try to convince her to come back first? I know we're supposed to follow the rules and all, but she was one of us once, right?

Lev: He's not here right now though, and the law is "Kill on sight!". Nothing in there about negotiating ... besides, she chose her path. She'll get what's coming to'er.

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"Big bounty on her head. Jace the Brute wants her dead, some sort of political threat to his takeover of Jerdon or some nonsense. All I see is the gold."

Svetlana's mind associated "gold" with "fish".

"And while I would love to eviscerate you Levski, I have an actual mercenary job to perform. Unlike you, who spends all day baby-sitting Ivanko's whelp. And by "baby sitting", I mean pleasuring yourself to her prepubescent body."

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Irina: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-Lev!! Let's kill her!! Kill'er right now! Kelas! Someone! Anyone! Shoot her!!

Lev: Heh. Are you running away, and using your job as mercenary as excuse? That's pathetic.

Irina: Come on!! Kelaaaas!! Take'er out!!

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"Nice try Levski." scoffed Xenia. "A true mercenary sticks to their mission, and my mission is to hunt down this princess, though the head of Ivanko's niece would make a nice parting gift as well."

"I grow impatient. Travis, get out the fish sauce." Xenia ordered.

Travis rolled his eyes and got out the bottle.

"You lot have 15 seconds before Blondie here is covered with fish sauce. You'll have about half a second after that until she dies. Now tell me where the princess is!" Xenia yelled.

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Lev: Fish sauce?! ... sh******t >_>'

Irina: Argh!! What do we do?!

Iso: (Charlotte is heading for Altia apparently, but Xenia doesn't know that. Maybe if we send them in the wrong direction ...) Alright! We'll tell you which way they went! Just let Viveka go, alright?!

Irina: Iso?

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"You tell me, then I'll let her go.' Xenia said simply, making a hand motion towards Travis to stop.

Svetlana eyed the fish sauce bottle and Viveka hungrily.

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Irina: Iso, don't!

Iso: We don't have a choice. *sigh* Charlotte didn't want to go where we're going so she split off from the group. She's heading for Septimus as we speak.

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"Septimus, eh? Bold girl, considering she's wanted there." Xenia said. "All right, we'll be off, but if we find out you've been lying, you'll all make a nice meal for Svetlana." Xenia tossed Viveka off the tree, mounted Svetlana with Travis, and flew off into the distance.

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The group was coming in sight, but, they seemed to be looking up at someone. Following their gaze, Derek saw that Xenia and Travis were on top of a tree, the former holding. All of a sudden, the wyvern lord threw Viv off of the tree. Throwing away his gauntlets, he urged the horse on, letting go of the reins at the same time. Holding his gloved hands up, the mercenary caught her,dropping his arms to soften the impact. Wrapping one arm around the unconscious girl's waist, he let go with the other hand, to slow his horse to a stop. Dismounting, he laid Viveka on the ground, next to Lucille.

"So, they're heading off to Septimus, why?" he asked, walking back to retrieve his gauntlets.

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"'They' those two, or 'they' Charlotte?" Kelas replied. "And did those two seriously believe you right there? That was too easy..." she added to Isotov.

edit: added punctuation for clarification

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Iso: You owe me one, Lev. I heard what you said about Ivanko's "law". If you seriously need to take her down, then you should. I know you want to stay with us an all, so I thought it might be easier to run into her again if we send them in the same direction we're going. Hence, Septimus. Hopefully she'll waste time looking for Charlotte, and we can take her and Travis down the next time we see her. I doubt she'll run away this time after finding out we lied to her.

Lev: ... heh ... not bad. Hahah! Now you're thinking like a true hunter, comrade, hahahah!

Irina: >_>'

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