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So, I think I went here and then vanished, and now I'm back.

I don't really have much of a connection with the FE community aside from WJC, Solide(though I don't think he's really part of it anymore,,,) Rkknz, and Dragon Hellfiyar, so I probably don't know, like, anybody here.

Also, I guess I'll just copy paste the forum introduction I do at every forum.

Also, holy text wall batman! etc.

"My name is Chris, and I'm a High School Student. As for what I enjoy? Well, I do some MMA, but not much. I also enjoy doing things from plenty of different fields. Basically, I don't really know what I want to do when I grow up or whatever, because I love everything. What I'm currently considering, though, if that gives you a better idea of my personality, is genetics, mathematics, linguistics, general writing (be it essays or stories), psychology (still an armchair psychologist, though), and philosophy. Especially Mathematics and Philosophy.

Mathematics because it gives us (at least, from what I can tell), a much more educated view on the world and the laws by which it operates. I'm especially interested in some disciplines of applied mathematics, such as game theory. Philosophy because I like hearing about what different people think. Still, I don't really have incredible knowledge on it, (I'm only seventeen), and there's a whole lot I don't know. So, skillwise, I'd say I'm still in the armchair range, but I'm getting there.

Uh, my sisters professions are a high school math teacher and a med school student. My dad's profession (at least, until he died) was a dean of engineering at a university (I'd love to divulge the university, but that'd be giving far too much information for people I barely know), and a pretty hardcore mathematician. My mom is an accountant and my step mom works with schools in underprivileged environments. If this gives you a better idea of my upbringing, and thus, a possible insight into my personality, then awesome. If it doesn't, then, hey, at least you know more useless trivia.

I like games, namely, the metagaming side of things, which I suppose, ties into my love of game theory. I really like trying to optimize characters to perform well at certain tasks while still being versatile and able to perform adequately at others.

I also like the outdoors.

So, yeah. Sup."

And another part I appended on, but never got to merging with the above introduction.

"So, I might post stuff here. Maybe musings every now and then. I ask that you get the chance to know me, and by know me, I don't just mean 'read my posts and reply, ' I mean, add my msn (raventhehero@live.com), or my aim (Sharingin25), or talk to me via PM. Have conversations with me, honestly. I've found that some people don't like me, ): But I've also found that the majority of people who don't like me are people who haven't really talked to me. Honestly, give me a shot.

I also happen to find myself beautiful, smart, funny, and overall win. If you don't think the same about yourself, you're losing (:"

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Mathematics because it gives us (at least, from what I can tell), a much more educated view on the world and the laws by which it operates. I'm especially interested in some disciplines of applied mathematics, such as game theory.

:awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

I also happen to find myself beautiful, smart, funny, and overall win. If you don't think the same about yourself, you're losing (:

Arrogant much?

Anyway, welcome to the forest.

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Mathematics because it gives us (at least, from what I can tell), a much more educated view on the world and the laws by which it operates. I'm especially interested in some disciplines of applied mathematics, such as game theory.

Your reason for liking math absolutely demands that you take physics class. Mathematics was developed by physicists trying to solve real world problems. I've found applications for almost every single math concept I've learned in physics that applies to every day life. It's actually kind of scary but awesome at the same time. Take my word for it.

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