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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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OOC: Since walking to tent posts are weird, I'm just going to skip to the "They're in the tent part"

By the way, I really don't care where all these tents came from. I really don't XD


The campsite was large, but it was a short distance to a tent that just happened to be empty(seriously, how else will they ever get any alone time).

Once they were inside, they sat down on top of the bedroll.

Iso: (Hmm ... okay she gets my arm ... and what do I get? I can't really ... uh ... curse my bosom fetish! How am I supposed to go from my head being slightly above hers to being on her chest? That's not going to work ... wait ... maybe if I ... no ... ... wait ... it's her first time doing this? I might have a chance after all.) So you've never cuddled with anyone before? Well I guess I should come straight out and tell you that it's much better when a man can rest his head on a woman's breasts :D (And brace for death by tome ...)

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Amari shouldered the wyvern gratefully and settled down to watch as well, dropping her head occasionally to doze or graze.


Unconscious subsided into real sleep, but not restful.

Drowning falling-- the sensation subsided, now she was just cold and possibly somewhere else-- heat, she had to find heat...

"where's that jacket you lent me, I need it..." Kelas was muttering.


Amari considered what she might have to do with the idiots when they got back...

OOC: Added Kelas bit, just for lulz. And now I vanish.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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OOC: KrinkovxAmari<---*Wonders if this can be molded into a KarelxKarla relationship*


Iso: Well let's try it. You might enjoy it. (I know I will ...)

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Charlotte heard Eric's comment and walked over.

"Very kind of you to offer Sir Eric, but I do not think it is a good idea for you to stay up all night. You took a blow to the head today and need your rest." she said, looking at him sternly.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"... Yes, milady," Eric said, not going to even try to argue with the cleric. "Perhaps you should retire, as well."

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"My dagger. I wouldn't really care, but there's a ruby in the hilt! A real ruby! I guess I'll have to make do without it... or find it, which is the more preferable alternative," Chase exclaimed, frowning.

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Iso: Heheh ... it looks like I'm caught. Can you blame me for trying though? (I have absolutely no idea where to go from here. I was positive that she knew how I felt after that crazy truth or dare game.)

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"Perhaps I will retire for the night...alone" Charlotte said, with a disapproving look over at Katie and Isotov.

Morgan frowned "Would any of our enemies really bother to steal such unimportant items? I wonder who the culprit here is."

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"If the hilt is real ruby as he says, someone likely stole it to pawn off." commented Esphyr. "It's not a difficult thing to sell and there's clear motive, especially in a slum."


Had you asked me two years ago, I would have pounced on you and ripped off your clothes. I am trying to be more mature though Iso. Why do you desire me?

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Having thought Charlotte was already asleep, Iso flinched when she spoke up. Nonetheless he quickly read Katie's note, and tried to form a decent answer.

Iso: Why? Oh boy ... where's a mirror when you need one?

Not sure if she caught his joke or not, he quickly came right back!

Iso: I've got several reasons actually ...

He quickly glanced over at Charlotte who was still there.

Iso: Heheh ... privacy ... it's underrated :sweatdrop:

Meanwhile, Irina was sound asleep on top of Kiev. The wyvern was wandering around the camp sniffing around. She looked like she'd been killed in battle. She had the lifeless rider look down pat. All she needed was some blood and a few arrows in the back to truly fool someone. Kiev eventually came over to Esphyr, Morgan, and Chase, and started listening to what they were saying. Some of the words he recognized were "thief" and "steal". That made him a little uneasy.

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If we were to need privacy, we could always just go behind the tent. Not like I would notify anyone with my screaming. I have an idea. We will go out back and you will give me your reasons. For every good reason, I will move an article of clothes into a more suggestive position, seeing as I have but a dress and undergarb. For every bad, I will slap you with my tome and return them. If you can get me down to my undergarb, you can have me. If not, just a cuddle. Deal?

OOC: Before Cynthia or anyone else insults or comments, remember what she says her pre-teacher years were like. She's acting 'normal'.


"Irina?" asked Esphyr, reaching up to shove the girls chest softly to see if she would wake up or slide off of Kiev.

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"Of course, Milady," Eric said, keeping a straight face.


After making sure his sister was asleep on a mat, Derek got up to check on the makeshift bridles.

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OOC: :o


Iso: :o ... you're serious? (This might be worth the risk ...) ... hmm ... alright. Let's do this. (Either I end up with her in my arms, or a few lumps on my head. That's worth the risk.) After you ...

Once Esphyr shoved her, She moved a little ...

Irina: Stooop it, Lev ...

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With a smile, Katie left the tent via the back exit, waiting for Iso.


"Irina!" shouted the headmaster, coming up beside Esphyr. "Irina! While you were sleeping, bandits assaulted your family! They killed your husband, children, Kiev's mate, and your wee little doggie too! Wake up and strike them down!"

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OOC: HM hilarity reestablished >.>

Also, if Charlotte isn't in the tent, just ignore this.


Iso quickly stood up and as he exited the tent, he looked back at Charlotte. He wasn't sure why he was saying anything to her, but he did anyway.

Iso: I must be lover struck or something heheh ... oi.

He met up with her after leaving the tent.


Irina: Husbaaaand? Why did that fightmaster guy propose to me in the first plaaace ... zzzzz

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So what is your first reason? wrote Katie, looking at Iso as he exited.


"Because he was so manly that he could crush goblets with his nipples and he needed a woman both strong in body and will or else he would have split her in half." answered the Headmaster, not batting a eye-lash that she had fallen for the ultra-hunky Staff Sergeant.

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OOC: I was seriously considering having Iso break out into song and dance, but that could backfire even worse than a normal list of reasons so I'm going with this instead.


Iso clinched his fist and bopped himself on the head a few times to gauge his own skull. He was a little nervous afterward, realizing that he could probably only take one or two solid hits before waking up the next morning ...

Iso: Ahem ... reason one. I think you're absolutely beautiful. (Should've asked Charlotte or Tessa for a mirror >_>' ) I think that reason is pretty self explanatory. When I look at you and can't think of anything I'd want changed, I just smile to myself inside.


Irina: Wwwwhaaaat? Nooo!! Fightmasteeeer!!

Irina quickly woke up and tackled the headmaster!

Irina: Why would someone hurt him?! Wait ... who am I talking about?

When she looked down, she noticed that she was on top of the headmaster.

Irina: *yawn* What's going on?

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Fair enough. scribbled Katie, looking a tad skeptical about the reason. Never the less, beauty was in the eye of the beholder; and so she nudged off the left shoulder of her dress.


"You were making out with Staff Sergeant Max Fightmaster; me." said the headmaster.

"Oh grow up." shot Esphyr.

"I don't wanna grow up! Grown ups are all serious and lame! They never have fun!"

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Charlotte saw Isotov and Katie exit the tent. What are they doing that they need privacy for...nevermind I don't want to know. She laid herself down to go to sleep.

"Focus." Morgan said simply to the assorted figures around Irina. "No more childish antics, we should figure out who stole these items from us. Perhaps they were only after trinkets, but if they were to steal something valuable that would be unfortunate."

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OOC: This is only reinforcing Irina's les yay status on tvtropes >_>'


Iso's gaze darted to her shoulder!

Iso: (Cripes ... she doesn't mess around!) Reason two. THAT right there. You're ... similar to a hurricane. Learning to cook things in a matter of days, using a tome like a warhammer, nearly blowing Helenos to steaming bits. You always speak your m- ... write what you're feeling. It's easy to trust your intentions most of the time too. Okay that's around three reasons. What I'm trying to say is ... you don't bullsh*t around much. I think that's a pretty important quality in a woman.


Irina: Huh? Fightmaster? You mean the headmaster's disguise? Oh ... wait. What?!

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